Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Primary prophylaxis for PCP: a randomized trial comparing inhaled pentamidine vs cotrimoxazole vs dapsone.
Primary prophylaxis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals seropositive to Toxoplasma.
Primary prophylaxis of opportunistic infections HIV related with azithromycin, pyrimethamine and rifabutin. Preliminary results in a cohort of 100 patients.
Primary prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP): a cost-effectiveness analysis.
Primary prophylaxis of Toxoplasma encephalitis and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia with sulfamethopyrazine-pyrimethamine.
Primary prophylaxis of toxoplasmic encephalitis in AIDS patients.
Primary Prophylaxis with Itraconazole of Invasive Aspergillosis (IA) in Heart Transplant (HT) Patients.
Primary reasons for nonresponse in the Dallas County Household HIV Survey.
Primary recognition of a consensus T epitope on HIV gp120 by human CD4 T helper cells depends on hypervariable flanking sequences.
Primary relationships confer risk for HIV exposure among gay men.
Primary report on the use of Chinese herbal extract of mormodica charantia (bitter melon) in HIV infected pts.
Primary Resistance in HIV Chilean Patients.
Primary resistance in naive HIV patients with advanced AIDS in Madrid (Spain).
Primary Resistance to Antiretroviral Drugs in Recent Seroconverters in Madrid, Spain.
Primary Resistance to Terbinafine in a Clinical Isolate of the Dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum.
Primary resistances to antituberculosis drugs among HIV-infected and uninfected patients. A national survey in Cote D'ivoire in 1995-96.
Primary retroviral infection versus chronic viremia: differential response to therapy.
Primary school AIDS education: experiences from Tanzania.
Primary school education support for HIV/AIDS vulnerable children: the TASO experience.
Primary school: information vs. discrimination.
Primary Syphilis is Negatively Associated with HIV Infection.
Primary T-cell response to HIV-1 in vitro.
Primary Target of Classical, Fluoro- and New Fluoro- Quinolones in Proteus mirabilis and Providencia stuartii.
Primary to specialty care referrals and the quality of care delivered to patients with diabetes.
Primary treatment of ovarian cancer.
Primary versus secondary PCP prophylaxis.
Primary viremia and CNS invasion with HIV-1 in a novel hu-PBL immunodeficient mouse.
Primate and rat CXCR4 proteins differ in co-receptor activity for a pathogenic patient isolate of HIV-1.
Primate lentivirus diversity survey based on synthetic peptides analyses.