Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Primary Care Physician Characteristics and Involvement in a Program to Improve Outpatient Clinic Operations.
Primary care physician communication with mental health providers in managed care: opinions of primary care physicians.
Primary Care Physician Gender and the Treatment of Sex Specific.
Primary care physician incentives in medical group practices.
Primary Care Physician Intentions and Neurologist Preferences for Specialty Involvement in Neurological Patient Care.
Primary care physician job satisfaction and turnover.
Primary care physician turnover and provision of care to vulnerable populations.
Primary care physician versus cardiologist care for acute myocardial infarction.
Primary care physicians in HIV/AIDS programmes.
Primary care physicians' ability to diagnose and manage Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP).
Primary care physicians' knowledge, attitudes and willingness to treat AIDS patients.
Primary Care Physicians' Observations of Medical Errors Affecting Vulnerable Populations in Six Countries.
Primary care physicians' participation in managed care networks.
Primary care physicians' satisfaction with treating elderly patients; measurement and policy prescriptions.
Primary Care Practice Culture and Risky Prescribing in Two Managed Care Organizations.
Primary care practices may lack the capacity to adequately treat asthma.
Primary Care Provider Concerns about Treatment of Chronic Pain.
Primary Care Service Areas.
Primary care services at an anonymous HIV testing site for drug users.
Primary care utilization of magnetic resonance imaging.
Primary care vs. subspecialists' questions of an HIV telephone consultation service.
Primary Care, HMO Enrollment, and Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations: A New Approach.
Primary care: will the MD-computer interface replace the MD-patient interface?
Primary caretakers of children born to HIV-infected mothers in a rural community in the southeastern United States.
Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) in AIDS. A multicentric clinical study.
Primary central nervous system lymphoma with negative SPECT in a patient with AIDS.
Primary central nervous system lymphomas in AIDS patients.
Primary cerebral lymphoma: clinical and radiological findings in 16 patients with AIDS.
Primary chemoprophylaxis in AIDS.
Primary Clarithromycin Resistance of Helicobacter pylori in Infected Children allows to Predict Outcome Following Tri-Therapy.