[Federal Register: August 18, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 159)]
[Page 49467-49468]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

 [Docket No. EC03-119-000, et al.]

Wisconsin Electric Power Company, et al.; Electric Rate and 
Corporate Filings

August 7, 2003.
    The following filings have been made with the Commission. The 
filings are listed in ascending order within each docket 

1. Wisconsin Energy Corporation, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, W.E. 
Power LLC, Port Washington Generating Station LLC

[Docket Nos. EC03-119-000 and EL03-218-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, Wisconsin Energy Corporation, 
Wisconsin Electric Power Company, W.E. Power LLC, and Port Washington 
Generating Station LLC (Port Washington) filed an Application for 
Approval of the Disposition of Jurisdictional Facilities Under Section 
203 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. Section 824b (2000), and a 
Petition for Declaratory Order relating to the transfer of certain 
jurisdictional interconnection facilities associated with generating 
assets being constructed by Port Washington.
    Comment Date: August 27, 2003.

2. Duke Energy Fayette, LLC

[Docket No. ER03-794-002]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, Duke Energy Fayette, LLC (Duke 
Fayette) tendered for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission (Commission) its compliance filing in accordance with the 
Commission's order issued July 18, 2003 in Docket Nos. ER03-794-000 and 
001. Duke Fayette states that it has served copies of the filing on the 
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and the persons on the service 
list in Docket No. ER03-794.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

3. Western Systems Power Pool, Inc.

[Docket No. ER03-1149-000]

    Take notice that on August 1, 2003, the Western Systems Power Pool, 
Inc. (WSPP) submitted changes to the WSPP Agreement intended to update 
or clarify certain provisions of the Agreement. The WSPP seeks an 
effective date of October 1, 2003, for these changes.
    WSPP states that copies of the transmittal letter have been served 
on all state commissions within the United States. This filing also has 
been posted on the WSPP homepage (www.wspp.org) thereby providing 
notice to all WSPP members.
    Comment Date: August 22, 2003.

4. Texxon Utilities, Ltd. Co.

[Docket No. ER03-1150-000]

    Take notice that on August 1, 2003, Texxon Utilities, Ltd. Co. 
(Texxon) tendered for filing with the Commission for acceptance of 
Texxon Rate Schedule FERC No. 1; the granting of certain blanket 
approvals, including the authority to sell electricity at market based 
rates; and the waiver of certain Commission regulations.
    Texxon states that it intends to engage in wholesale electric power 
and energy purchases and sales as a marketer. Texxon states that it is 
not in the business of generating or transmitting electric power.
    Comment Date: August 22, 2003.

5. PJM Interconnection L.L.C.

[Docket No. ER03-1152-000]

    Take notice that on August 1, 2003, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. 
(PJM) submitted for filing an Interconnection Service Agreement (ISA) 
among PJM, The American Sugar Refining Company, and Baltimore Gas and 
Electric Company.
    PJM requests a waiver of the Commission's 60-day notice requirement 
to permit a July 2, 2003 effective date for the ISA.
    PJM states that copies of this filing were served upon the parties 
to the agreements and the state regulatory commissions within the PJM 
    Comment Date: August 22, 2003.

6. PJM Interconnection L.L.C.

[Docket No. ER03-1153-000]

    Take notice that on August 1, 2003, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. 
(PJM) submitted for filing an Interconnection Service Agreement (ISA) 
among PJM, PSEG Fossil, L.L.C., and Public Service Electric and Gas 
Company, an interim ISA between PJM and PSEG Power LLC and two notices 
of cancellation for interim ISAs that have terminated or been 
    PJM requests a waiver of the Commission's 60-day notice requirement 
to permit the effective dates agreed to by the parties. PJM states that 
copies of this filing were served upon the parties to the agreements 
and the state regulatory commissions within the PJM region.
    Comment Date: August 22, 2003.

7. American Transmission Systems, Incorporated

[Docket No. ER03-1157-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, American Transmission Systems, 
Incorporated (ATSI) submitted for filing an Agreement for Construction, 
Operation, and Compensation of Delivery Points (Agreement) between ATSI 
and the Village of Edgerton, Ohio. ATSI states that it provides network 
integration transmission service under its Open Access Transmission 
Tariff to American Municipal Power--Ohio, Inc. on behalf of Edgerton 
and other municipal electric systems. ATSI states that the purpose of 
the Agreement is to add a 69 kV delivery point for Edgerton. ATSI is 
requesting an effective date of August 1, 2003 for the Service 
    ATSI states that copies of this filing were served on the 
representatives of the Village of Edgerton, American Municipal Power--
Ohio, Inc., and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

8. American Electric Power Service Corporation

[Docket No. ER03-1158-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, the American Electric Power 
Service Corporation (AEPSC) tendered for filing pursuant to Section 
35.15 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's regulations, 18 CFR 
Section 35.15, a Notice of Termination of an Amended and Restated 
Interconnection and Operation Agreement between Columbus Southern Power 
Company and Duke Energy Franklin, L.L.C.

[[Page 49468]]

designated as Second Revised Service Agreement No. 270 under American 
Electric Power Operating Companies' Open Access Transmission Tariff. 
AEP requests an effective date of July 14, 2003.
    AEPSC states that a copy of the filing was served upon Duke Energy 
Franklin, L.L.C. and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

9. Hershey Chocolate & Confectionary Corporation

[Docket No. ER03-1159-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, Hershey Chocolate & 
Confectionary Corporation (Hershey) filed with the Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission (Commission) an application for authority to sell 
electricity at market-based rates, a market-based rate tariff, and a 
request for certain regulatory waivers and blanket approvals, including 
blanket approval to issue securities under section 204 of the Federal 
Power Act. Hershey requests an effective date of August 12, 2003 for 
its market-based rate authority.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

10. American Electric Power Service Corporation

[Docket No. ER03-1160-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, American Electric Power Service 
Corporation (AEPSC) tendered for filing with the Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission (Commission) a Notice of Termination of an 
Amended Interconnection and Operation Agreement between Appalachian 
Power Company and Mirant Danville, L.L.C. designated as Second Revised 
Service Agreement No. 427 under American Electric Power Operating 
Companies' Open Access Transmission Tariff.
    AEPSC requests an effective date of July 17, 2003. AEPSC states 
that a copy of the filing was served upon Mirant Danville, L.L.C. and 
the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

11. New England Power Pool

[Docket No. ER03-1161-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, the New England Power Pool 
(NEPOOL) Participants Committee filed to terminate the membership of 
PG&E Energy Trading `` Power, LP (PGET). The Participants Committee 
requests an October 1, 2003 effective date for the termination of the 
Participant status of PGET.
    The Participants Committee states that copies of these materials 
were sent to the New England state governors and regulatory commissions 
and the Participants in NEPOOL.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

12. International Energy Consultants, Inc.

[Docket No. ER03-1163-000]

    Take notice that on August 4, 2003, International Energy 
Consultants, Inc. filed a request for termination of their market-based 
rate authority pursuant to the Commission's Rules, 18 CFR 35.15.
    Comment Date: August 25, 2003.

Standard Paragraph

    Any person desiring to intervene or to protest this filing should 
file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, 
NE., Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the 
Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 
385.214). Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining 
the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make 
protestants parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a 
party must file a motion to intervene. All such motions or protests 
should be filed on or before the comment date, and, to the extent 
applicable, must be served on the applicant and on any other person 
designated on the official service list. This filing is available for 
review at the Commission or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site 
at http://www.ferc.gov, using the ``FERRIS'' link. Enter the docket 
number excluding the last three digits in the docket number filed to 
access the document. For assistance, call (202) 502-8222 or TTY, (202) 
502-8659. Protests and interventions may be filed electronically via 
the Internet in lieu of paper; see 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the 
instructions on the Commission's Web site under the ``e-Filing'' link. 
The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings.

Linda Mitry,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 03-21050 Filed 8-15-03; 8:45 am]