• April 18, 2008

    McIntyre Examines Rural Telecommunications Concerns with Local Leaders

    Washington, D.C. -  U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre recently welcomed representatives from Star Telephone and Atlantic Telephone to discuss issues affecting communications service for consumers in Southeastern North Carolina.  McIntyre and the telecommunication representatives explored the challenges small communications providers face in bringing affordable communications technologies to the rural communities in the 7th Congressional district. 


    Congressman McIntyre and the group discussed the critical role the federal universal service fund plays in connecting consumers to the nation’s robust broadband-capable network and with it, opportunities for education, health care, commerce and entertainment.  The telecommunications representatives and McIntyre discussed ways to help ensure rural communities like those in Southeastern North Carolina remain a vital part of our nation’s fabric, by advocating policies that will sustain universal service support well into the future. 


    The group also discussed the need for flexible policies that do not unduly burden small businesses like rural telecommunications with limited resources.  McIntyre learned of the importance of such regulatory flexibility in Star’s and Atlantic’s efforts to continue providing affordable, cutting-edge communications technologies and top-notch customer service to consumers.


    The telecommunication representatives were in Washington to participate in the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association’s Legislative & Policy Conference.