[Federal Register: November 21, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 225)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 65637-65642]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



40 CFR Part 70


Final Approval of Revision of 34 Clean Air Act Title V Operating 
Permits Programs

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: EPA is taking final action to approve a revision of the 
following 34 Clean Air Act (CAA) title V Operating Permits Programs in 
the State of California: Amador County Air Pollution Control District 
(APCD), Bay Area AQMD, Butte County AQMD, Calaveras County APCD, Colusa 
County APCD, El Dorado County APCD, Feather River AQMD, Glenn County 
APCD, Great Basin Unified APCD, Imperial County APCD, Kern County APCD, 
Lake County AQMD, Lassen County APCD, Mariposa County APCD, Mendocino 
County APCD, Modoc County APCD, Mojave Desert AQMD, Monterey Bay 
Unified APCD, North Coast Unified AQMD, Northern Sierra AQMD, Northern 
Sonoma County APCD, Placer County APCD, Sacramento Metro AQMD, San 
Diego County APCD, San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD, San Luis Obispo 
County APCD, Santa Barbara County APCD, Shasta County APCD, Siskiyou 
County APCD, South Coast AQMD, Tehama County APCD, Tuolumne County 
APCD, Ventura County APCD, and Yolo-Solano AQMD.

EFFECTIVE DATE: This action will become effective on January 1, 2004.

ADDRESSES: Copies of the documentation in the administrative record for 
this action are available for inspection during normal business hours 
at Air Division, EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, 
California, 94105.

Division, Permits Office (AIR-3), at (415) 972-3974 or rios.gerardo@epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document, ``we,'' ``us,'' or 
``our'' means EPA.

Table of Contents

I. Background
II. Comments received by EPA on our proposed rulemaking and EPA's 
III. Description of EPA's final action
IV. Effect of EPA's rulemaking
V. Administrative requirements

I. Background

    Title V of the CAA Amendments of 1990 required all State permitting 
authorities to develop operating permits programs that met certain 
federal criteria codified at 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 
70. On November 30, 2001, we promulgated final full approval of 34 
California districts' title V operating permits programs. See 66 FR 
63503 (December 7, 2001). Our final rulemaking was challenged by 
several environmental and community groups alleging that the full 
approval was unlawful based, in part, on an exemption in section 
42310(e) of the California Health and Safety Code of major agricultural 
sources from title V permitting. EPA entered into a settlement of this 
litigation which required, in part, that the Agency propose to 
partially withdraw approval of the 34 fully approved title V programs 
in California.
    Sections 70.10(b) and 70.10(c) provide that EPA may withdraw a 40 
CFR part 70 program approval, in whole or in part, whenever the 
permitting authority's legal authority does not meet the requirements 
of part 70 and the permitting authority fails to take corrective 
action. To commence regulatory action to partially withdraw title V 
program approval, EPA published a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) in the 
Federal Register. See 67 FR 35990 (May 22, 2002). Pursuant to 40 CFR 
70.10(b)(2), publication of the NOD commenced a 90-day period during 
which the State of California had to take significant action to assure 
adequate administration and enforcement of the

[[Page 65638]]

local districts' programs. As described in EPA's NOD, the Agency 
determined that ``significant action'' in this instance meant the 
revision or removal of California Health and Safety Code 42310(e), so 
that the local air pollution control districts could adequately 
administer and enforce the title V permitting program for stationary 
agricultural sources that are major sources of air pollution.
    During the 90-day period provided to the State to take the 
necessary corrective action, EPA proposed to partially withdraw title V 
program approval in each of the 34 California districts with full 
program approval. See 67 FR 48426 (July 24, 2002). Since the State did 
not take the necessary action to assure adequate administration and 
enforcement of the title V program within the specified time frame, EPA 
took final action, pursuant to our authority at 40 CFR 70.10(b)(2)(i), 
to partially withdraw approval of the title V programs for the 34 local 
air districts listed above. See 67 FR 63551 (October 15, 2002).
    On September 22, 2003, the Governor of California signed SB 700, 
which revised State law to remove the agricultural permitting 
exemption. The legislation eliminated the exemption and therefore 
corrected the deficiency we identified in the May 22, 2002 NOD. 
Therefore, on October 8, 2003, EPA proposed to approve a revision to 
the 34 district title V programs because districts now have the 
authority to permit all major stationary sources, including those 
agricultural sources that were formerly exempt from title V under State 
law (68 FR 58055). Based on this change in state law and our receipt of 
a legal opinion from the California Attorney General that confirms that 
the elimination of the agricultural permitting exemption from State law 
provides the 34 districts with authority to issue title V permits to 
major stationary agricultural sources, we are finalizing the program 
revision today.

II. Comments Received by EPA on Our Proposed Rulemaking and EPA's 

    EPA received one set of comments. Copies of these comments are 
available for inspection during normal business hours at Air Division, 
EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, California, 94105.
    A summary of the significant comments, and our response thereto, 
    Comment: The commenter alleges that the proposed rule requires 
review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and alleges that 
``farmers were not included'' in the OMB review of the proposed part 70 
rule in 1992. In addition, the commenter claims that regulation of 
stationary agricultural sources by California air pollution control 
districts will result in economic hardship for California farmers.
    Response: It is difficult to determine the legal requirement that 
the commenter alleges EPA violated because the comment does not cite to 
any particular statutory, regulatory or executive requirement. To the 
extent the comment asserts that the rule must undergo OMB review, EPA 
disagrees. As we stated in the proposed rule, under Executive Order 
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this action is not a 
``significant regulatory action'', and therefore not subject to OMB 
review. With regard to OMB review in 1992, it is not clear which 
rulemaking the commenter is referring to. If he is referring to the 
final part 70 rule, his statement is incorrect because the part 70 rule 
did undergo OMB review. The rule was judged to be ``major'' under 
Executive Order 12291, and a Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) was 
prepared and made available for public comment as part of EPA's May 10, 
1991 proposal of part 70 [56 FR 21712]. All interested parties, 
including farmers, had access to the RIA and an opportunity to comment 
on it. If the commenter is referring to EPA's rulemaking actions to 
grant interim approval to individual district title V programs in 
California, he is incorrect because OMB exempted those state-specific 
actions from review. See, for example, EPA's April 24, 1996 final rule 
granting interim approval of the San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD title 
V operating permit program [61 FR 18083].
    EPA also disagrees with the commenter's claim that approval of this 
program revision for 34 title V Operating Permits Programs will result 
in economic hardship for California farmers. Today's action affects 
only major agricultural stationary sources that already are subject to 
EPA's part 71 title V permitting program, and will not result in 
regulation of the majority of farms which are not subject to title V. 
The title V program revision EPA is approving, and EPA's termination of 
its implementation of a part 71 federal operating permit program for 
State-exempt major stationary agricultural sources, merely transfers 
the authority to permit such sources from EPA to the 34 districts. As 
stated in the Administrative Requirements section of this notice, this 
action merely approves state law as meeting Federal requirements and 
imposes no additional requirements beyond those imposed by state law. 
Accordingly, the Administrator has certified that this final rule will 
not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). In making this 
certification, we note that the Regulatory Flexibility Act requires a 
certification only as to entities directly regulated by a rulemaking 
(e.g., farms that are major stationary sources under the Clean Air 
Act); it does not require us to look at small farms not subject to the 
final rule, or to downstream businesses or consumers that deal with the 
larger farms. See Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition v. EPA, 255 F.3d 855 
(D.C. Cir. 2001).

III. Description of EPA's Final Action

    We are approving the program revision of the 34 Clean Air Act title 
V Operating Permits programs in the State of California. Our action is 
based on a legal opinion from the California Attorney General that 
confirms that the elimination of the agricultural permitting exemption 
from State law provides the 34 districts with authority to issue title 
V permits to major stationary agricultural sources.

IV. Effect of EPA's Rulemaking

    Our final action means that the 34 districts have title V programs 
that require all major stationary sources to obtain title V operating 
permits. It also terminates EPA's implementation of a part 71 federal 
operating permit program for formerly State-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources within the jurisdiction of the 34 California air 
districts listed at the beginning of this final rule. EPA will not 
issue any permits to these sources, since the 34 districts will have 
the authority to issue title V permits to major agricultural stationary 
sources beginning on January 1, 2004. Therefore, EPA is no longer 
requiring major stationary agricultural sources to submit part 71 
permit applications and suspends any outstanding application deadlines.
    The May 22, 2002 NOD started an 18 month sanctions clock pursuant 
to CAA section 179(b). CAA Sec. 502(i)(1) and (2), 40 CFR 70.4(k) and 
70.10(b)(2)-(4). California has undertaken all of the required 
corrections in response to the NOD. Therefore, the sanctions clock is 
terminated as of November 13, 2003, even though EPA's implementation of 
the Part 71 program will not be terminated until January 1, 2004.

[[Page 65639]]

V. Administrative Requirements

    Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this 
action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' and therefore is not 
subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. For this 
reason, this action is also not subject to Executive Order 13211, 
``Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy 
Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001). This action 
merely approves state law as meeting Federal requirements and imposes 
no additional requirements beyond those imposed by state law. 
Accordingly, the Administrator certifies that this rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). Because 
this rule approves pre-existing requirements under state law and does 
not impose any additional enforceable duty beyond that required by 
state law, it does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4).
    This rule also does not have tribal implications because it will 
not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on 
the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or 
on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal 
Government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 
FR 67249, November 9, 2000). This action also does not have Federalism 
implications because it does not have substantial direct effects on the 
States, on the relationship between the national government and the 
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the 
various levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 
FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This action merely approves a state rule 
implementing a Federal standard, and does not alter the relationship or 
the distribution of power and responsibilities established in the Clean 
Air Act. This rule also is not subject to Executive Order 13045 
``Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety 
Risks'' (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not economically 
    In reviewing revisions to state operating permit programs submitted 
pursuant to Title V of the CAA, EPA will approve such revisions 
provided that they meet the criteria of the Clean Air Act and EPA's 
regulations codified at 40 CFR part 70. In this context, in the absence 
of a prior existing requirement for the State to use voluntary 
consensus standards (VCS), EPA has no authority to disapprove a Part 70 
program revision for failure to use VCS. It would thus be inconsistent 
with applicable law for EPA, when it reviews a Part 70 program 
revision, to use VCS in place of a Part 70 program revision that 
otherwise satisfies the provisions of the Clean Air Act. Thus, the 
requirements of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and 
Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not apply. This rule 
does not impose an information collection burden under the provisions 
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. section 801 et seq., as 
added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 
1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency 
promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy 
of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller 
General of the United States. EPA will submit a report containing this 
rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House 
of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States 
prior to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. A major rule 
cannot take effect until 60 days after it is published in the Federal 
Register. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 
section 804(2).
    Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, petitions for 
judicial review of this action must be filed in the United States Court 
of Appeals for the appropriate circuit by January 20, 2004. Filing a 
petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule 
does not affect the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial 
review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial 
review may be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such 
rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in proceedings 
to enforce its requirements. (See section 307(b)(2).)

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 70

    Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
Air pollution control, Intergovernmental relations, Operating permits, 
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    Dated: November 13, 2003.
Laura Yoshii,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region IX.

40 CFR part 70, chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
is amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 70 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.

2. Appendix A to part 70 is amended by revising the entry for 
California to read as follows:

Appendix A to Part 70--Approval Status of State and Local Operating 
Permits Programs

* * * * *
    The following district programs were submitted by the California 
Air Resources Board on behalf of:
    (a) Amador County Air Pollution Control District (APCD):
    (1) Complete submittal received on September 30, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on April 10, 2001. Amador County Air 
Pollution Control District was granted final full approval effective on 
November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (b) Bay Area Air Quality Management District (AQMD):
    (1) Submitted on November 16, 1993, amended on October 27, 1994, 
and effective as an interim program on July 24, 1995. Revisions to 
interim program submitted on March 23, 1995, and effective on August 
22, 1995, unless adverse or critical comments are received by July 24, 
1995. Approval of interim program, including March 23, 1995, revisions, 
expires December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 30, 2001. Bay Area Air Quality 
Management District was granted final full approval effective on 
November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (c) Butte County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 16, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 17, 2001. Butte County APCD was

[[Page 65640]]

granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (d) Calaveras County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on October 31, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on July 27, 2001. Calaveras County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revisions submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (e) Colusa County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on February 24, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on August 22, 2001 and October 10, 
2001. Colusa County APCD was granted final full approval effective on 
November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (f) El Dorado County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on November 16, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on August 16, 2001. El Dorado County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (g) Feather River AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 27, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 22, 2001. Feather River AQMD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (h) Glenn County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 27, 1993; interim 
approval effective on August 14, 1995; interim approval expires 
December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on September 13, 2001. Glenn County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (i) Great Basin Unified APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on January 12, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 18, 2001. Great Basin Unified 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (j) Imperial County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on March 24, 1994; interim approval 
effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on August 2, 2001. Imperial County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (k) Kern County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on November 16, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 24, 2001. Kern County APCD was 
granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (l) Lake County AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on March 15, 1994; interim approval 
effective on August 14, 1995; interim approval expires December 1, 
    (2) Revisions were submitted on June 1, 2001. Lake County AQMD was 
granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (m) Lassen County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on January 12, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on August 2, 2001. Lassen County APCD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (n) Mariposa County APCD:
    (1) Submitted on March 8, 1995; approval effective on February 5, 
1996 unless adverse or critical comments are received by January 8, 
1996. Interim approval expires on December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on September 20, 2001. Mariposa County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (o) Mendocino County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 27, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on April 13, 2001. Mendocino County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.

[[Page 65641]]

    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (p) Modoc County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 27, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on September 12, 2001. Modoc County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (q) Mojave Desert AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on March 10, 1995; interim approval 
effective on March 6, 1996; interim approval expires December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on June 4, 2001 and July 11, 2001. 
Mojave Desert AQMD was granted final full approval effective on 
November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (r) Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District:
    (1) Submitted on December 6, 1993, supplemented on February 2, 1994 
and April 7, 1994, and revised by the submittal made on October 13, 
1994; interim approval effective on November 6, 1995; interim approval 
expires December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 9, 2001. Monterey Bay Unified 
Air Pollution Control District was granted final full approval 
effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (s) North Coast Unified AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on February 24, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 24, 2001. North Coast Unified 
AQMD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (t) Northern Sierra AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on June 6, 1994; interim approval 
effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 24, 2001. Northern Sierra AQMD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (u) Northern Sonoma County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on January 12, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 21, 2001. Northern Sonoma APCD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (v) Placer County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 27, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 4, 2001. Placer County APCD was 
granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (w) The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District:
    (1) Complete submittal received on August 1, 1994; interim approval 
effective on September 5, 1995; interim approval expires December 1, 
    (2) Revisions were submitted on June 1, 2001. The Sacramento 
Metropolitan Air Quality Management District was granted final full 
approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (x) San Diego County Air Pollution Control District:
    (1) Submitted on April 22, 1994 and amended on April 4, 1995 and 
October 10, 1995; approval effective on February 5, 1996, unless 
adverse or critical comments are received by January 8, 1996. Interim 
approval expires on December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on June 4, 2001. The San Diego County 
Air Pollution Control District was granted final full approval 
effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (y) San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on July 5 and August 18, 1995; 
interim approval effective on May 24, 1996; interim approval expires 
May 25, 1998. Interim approval expires on December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on June 29, 2001. San Joaquin Valley 
Unified APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (z) San Luis Obispo County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on November 16, 1995; interim 
approval effective on December 1, 1995; interim approval expires 
December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 18, 2001. San Luis Obispo 
County APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 

[[Page 65642]]

for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 1, 
    (aa) Santa Barbara County APCD:
    (1) Submitted on November 15, 1993, as amended March 2, 1994, 
August 8, 1994, December 8, 1994, June 15, 1995, and September 18, 
1997; interim approval effective on December 1, 1995; interim approval 
expires on December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on April 5, 2001. Santa Barbara County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (bb) Shasta County AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on November 16, 1993; interim 
approval effective on August 14, 1995; interim approval expires 
December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 18, 2001. Shasta County AQMD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (cc) Siskiyou County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 6, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on September 28, 2001. Siskiyou County 
APCD was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (dd) South Coast Air Quality Management District:
    (1) Submitted on December 27, 1993 and amended on March 6, 1995, 
April 11, 1995, September 26, 1995, April 24, 1996, May 6, 1996, May 
23, 1996, June 5, 1996 and July 29, 1996; approval effective on March 
31, 1997. Interim approval expires on December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on August 2, 2001 and October 2, 2001. 
South Coast AQMD was granted final full approval effective on November 
30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (ee) Tehama County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on December 6, 1993; interim 
approval effective on August 14, 1995; interim approval expires 
December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on June 4, 2001. Tehama County APCD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (ff) Tuolumne County APCD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on November 16, 1993; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on July 18, 2001. Tuolumne County APCD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (gg) Ventura County APCD:
    (1) Submitted on November 16, 1993, as amended December 6, 1993; 
interim approval effective on December 1, 1995; interim approval 
expires December 1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 21, 2001. Ventura County APCD 
was granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
    (hh) Yolo-Solano AQMD:
    (1) Complete submittal received on October 14, 1994; interim 
approval effective on June 2, 1995; interim approval expires December 
1, 2001.
    (2) Revisions were submitted on May 9, 2001. Yolo-Solano AQMD is 
hereby granted final full approval effective on November 30, 2001.
    (3) Approval is withdrawn for state-exempt major stationary 
agricultural sources, effective on November 14, 2002.
    (4) Revision submitted on November 7, 2003 containing approved 
program for major stationary agricultural sources, effective on January 
1, 2004.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 03-29178 Filed 11-20-03; 8:45 am]