Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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36 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Death Toll Climbs In Moscow Water Park Disaster - 2004-02-15 *
2.  NLD Vice Chairman  Moves From Prison To House Arrest - 2004-02-15 *


1.  India, Pakistan Open Key Talks - 2004-02-16 *
2.  Human Trafficking And Public Awareness - 2004-02-16 *
3.  US Urges North Korea to Follow Libya Lead on Scrapping Nukes - 2004-02-16 *
4.  Bremer: US Open to Ideas on Iraq Handover - 2004-02-16 *


1.  US Plan to Transfer Iraqi Sovereignty Losing Support - 2004-02-17
2.  Report: Most Iraqi Governing Council Members No Longer Support US Plan - 2004-02-17 *
3.  China: Efforts Underway For Successful North Korea Nuclear Talks - 2004-02-17 *
4.  Iranian Reformists Send Protest Letter to Supreme Leader - 2004-02-17
5.  Rebels Seize Key Haitian Town of Hinche - 2004-02-17 *
6.  US Soldier Dies in Roadside Blast in Northern Iraq - 2004-02-17 *


1.  Powell: US Still Determined To Transfer Power To Iraq By June - 2004-02-18
2.  Kerry Wins Wisconsin Democratic Primary - 2004-02-18 *
3.  India, Pakistan Announce a Common Roadmap for Peace - 2004-02-18 *
4.  Democratic Presidential Primaries In Wisconsin - 2004-02-18 *


1.  10 Iraqis Dead, Dozens Wounded in 2 Suicide Bombings - 2004-02-19 *
2.  Diplomats: IAEA Finds Uranium Enrichment Equipment - 2004-02-19 *
3.  2004 VOA Calendars Are Here - 2004-02-19
4.  Hundreds Dead and Injured in Iran Freight Train Explosion - 2004-02-19 *
5.  Israeli PM Meets with US Delegation - 2004-02-19
6.  US Commission On International Religious Freedom Report - 2004-02-19 *
7.  US, Thailand Agree On Economic Development In East Asia - 2004-02-19 *
8.  US Rejects Military Intervention In Haiti Political Crisis - 2004-02-19 *
9.  Annan to Unveil Iraq Election Recommendations - 2004-02-19 *


1.  International Delegation to Visit Haiti Saturday - 2004-02-20
2.  Annan: Early Elections Not Feasible in Iraq - 2004-02-20 *
3.  New Bird Flu Outbreaks in China - 2004-02-20 *
4.  Iran Holds Parliamentary Elections - 2004-02-20 *
5.  US Urges Citizens to Leave Haiti Now - 2004-02-20 *


1.  Report: Ayatollah Sistani Accepts Election Delay - 2004-02-21 *
2.  Polls Close in Iranian Parliamentary Elections - 2004-02-21 *
3.  ICRC Team Visits Saddam Hussein - 2004-02-21 *
4.  Iran's Vote Results Show Hard-Liners Winning - 2004-02-21 *
5.  Powell Defends War in Iraq - 2004-02-21 *
6.  Thailand Expects Suu Kyi's Release By October - 2004-02-21 *
7.  US Disappointed With Iran Election - 2004-02-21 *


1.  Bush Defends War In Iraq - 2004-02-22 *
2.  Haiti's Opposition Still Wants Aristide Out - 2004-02-22 *
3.  Burmese Junta, KNU To Begin Second Round Of Peace Talks - 2004-02-22 *
4.  MI-5 in Britain to Boost Staff by 50% - 2004-02-22 *
5.  7 Dead in Jerusalem Suicide Bombing - 2004-02-22 *