• What Others Say About Mike

    On Leadership
    On Jobs, the Economy, and Fiscal Responsibility
    On Our Beaches, Waterways, and Port
    On Education and Youth
    On Arts
    On the Environment
    On Agriculture
    On Human Relations
    On Health Care
    On National Defense and Honoring Veterans
    On Helping Firefighters, EMS and Law Enforcement
    On His Relationship with the Media
    On Transportation

    On Leadership

    "It takes strong men to lead a strong nation and Congressman Mike McIntyre has proven that he is one of those men..." --Wallace Enterprise, (03/30/06).

    "A recent survey of nearly 360 community leaders found that Rep. McIntyre is the most powerful and effective leader in the greater Wilmington region."  --Wilmington Sunday Star-News, (07/21/02).

    Congressman McIntyre was ranked not only 'atop a list of 45 leading government and political leaders,' but first among all leaders in the region.  --referring to a leadership survey that included a ranking of area leaders in business and civic activities, as well as those in government, Wilmington Star-News, (07/21/02).

    "...a Christian gentleman and great, hard-working civic leader and family man. He is all that and more..." "Carter's Column," Tabor-Loris Tribune, July 2007.

    "What a breath of fresh air he is. It's no wonder his credibility with the populace continues to escalate. In a world of serving for personal gain and the benefit the fat cats, McIntyre stands head and shoulders above the rest." --Pat Bradford, Editorial. Lumina News, (March 10-16, 2005)

    "We have been most fortunate to have a true statesman in our congressman, Mike McIntyre...Let us hope that new officeholders who are on the horizon will be ethical spokesmen of their word, which is exemplified by McIntyre's leadership." --The Robesonian, "On the Street" column, (01/13/04).

    “Guys like Mike McIntyre make it because they are hard workers.” Robert Wicklund, a UNCW lobbyist, saying that “he sees Rep. McIntyre’s star rising.” --Wilmington Star-News, (09/29/03).

    "McIntyre's stands have earned him high marks from a wide spectrum of political interests."  --The Fayetteville Observer, (July 1997).

    "...he is well-liked and respected by both political parties." --The Robesonian, "On the Street" column, (03/28/04).

    "His ability to work with both the Republican and Democratic leadership is a major asset, and the value of that leverage cannot be denied."  --Topsail Voice, (06/28/00).

    "How often have we said this?"  Congressman McIntyre comes through again."  --Topsail Voice, (07/04/01).

    "Connie Majure -Rhett, president of the Wilmington Area Chamber of Commerce, said McIntyre's schedule is something of a legend in the district....'It is like there are two of him.  He's in Washington where we need him, but he is here where we need him, too....There are so many that get up there and lose sight of the folks at home,....Mike has never done that.  He is able to do a good job in Washington without ever losing touch with constituents.'"  --The Robesonian, (01/26/03).

    "It just amazes me, ...There have been times when I've seen him three or four times in one week.  In fact, I've seen him more often in this district than elected officials that live in Fayetteville, and I've lived here all my life.  That takes a tremendous amount of effort - that constant back-and-forth-but he does it ...He even makes it look easy, and I know it is not."  --Cumberland County Commissioner Lee Warren to The Robesonian, (01/26/03).

    "He's the most accessible congressman we've had."  --Pat Smith of Elizabethtown to The Robesonian, (01/26/03).

    "...it is refreshing to have a congressman in the 7th District that pays so close attention to our area and our needs that it is hard to complain."  --Topsail Voice, (02/12/03).

    "For me, knowing Mike has made politics come alive.  You get a sense that politics is real and not so removed from everyday life.  I think part of it is that I know him, but also it is because his constituents are constantly getting letters from him, keeping us informed about what is going on up here." --Colleen Brown of Lumberton, who traveled to Washington for Rep. McIntyre's second swearing-in. The Robesonian, (01/10/99).

    "We need more people like Mac on both sides of the aisle - conciliators who understand that boorish partisanship is not the way to go and that a government by civility is infinitely superior to the alternative.  Thanks Mac, we hope you stick around for a while."  --Topsail Voice, (02/12/03).

    “By all accounts from Republicans and Democrats who know him, Rep. McIntyre has been a tireless advocate for his district.” --The Wilmington Star-News, (09/29/03).

    "What you see is what you get with Mr. McIntyre." --Howard Marlowe, the Washington lobbyist who represents the Brunswick Beaches Consortium to The Brunswick Beacon, (07/17/02).

    "He is a leader in his...church...and greatly respected by all who know him.  He is a family man with a wife and two sons and everyone who knows him is aware of how he stresses family values as a way saving America from violence and lawlessness that threatens the nation.  Mike McIntyre's record correctly reflects his vision for tomorrow....We will always know his heart is in the right place and it will remain there.  He's a real man of character and he is motivated  to serve without fear or favor....We're proud of Mike McIntyre."  --Pulitzer Prize-Winning Editor, W. Horace Carter of The Tabor-Loris Tribune, (06/12/96).

    "He's done a good job for southeastern North Carolina...."--Wilmington Morning Star, (10/29/02).

    "He is a fine, upstanding young man and a true friend to everyone in this district." --Joe Loflin, former town manager of St. Pauls Chamber of Commerce.  The St. Pauls Review, (05/01/03).

    “You are our tiger in Washington,” said Surf City Mayor Zander Guy talking about McIntyre’s willingness to fight for the area. --Topsail Voice (10/01/03).

    "We are so fortunate to have Congressman Mike McIntyre from Lumberton in Washington and the respect that all of the speakers-Republican and Democrat-have for him is very obvious and should be a source of pride for all of us." --Chamber Insert, The Robesonian (09/24/04)

    "...a popular incumbent who has worked at an impressive pace to the benefit of his district." --Column by Terry Pope, The State Port Pilot (11/10/04)

    "Teamwork with our allies is how these things happen and Mike McIntyre is the captain of our team." --Henry Simmons, Mayor of Caswell Beach and National President of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, State Port Pilot (11/24/04)

    "The Citizens in Southeastern North Carolina and specifically in our small community of Fairmont are truly blessed to have such an insightful and dedicated federal leader as Mike McIntyre represent us. He has never turned away when we needed him and has always offered his wonderful support."--Charles Kemp, Mayor Fairmont, Firetruck Ceremony (April 26, 2007)

    "Thank you so much for your willing participation with the National Day of Prayer Observance at the Cannon House Office Building. We were all encouraged and challenged by your remarks.  Thank you also for your faithful service to you country by providing the needed moral leadership."--Faye Tharp, Director or Public Affairs, National Day of Prayer (May 5, 2008)

    "You shared a powerful message during our Cannon House program, and I have no doubt everyone present was impacted by your inspiring words…we deeply appreciate your friendship and support."--Shirley Dobson, Chairman, National Day of Prayer (May 13, 2008)

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    On Jobs, the Economy, and Fiscal Responsibility

    "Congressman McIntyre has stood when others have not and spoken out in support of the people of rural North Carolina. He has done and continues to do the right thing."--Dr. Eleanor Herndon, Executive Director NC Real Enterprises (8/1/07).

    "Thank you for your support of the Blue Dog Coalition's 'Fiscal Accountability Package' and encourage you to promote future legislation that goes even further in restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington...While Americans for Limited Government would not traditionally be thought of as a group that would praise a Democrat, your work with the 'Fiscal Accountability Package' is to be commended...Americans for Limited Government is not about political affiliation. We are about doing the right thing and preserving constitutional principles...Restoring true fiscal discipline in government is going to take a legitimate bipartisan effort, which is why you and the rest of the Blue Dog Coalition deserve tremendous credit for offering a set of proposals that would move us in that direction."--William Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government (6/30/07).

    "Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your support in securing a $231,000 appropriation for our Rural Ventures Fund. The Fund will make a significant impact on job creation in some of our state's most economically distressed areas by investing in existing companies with the strong potential to grow and hire more people. Your support helps insure we will have the resources we need to be successful in bringing much needed capital investment to businesses in our most distressed areas"--Billy Ray Hall, President of The Rural Center (May 2007).

    "You have reminded us once again that we can count on you to support us and look out for the well-being. Your insight into the needs of the small towns in North Carolina continues to be demonstrated through your initiatives. It is your recognition of the devastating effects that the loss of industry has had on small towns that has resulted in the initiation of federal and state programs that are so greatly needed'"-- Lillie McKoy, Mayor Town of Maxton (12/20/06).

    "McIntyre was named a recipient of the 2006 Congressional Partnership Award from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO). NADO President Kenneth Jones stated, 'Representative Mike McIntyre is a true leader who has displayed an unwavering commitment to providing new economic opportunities for our nation's local communities.'"--Whiteville News-Reporter, (03/23/06).

    The Greenville Daily Reflector calls the Southeast Crescent Authority "a blue-ribbon idea for a rural region." --referring to the federal economic development commission which Congressman McIntyre has sponsored in a bill to help seven southeastern states fight unemployment. Editorial, (05/25/03) .

    "The SECA legislation should win the unequivocal and active support of McIntyre’s peers in North Carolina’s congressional delegation." --Greenville Daily Reflector, Editorial, (5/25/03).

    "The SBTDC and Congressman Mike McIntyre's office gave us encouragement and had high expectations for our success,...They indoctrinated us into the real world of business.  Because of their help, we were able to keep a company with $52 million in annual sales in Robeson County and to give $325 people their jobs back." --Mark Cabral, President of Alamac American Knits, LLC to the Small Business and Technology Development Center 2001 Annual Report.

    "Representative McIntyre has been a strong advocate for grassroots-based programs, such as the Economic Development Administration, that are helping small town and rural America achieve the same economic prosperity and stability that the rest of the nation currently strives for.  With the leadership of lawmakers like Rep. McIntyre, local communities that are currently faced with economic hardships have a chance to compete in today's ever-changing marketplace." --National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) President John Bruner, regarding the Congressional Partnership Award.

    "Congressman Mike McIntyre ...deserves a lot of credit for...hard work on this critical issue...strongly fighting for our local economy to benefit from the funds that will be spent on this project." --Mark Kendrick, Mayor Pro Tem of Fayetteville, referring to Congressman McIntyre's  advocacy for local contractors and businesses to benefit from a $4 billion investment to be made for our servicemen and women and their families at Fort Bragg over the next fifty years.

    “McIntyre has been such a staunch supporter of economic development in southeastern North Carolina.” --Bladen County Economic Developer Chuck Heustess, Bladen County Journal, (8/22/03).

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    On Our Beaches, Waterways, and Port

    “Your assistance in directing funding to...important regional projects such as the dredging of the New Topsail Inlet and maintenance of the North Carolina segment of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway were well received throughout the community. As you well know, these projects help protect Topsail Island residents’ lives and livelihoods.”—Michael Curley, Surf City Councilman and Member Topsail Island Shoreline Protection Commission, (2/4/2008).

    "…Our beaches are a local treasure that we have continually sought congressional support for. We were very happy to learn that both projects received funding…with your help.”—A.D. (Zander) Guy, Surf City Mayor, (1/7/08).

    "We Continue to get a really superb effort on our behalf by Congressman Mike McIntyre."--Edward "Butch" Parrish, Topsail Beach Mayor, The Pender Chronicle, (9/5/07).

    "No better friend to residents along the coast has emerged in recent memory the likes of this persistent public servant. Congressman McIntyre deserves a well done of immense proportions. He has pulled the proverbial rabbit out of the hat, when few thought it could be done. He has proved once again he will go to the mat for our beach towns and he will prevail." --Pat Bradford, Editorial. Lumina News, (March 10-16, 2005)

    "The Starfish Award from the Oak Island Beach Preservation Society went to 7th District U.S. Rep. Mike McIntyre. No one could be more deserving....but the Starfish is not an enticement, rather it is genuine recognition for McIntyre's all-out commitment to the North Carolina coast." -- Editorial, The State Port Pilot, (4/27/05)

    "The re nourishment project has brought value to Ocean Isle Beach. Beach re nourishment is the greatest thing that ever happened to Ocean Isle Beach." --Mayor Betty Williamson speaking about Congressman McIntyre’s announcement of federal money for the Brunswick Beaches. The State Port Pilot, (07/16/03).

    "Once Again Congressman Mike McIntyre comes through for the Brunswick beaches. In a budget year when many projects have so far been either un funded or under funded, Congressman McIntyre has ensured that Brunswick beach projects receive full funding." --Caswell Beach Mayor and Brunswick Beaches Consortium Chairman Harry Simmons. The State Port Pilot, (07/16/03).

    "McIntyre has done everything he can to assure the coastal way of life in North Carolina will be protected." --The State Port Pilot, (10/04/00).

    "Congressman McIntyre does it again...He continues to provide the necessary support that is needed for our projects...Congressman McIntyre stepped right in there and plugged the hole.  Congressman McIntyre understands the issue.  He understands the importance not only of our port and the Cape Fear River, but he understands the importance of our beaches to the region." -- Caswell Beach Mayor Harry Simmons to The State Port Pilot, (07/17/02).

    "It was tough.  Like paddling upstream in a storm.  But U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre can be very convincing.  He has managed to secure bipartisan approval of nearly $58 million for North Carolina beaches, the Wilmington Port, and Intracoastal waterway projects..."  --The Brunswick Beacon, (07/17/02).

    "Congressman McIntyre deserves the credit and should get it...Harry Simmons, Caswell Beach mayor and head of the Brunswick Beaches Consortium, credited McIntyre and the Waterway Caucus he created in Congress." --The Brunswick Beacon, (06/24/04).

    "All of us in New Hanover County owe Representative McIntyre our grateful appreciation." --Wrightsville Beach Mayor Avery Roberts to Wilmington Morning Star, (11/21/01).

    "Representative McIntyre, who is seen as a tireless supporter of beach communities, got a warm reception from the crowd.  'You can't ask for more,' said Harry Simmons, the Mayor of Caswell Beach and the head of the Brunswick Beach Consortium."  --Wilmington Morning Star, (03/28/02).

    "Congressman Mike McIntyre flexed his political muscle in getting an Army Corps kick dredge to keep both New Topsail Inlet and New River Inlets open..." -- "Topsail Voice brings you the top 20 for 2002," --Topsail Voice, (01/01/03).

    "Credit for the successes in southeastern North Carolina falls squarely on the shoulders of Mike McIntyre. Many of us did all we could to help him, but in the final analysis he is the one that has to do the heavy lifting." --Harry Simmons, Mayor of Caswell Beach and National President of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, State Port Pilot (11/24/04)

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    On Education and youth

    “The students enjoyed your presentation and were able to take away with them some useful leadership skills that they can network…to bring about positive results…Your presentation on servant leadership was right on the mark.”—Mark Kendrick, Coordinator Methodist University, (1/29/08).

    "U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre voted to provide the largest amount of scholarships given to college-bound students since the GI Bill was approved back in 1944 - and in doing so at no new cost to taxpayers."--Doug Clark, Assistant Editor, The Sampson Independent, (7/15/07).

    "You have established a distinguished record of leadership, excellence, and service both in the community of Rowland and through your dedicated work in Congress. Your selfless commitment to children, youth and families has created continuous conditions of self-empowerment."--Leadership Award presented to Rep. McIntyre at the Grand Opening of the Donald A. Bonner Rowland Public Library, (4/28/07).

    "You care about our students and community and it shows in the support you provide. Thank you so much for maintaining the importance of students, family involvement, and educational opportunities for all the citizens of North Carolina."--Susan Mangum Moore, PSRC Project Graduation, Public Schools of Robeson County, (5/31/07).

    "The federal grant delivered last week by U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre will enable an additional 300 children to benefit from the after-school program. It will help Communities In Schools do what it does best even better." --State Port Pilot, Editorial, (08/25/04).

    "In a letter to Congressman McIntyre, North Carolina PTA President Tannis Nelson wrote, 'In recognition of your outstanding contributions to children and young people, their education, health, and welfare, the North Carolina PTA is pleased to present you with an Honorary Life Membership.'" --The Wallace Enterprise, (09/08/03).

    "McIntyre, one of education's best friends in Congress,..." --The Robesonian, (1997).

    "The University of North Carolina at Pembroke and its School of Education would like to thank you personally for your support in funding our efforts to work toward eliminating the teacher shortage in southeastern North Carolina." --Chancellor Allen C. Meadors, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, (03/10/2003).

    "Thank you very much for your outstanding leadership and support of initiatives that support higher education, East Carolina University, and our region."--Chancellor Steve Ballard, East Carolina University, (09/21/04)

    "We all know how blessed we are to have you as our Congressman. Your grasp of issues and of the details of those issues is exemplary. You are the model of a public servant, and I hope you know and feel how valued you truly are."--Chancellor Rosemary DePaolo, UNC-Wilmington, (09/28/04)

    "...thank you for all of your support for North Carolina's community colleges."--Dean Tom Fife, James Sprunt Community College, (06/26/06)

    "Your commitment to expand and improve youth sports opportunities by forming the Congressional Youth Sports Caucus is truly admirable. Park and recreation advocates recognize the leadership that you have displayed in addressing the importance of strong youth sports in our local communities. You have clearly lead the way to show how strong local youth sports programs help instill character qualities that are invaluable in later life."--National Recreation and Park Association in its commendation of Congressman McIntyre for receiving its National Congressional Award for 2006, Wallace Enterprise, (03/22/07)

    "We appreciate all the support you give to education-our top priority-and the many other areas of our region's services, development, and needs. Your actions reflect a genuine concern to improve the quality of life for all your constituents and humankind. You represent us as a Christian gentleman. For that, we give prayerful praise and humble requests for God's guidance and direction for you and your service."--Carlton Prince, Chairman Whiteville City Board of Education, (Spring 2007)

    "On behalf of the Public Schools of Robeson County Board of Education, its faculty and staff and more importantly our students we thank our fine Congressman Mike McIntyre for providing the leadership in enabling our system to attain these funds for internet infrastructure. Certainly without these funds our system could not provide and sustain the many technology programs and services to our students and staff members. With these funds we can better prepare our students for an ever changing global and futuristic society. I personally would like to thank Congressman McIntyre for being a strong advocate for education and especially for children. However we can help and/or assist our Congressman, please don’t hesitate to let us know."--Johnny Hunt, Superintendent Public Schools of Robeson County, (August 2007)

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    On Arts

    "Thank you for your support of the arts in North Carolina... I am gratified you agree that the arts are not merely 'fluff,' but a vital part of a community's-and our state's-economic, educational, and civic well-being.."--Dean Tom Fife, James Sprunt Community College, (06/26/06)

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    On the Environment

    "McIntyre, a known proponent of protecting our natural resources,..."  --The Brunswick Beacon, (11/08/01).

    "...Congressman Mike McIntyre was honored...to receive Friend of the National Parks Award for his contribution to protecting and enhancing America's national parks.  Thomas Kiernan, National Parks Conservation Association President, said, 'This award honors the Members of Congress who have stood up and defended the precious places that symbolize our history and illustrate our nation's wonders.  All of Congress should join U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre.'..."  --The Warsaw-Faison News, (03/20/03).

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    On Agriculture

    “Everyone was so pleased with the attention you and the Congressman gave to their questions, perspectives and concerns.”—Gayle Kildoyle, Membership Administrator NC Agribusiness Council Inc., (1/30/08).

    "Representative Mike McIntyre's rural development proposal for the 2007 farm bill will create jobs, income, and economic opportunity in rural North Carolina, according to the North Carolina Rural Center of Raleigh and the Center for Rural Affairs, located in Lyons, NE...The Rural Entrepreneur and Microenterprise Program would fund organizations and colleges to provide loans, business training and technical assistance to rural small businesses...'The 2007 farm bill provides a singular opportunity to invest in proven strategies to revitalize rural communities...We congratulate Chairman McIntyre and the entire subcommittee for their hard work and dedication to rural America,' said Hassebrook."--Center for Rural Affairs, (6/07/07)

    "The legislation is a huge victory for Rep. Mike McINtyre of Lumberton, who has worked tirelessly in recent years on behalf of the tobacco farmers." --Editorial in The Robesonian,referring to the tobacco buyout bill which was enacted into law on October of 2004, (10/15/04)

    "The cash infusion is expected to create thousands of new jobs." --Agricultural Economist Kelly Tiller, The Star-News, referring to passage of tobacco buyout, which was based upon legislative language in the Jenkins-McIntyre bill, (10/14/04)

    "This buyout would not have happened without your years of hard work and persistence." --Larry Wooten, President of the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, (10/22/04)

    "Hats off especially to Congressman Mike McINtyre who introduced the original bill and was a strong advocate for passage in the House..." --Editorial, The News Reporter (10/13/04)

    "We were told that it would never happen...I think Congressman McIntyre has done a fantastic job maneuvering this through the House." --Jimmy Pate, Rowland tobacco farmer, commenting on the passage of the tobacco buyout in the U.S. House. The Robesonian, (06/18/04)

    "Rep. Mike McIntyre, a Lumberton Democrat, was widely credited by colleagues for persuading House leaders to include the buyout in the tax bill." --The News and Observer, ( 06/18/04).

    "One of the most attractive bills to farmers before Congress was introduced by Seventh District Congressman Mike McIntyre of Lumberton, who has said he will continue the fight for the buyout in the current session of Congress." --The News Reporter, (02/12/04)

    "...A Bill bearing his name as a co-sponsor is considered to be one of the most reasonable buyout measures introduced in Congress." --referring to Rep. McIntyre. The News Reporter, (11/27/03)

    “McIntyre introduced the first tobacco buyout bill in the House during the last session of Congress.” --The Fayetteville Observer, (09/25/03)

    “Nearly 40 tobacco-state lawmakers endorsed the farmer assistance bill introduced Wednesday by Reps. Ernie Fletcher, R-K.Y., and Mike McIntyre, D-N.C.” --regarding consensus legislation agreed upon by the original authors of tobacco buyout legislation. Wilmington Star-News, (09/25/03)

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    On Human Relations

    "Rep. Mike McIntyre has always touted the importance of the Robeson County African-American Cultural Center. This week McIntyre backed up the talk with an announcement that the center had received a $150,000 federal grant. McIntyre said that the funding would help the center 'showcase the heritage and the importance of the African-American community in Robeson County'."-- The Robesonian, (7/20/07).

    "Congressman Mike McIntyre works tirelessly." --Tribal Chairman Jimmy Goins, speaking of Mike's efforts as the author of the Lumbee Federal Recognition Bill, Robeson Journal, (7/4/07).

    "He praised McIntyre for his efforts in Washington and received several amen's from the audience.'" --U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, Robeson Journal, (2/04/07).

    "The individual who represents us in Congress must be fine tuned to our needs and our economic situation. You certainly have proved that you fit the bill. You understand that our diversity places us in a unique position and you have attempted to address our needs from a tri-racial standpoint. This is very difficult to do and we are grateful that we have you in our corner. We are fortunate to have you fighting for us in congress.'" --Lillian McKoy, Mayor Town of Maxton, (12/20/06).

    "Rep. Harold Ford, Jr., a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, commended McIntyre on his willingness to recognize the contributions of blacks...'The civil rights movement is really the American story.' Ford said. 'And it is what Mike's leadership has been all about.'" --The Tri County Times, (03/19/04).

    "I think what Rep. McIntyre is doing great," said Perry Dixon, mayor of Sandyfield in Columbus County, "He is taking time out of his busy schedule to remember and celebrate the many contributions that blacks have made to this nation. Maybe events like this will spur others to see the light and host similar programs." --The Robesonian, (02/23/04).

    "McIntyre has hosted a Black History Month program for the past seven years.  The event also honors black elected officials in the 7th District...Jimmy Gilchrist, president of the Robeson County Black Caucus, commended McIntyre for holding the event each year.  'We come here to recognize black leaders in the area and thank our congressman for what he has done.'  Although the program attracts black leaders from as far away as Wilmington, officials of all races attended..."  --The Robesonian, (02/24/03).

    "[U.S. Senator John] Edwards praised McIntyre for 'leading the fight to give the Lumbees the respect and dignity they deserve."  -- referring to Congressman McIntyre's introduction of legislation for federal recognition for the Lumbee Tribe. The Robesonian, (02/26/03).

    “A longtime advocate for Lumbee recognition, McIntyre…discussed the contributions Lumbees have made to Robeson County, the state of North Carolina and the country.” --reporting Rep. McIntyre’s comments at the federal recognition hearing before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Robeson Journal (09/24/03)

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    On Health Care

    "Congressman McIntyre has been a tremendous friend to rural community hospitals across the state." --Matt Mendez, Pender Memorial Hospital Administrator to The Pender Post, (07/17/02).

    "McIntyre was the only member of Congress chosen for the award."  --referring to Mike having been chosen to receive the National Rural Health Association's Legislative Award for his commitment to improving health care policies of rural areas in North Carolina and across the nation.  The Brunswick Beacon, (05/01/03).

    "You have served your district admirably during your time in Washington and have a record that should be a source of great pride. You have been particularly generous in your support of New Hanover Health Network on a variety of issues, for which we will always be grateful."--Jack Barto, President and CEO of New Hanover Health Network, (08/30/04).

    "Under the leadership of the UNC Wilmington School of Nursing and with the help of Congressman Mike McIntyre, a wonderful health partnership has been formed to bring access to primary health care to a previously under served community."--UNCW Nursing Publication, (Fall 2004).

    "It is gratifying for home health and hospice providers to know that someone with your energy, vision, and commitment is in Congress taking the lead to ensure that home health and hospice beneficiaries have access to appropriate levels of care and providers are being properly reimbursed for their services."--Val J. Halamandaris, President Homecare & Hospice (Spring, 2007).

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    On National Defense and honoring veterans

    "U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre's successful veterans bill which passed the U.S. House recently was followed by a package of legislation to improve benefits and services for America's veterans...Specifically, this legislation would authorize the VA Secretary to provide grants and assistance to state veterans agencies and county veterans service officers to enhance outreach to veterans and their families and to assist in the development and submittal of benefits claims...The Veterans Outreach Improvements Act is supported by the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers, the American Legion, the VFW, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Military Officers Association of America, the National Organization of Veterans' Advocates, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America."--Wallace Enterprise, (6/7/07).

    "Sir, I sincerely thank you for your vision, leadership and support for all the military men and women and in particularly our Fort Bragg Soldiers, Airmen, and our Special Operations Forces. I don't think the importance of the SOF Caucus can be overstated. We are a Nation at war and before others recognized the critical role of our SOF forces, you did; fortunately so. SOF needed to grow now and your vision helped make that happen for which you have our lasting respect and gratitude." --Robert W. Wagner, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Commanding General, United States Army Special Operations Command, (03/13/06).

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    On Helping Firefighters, EMS and Law enforcement

    "Congressman Mike McIntyre said at the Oct 22 dedication of the truck, "This is going to make a difference here at home. That's what's really exciting. Government can work when it works for people in practical ways, McIntyre said."--Nicole Cartrette, The News Reporter, (11/6/08).

    "Chief Ralph Evangelous introduced the Congressman as someone who is nothing but supportive (of local law enforcement)."--Chief Ralph Evangelous, The State Port Pilot, (6/6/07).

    "In this age of the "First Responder" and the monumental task of Homeland Security it is a comfort to those in the fire service and other emergency service personnel to have such a great leader working for us in these efforts."  --Bill Poe, City of Whiteville Fire Chief, (11/06/02).

    “Thanks to you, our town is now in the process of preparing for the future with such new projects as the new fire department building and the recently created St. Pauls First Responders Team.” --Tyler Ward, St. Pauls, (09/20/03).

    “Warsaw Police Department really appreciates all that Congressman McIntyre, a real friend of law enforcement,...did to help us get this grant."-- Larry Holland, Warsaw Police Captain, Warsaw-Faison News (06/15/06).

    “We are very grateful to Mike McIntyre and USDA for this low-interest loan to attain this truck."-- Robert Hassell, Fairmont Safety Director, The Robesonian (09/23/06).

    “Helicopters can greatly reduce the time needed to find survivors or airlift injured victims to emergency facilities thereby saving lives. The Sable program could prove to be a lifesaver for people living in and visiting the southern coast of North Carolina."-- referring to the former military helicopter which Congressman McIntyre was able to help area law enforcement obtain, through a federal military surplus program, Topsail Voice, (01/31/07).

    "The Surf City Fire Department has received a grant in the amount of $25, 579 for use in its routine operations and safety initiatives...The grant was announced on March 1 by Rep. Mike McIntyre, who has been a longtime supporter of the federal fire program."--Pender Chronicle, (03/21/07).

    "This magnificent firetruck, which is the only one of its kind in this state, and was obtained through the hard work of congressman McIntyre will dramatically improve our fire service and offer to our very professional and dedicated fire fighters yet another tool to protect our citizens and their property."--Charles Kemp, Mayor Fairmont, Firetruck Ceremony (April 26, 2007)

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    On His Relationship with the Media

    "McIntyre is almost legendary for developing an outstanding relationship with local media.  It is not at all unusual for him to personally call folks at this newspaper and other newspapers in his district - even when much is happening about him, such as in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy." --Topsail Voice, (02/12/03).

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    On Transportation

    "Each and every one of us when we cross Oak Island bridge, ought to say 'thank you' to Congressman McIntyre. We do, in fact, have a friend in Washington."-- Langhorne Canning, board member of the Oak Island Beach Preservation Society, at the Royal Starfish Award Ceremony, The State Port Pilot, (04/27/04).

    "The farsighted abilities of...Mike McIntyre in the U.S. Congress in securing the funding through the...federal [government] has allowed this project to continue forward with funds earmarked for this project."--Letter to the Editor from BJ and Shag Shaugaard regarding a second bridge to Oak Island, The State Port Pilot, (09/22/04).

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