• March 07, 2008

    McIntyre Announces $250,000 for South Robeson Rescue Unit

    Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre announced today that the South Robeson Rescue Unit has received a $250,000 federal low-interest loan to purchase a new truck.

            Congressman McIntyre stated, “Rescue units need the best equipment possible to meet the challenges they face in responding quickly.  These federal funds for the South Robeson Rescue Unit will help them do that.  Congratulations to all for their work in securing these critical dollars.”

            Congress appropriated the $250,000 and USDA Rural Development obligated the funds that will help South Robeson purchase a new 2008 Kenworth Heavy Duty Rescue Equipment/Crash Truck.  The new vehicle will allow the department to improve their response time, their efficiency, and possibly their insurance rating. 

            Congressman McIntyre is Chairman of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Rural Development.