Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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37 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  India to Bypass Bangladesh to Import Burma Gas *
2.  Security Forces in Nepal Open Fire on Protesters, One Killed *
3.  Astronomers Find Signs Planets Might Form around Dead Stars *


1.  ASEAN Envoy Against Isolating Burma *
2.  US Poisoning Minds of Burmese Journalists *
3.  Thousand of Nepalese Protesters Defy Curfew, Clash with Police *


1.  Rangoon International School to Discipline Students over Fake Bomb *
2.  Iraq's Sunni Arabs, Kurds Maintain Opposition to Al-Jaafari *
3.  UN Agency Says Burma Has More Than 100 Bird Flu Outbreaks *
4.  Chirac to Replace Unpopular Youth Jobs Law *
5.  UN Officials Say Bird Flu Threat Remains High Despite International Efforts *
6.  Burma to Restore Diplomatic Ties with North Korea *
7.  European Finance Ministers Not Satisfied with Burma's Anti-Money Laundering Efforts *
8.  Immigration Rallies Spread Across US *
9.  Bush Says Iran Focus Remains Diplomacy *


1.  Israel's Sharon 'Permanently Incapacitated' *
2.  China Vows to Protect Copyrights, Blames US For Trade Surplus *
3.  Bush Defends Iraq Intelligence Release *
4.  Rumsfeld Dismisses Reports of Military Plan on Iran *


1.  Russia, European Union Denounce Iran's Nuclear Announcement *
2.  South Korean Consortium to Develop Burma Mine *
3.  Nepal Troops Kill Another Anti-Monarchy Protester *


1.  UN Nuclear Chief in Iran to Press for Nuclear Freeze *
2.  Burmese Officials Say Bird Flu Under Control *
3.  ASEAN Parliamentary Group Urges More Pressure on Burma *
4.  Moussaoui: No Regret and No Remorse About 9/11 Attacks *
5.  Iran Vows Not to Halt Nuclear Enrichment *


1.  Rice Warns Iran of Tougher UN Response if Nuclear Standoff Continues *
2.  Nepalese King's Speech Fails to Impress Opposition *
3.  Burma Labels Dissident Groups as Terror Organizations *
4.  American Women - Not the Stereotype *
5.  Faithful Commemorate Good Friday Throughout the World *
6.  US Says Iranian Rhetoric on Israel Adds to Nuclear Concerns *
7.  Asian Lender Says Region Must Prepare For Possible Dollar Collapse *
8.  Chadian President Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Sudan *
9.  Burmese Exile Group Rejects Military Junta's Accusations of Terrorism *
10.  Nepal's King Calls for General Elections *