Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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29 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Bush And Blair Discuss Contentious Issues Between Two Countries - 2003-11-22 *
2.  ILO Expresses Concern About Forced Labor In Burma - 2003-11-22 *
3.  Georgia's Shevardnadze Declares State Of Emergency - 2003-11-22 *
4.  Turkey: Istanbul Attacks Carried Out By Turkish Nationals - 2003-11-22 *
5.  Michael Jackson's Troubles Grow - 2003-11-22


1.  America Remembers John F Kennedy - 2003-11-23 *


1.  Burma Frees Five Senior Opposition Officials - 2003-11-24 *
2.  Burmese Military Government Releases Five NLD CEC Members - 2003-11-24 *


1.  Representative Of Burmese Military Junta Meets Ethnic Karen Group - 2003-11-25 *
2.  Georgia's Interim President Pledges To Take Steps Toward Democratic Rule - 2003-11-25 *
3.  US Asks Burma to Free All Political Prisoners - 2003-11-25 *
4.  China Gives Training To Drug-Fighting Policemen For Burma And Laos - 2003-11-25 *


1.  Stones' Jagger Vacations in Burma - 2003-11-26 *
2.  New Georgian Presidential Vote Set for January 4th - 2003-11-26 *
3.  South Korean President Vetoes Special Prosecutor - 2003-11-26 *


1.  Medicare - Major Political Boost For Bush - 2003-11-27 *
2.  Thai Defense Minister Arrives In Burma - 2003-11-27 *
3.  Taiwan's Parliament Defies China With Approval of Referendum Proposal - 2003-11-27 *
4.  President Bush Makes Secret Visit To Iraq - 2003-11-27 *


1.  Iraq Power Transfer Plan May be Amended - 2003-11-28 *
2.  China Gravely Concerned by Taiwan Referendum Bill - 2003-11-28 *
3.  PricewaterhouseCoopers Pulls Out Of Burma - 2003-11-28 *


1.  Only Very Few Close Aides Know About Bush's Trip To Iraq In Advance - 2003-11-29 *
2.  Bush Iraq Trip Captures Headlines - 2003-11-29 *
3.  Thailand Accuses Burma's Troops Of Overreacting by Firing On Thai Trawlers - 2003-11-29 *


1.  Bush Praises U.S. Troops and Their Families - 2003-11-30 *
2.  Burmese National Carrier MAI To Launch Hong Kong Route - 2003-11-30 *
3.  Aung San Suu Kyi's Spiritual Adviser Thamanya Sayadaw Passed Away - 2003-11-30 *
4.  Democracy Icon Aung San Suu Kyi Marks Six Months In Detention - 2003-11-30 *


1.  US Troops Kill 54 In Iraq Fighting - 2003-12-01 *