Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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32 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  UN Warns of AIDS Crisis in Burma - 2004-07-15 *
2.  Indonesia Calls for Burma to Act Following Allegations of Phone Tampering - 2004-07-15 *


1.  School Fire in India Kills 84 Children - 2004-07-16 *
2.  Kerry and Edwards Campaign Together In Ohio - 2004-07-16 *
3.  Fire in India Kills At Least 80 Schoolchildren - 2004-07-16 *
4.  Report: Hong Kong Has the Most Economic Freedom; Burma the Least - 2004-07-16 *
5.  AIDS Conference Ends with Call for More Money and Commitment - 2004-07-16 *
6.  Annan Says Neighbors Should Push Burma toward Democratization - 2004-07-16 *


1.  Bush Announces New Measures to Fight Human Trafficking - 2004-07-17 *
2.  Arafat Refuses to Accept Palestinian PM's Resignation - 2004-07-17 *
3.  Two Powerful Car Bombs Rocked Iraq Today - 2004-07-17 *
4.  Floods in South Asia Kill More Than 300 - 2004-07-17 *
5.  All Philippine Troops to Leave Iraq Soon - 2004-07-17 *
6.  UN: Southeast Asia Should Push for Release of Burmese Leader - 2004-07-17 *


1.  Accused US Army Deserter Arrives in Japan - 2004-07-18 *
2.  Singapore PM Goh May Stay in New Government - 2004-07-18 *
3.  Special Feature: 57th Anniversary of Martyrs' Day - 2004-07-18 *
4.  Philippine Contingent to Complete Iraq Withdrawal - 2004-07-18 *
5.  Palestinians Protest Arafat Appointments - 2004-07-18 *
6.  US Airstrike In Fallujah Kills At Least 11 - 2004-07-18 *


1.  Burma to Get $3.1 Million in Environment Aid From Japan - 2004-07-19 *
2.  Iraqi PM to Visit Jordan - 2004-07-19 *
3.  US Official In Skor For Nuclear Talks - 2004-07-19 *
4.  Aung San Suu Kyi Absent From Martyrs' Day Ceremony - 2004-07-19 *
5.  Arafat Fires Cousin as Gaza Security Chief - 2004-07-19 *


1.  Arafat Fires Cousin as Gaza Security Chief - 2004-07-20 *
2.  Slain Journalist's Lawyers Accuse Iran Judiciary of Cover-Up - 2004-07-20 *


1.  Thailand Wants Burma To Attend Multi-Party Talks - 2004-07-21 *
2.  Burmese Dissident Released from Prison - 2004-07-21 *


1.  Thai FM Says Burma Must Participate in Asia-Europe Meeting - 2004-07-22 *
2.  9-11 Commission Recommends Overhaul of US Intelligence - 2004-07-22 *
3.  Dr. Zarni of Free Burma Coalition Recounts His Recent Visit to Burma - 2004-07-22 *