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BLM>Utah>Moab>Recreation>Minimum Impact Practices
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Canyon Country Minimum Impact Practices

Each year, millions of visitors enjoy Canyon Country. The impact of so much use is threatening the area's biological and cultural resources. You can help protect this fragile and beautiful land by following these five minimum-impact practices.

1. Tread lightly when traveling and leave no trace of your camping.

Drive and ride only on roads and trails where such travel is allowed: hike only on established trails, on rock, or in washes. Camp at designated sites or, where allowed, at previously-used sites. Avoid placing tents on top of vegetation and use a camp stove instead of making a campfire. Unless signs indicate otherwise, leave gates open or closed as you find them.

2. Help keep Canyon Country clean.

Pack out your trash and recycle it, clean up after less thoughtful visitors, and dispose of human waste properly.

3. Protect and conserve scarce desert water sources.

Camp at least 300 feet from isolated water sources to allow for wildlife access. Where possible, carry your own drinking water. Leave potholes undisturbed and wash well away from pools and springs.

4. Allow space for wildlife.

When encountering wildlife, maintain your distance and remain quiet. Teach children not to chase or pick up animals. Keep pets under control.

5. Leave historic sites, Native American rock art, ruins and artifacts untouched for the future.

Admire rock art from a distance and never touch it. Stay out of ruins, leave artifacts in place, and report violations.