Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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42 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Nobel Winners Urge Freedom for Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-04-15 *
2.  ASEAN Chief Optimistic Burma Will Free Aung San Suu Kyi For Constitutional Talks - 2004-04-15 *
3.  Conditions in Burma and US Policy Toward Burma - 2004-04-15 *
4.  Palestinians Reject Bush Stance on Israeli Settlements - 2004-04-15 *


1.  Blair: UN Resolution on Iraq Needed - 2004-04-16 *
2.  Kidnappers Free Chinese Hostage -- Iraqi Cleric - 2004-04-16 *
3.  Aung San Suu Kyi Meets Recently Released Leaders - 2004-04-16 *
4.  US: Bin Laden Tape Probably Authentic - 2004-04-16 *
5.  Cheney Wraps Up Asian Tour - 2004-04-16 *
6.  Chinese Police Seize 600 Pounds Of Heroin Near Burma Border - 2004-04-16 *


1.  Burma Allows Opposition To Reopen Headquarters - 2004-04-17 *
2.  Bush, Blair Back UN Power Transfer Plan for Iraq - 2004-04-17 *
3.  Tape Shows Apparent US Soldier Held Hostage in Iraq - 2004-04-17 *
4.  Burmese Service Sends Burmese New Year Greetings to Listeners - 2004-04-17 *
5.  EU: Burma Can Join ASEM If Pro-Democracy Leader Is Released - 2004-04-17 *
6.  Bush, Blair Support Israeli Withdrawal Plan - 2004-04-17 *


1.  Burmese Opposition Re-opens Headquarters amid Call from EU to Release Suu Kyi - 2004-04-18 *
2.  Israeli Air Strike Kills Hamas Leader Rantisi - 2004-04-18 *
3.  Senator Kerry Calls for Major Changes in US Policies in Iraq - 2004-04-18 *
4.  Palestinians Demand Revenge for Killing of Hamas Leader - 2004-04-18 *
5.  VOA English Program Report: Burma Opposition - 2004-04-18 *
6.  US Closes Off 2 Highways into Baghdad - 2004-04-18 *


1.  Spain to Withdraw Iraq Troops As Soon As Possible - 2004-04-19 *
2.  Burma's Opposition Believes Aung San Suu Kyi Release Coming Soon - 2004-04-19 *
3.  Bremer: Iraq Will Need Outside Help after June 30th - 2004-04-19 *
4.  Book: Bush Planned Iraq War Months After 9/11 - 2004-04-19 *
5.  Palestinians Vow To Avenge Israel's Killing Of Rantisi - 2004-04-19 *
6.  Burma's Opposition Believes Aung San Suu Kyi Release Coming Soon - 2004-04-19 *
7.  US Concerned About Detention of Burmese Pro-Democracy Leader - 2004-04-19 *


1.  Bush Calls for Renewal of Patriot Act - 2004-04-20 *
2.  Spain Begins Withdrawal from Iraq - 2004-04-20 *
3.  Burma May Seek to Postpone Bangkok Meeting - 2004-04-20 *
4.  Violence Mars India's Staggered Parliamentary Elections - 2004-04-20
5.  Burma Declines to Modify Constitutional Convention - 2004-04-20 *
6.  Thai PM: Bangkok May Consider Withdrawing Troops from Iraq - 2004-04-20
7.  Japanese Defense Minister: Troops Will Remain in Iraq - 2004-04-20
8.  Iraqis Begin Returning to Fallujah - 2004-04-20 *


1.  East Timor, Human Rights Groups Criticize Wiranto Candidacy - 2004-04-21 *
2.  Karen Rebels To Hold Fresh Talks With Burmese Junta - 2004-04-21 *
3.  Explosions In or Near Basra Kill More Than 60 - 2004-04-21 *
4.  UN Human Rights Commission Urges Burma to Release Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-04-21 *


1.  President Bush Says Democracy In Iraq Is Necessary And Possible - 2004-04-22 *
2.  Saudi Militant Group Claim Responsibility for Riyadh Bombing - 2004-04-22 *
3.  Pressure Builds On Burma As UN Rights Forum Urges Suu Kyi's Release - 2004-04-22 *
4.  Kofi Annan: Surge in Violence in Iraq May Impact UN Staff's Possible Return - 2004-04-22 *