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Flu (Influenza)

How the Flu Virus Changes

Find out what researchers are learning about why and how the flu virus mutates and how we might be able to keep one step ahead.

How Foods Can Affect Your Immunity to the Flu

A diet poor in the nutrient selenium causes mutations to occur in the influenza virus, making it more dangerous.

Antigenic Drift Vs. Antigenic Shift Illustration

An animated look at the two ways in which the flu virus changes

Mystery Solved: How the Flu Virus Makes More of Itself

The precise mechanism by which viral genes are assembled and packaged into a new virus particle (called a virion) has long been a matter of debate.

Short-lived Immunity Helps Keep Mutant Flu Strains in Check

The flu virus' genetic material, prone to mutations, is forever trying out new combinations to outwit a person's antibodies. Yet with all the changes going on, why are there so few strains circulating from year to year?

Reassortment Vs. Reverse Genetics

A comparison of the age-old method of making a flu vaccine with a new, more efficient technique.

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