Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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36 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  85th. Anniversary of Women's Equality Day *
2.  Taleban Vow Not to Attack Polling Stations in Afghanistan *
3.  Thai Petroleum Company Seeks Share of Burma Natural Gas Field *
4.  Burma and Bangladesh to Talk About Joint Road Project *
5.  White House Welcomes Iraq Constitutional Developments *


1.  Iraqi Negotiators Submit Constitution, More work needed *
2.  Bush Defends Iraq Policy, Sees Hope in Middle East *
3.  Burma asks UN to Reconsider Cutting Aid Funds *
4.  Experts Say Thai Economic Prosperity Brings Migration Challenges *
5.  Israeli Forces Evict Pullout Resisters from Two West Bank Settlements *
6.  Negotiators in Iraq Try to Iron Out Differences on Proposed Constitution *
7.  Bush Says Withdrawal from Iraq Would Weaken US *


1.  At Least 5 Killed As Insurgents Attack Iraqi Police *
2.  Israel says Egypt to Guard Gaza's Southern Border After Israeli Withdrawal *
3.  New Report Says Migrants in Thailand at Risk *
4.  24 August 05: Asian Stock Prices Close Mostly Lower
5.  24 August 05: European Stocks Lower Midday


1.  Thai Prime Minister Dismisses Coup Rumors in Burma *
2.  Burma Frees 53 Thai Prisoners from Jail *


1.  A 'Band of Sisters' Who Fight Fires, and Try to Break Through Barriers *
2.  Deadlock Continues on Iraq Constitution *
3.  Iran To Offer New Proposals On Nuclear Talks With Europe *
4.  Burmese Cartoonist Released from Jail *
5.  Paris Apartment Fire Kills 17 *
6.  Sri Lanka To Hold Presidential Elections by Year's End *


1.  Iraq Awaits Sunnis' Word on Draft Constitution *
2.  Burmese Activist to Receive Civil Courage Prize *
3.  US Releases 1,000 Iraqi Prisoners at Baghdad's Request *
4.  President Bush Calls For Patience in Iraq *


1.  Thai FM to Meet With Burmese Military Leaders *
2.  Thousands of New Orleans's Residents Have Been Ordered To Empty The City *
3.  More Than 640 Killed in Baghdad Stampede *


1.  Bush: US Launching Massive Relief Effort for Hurricane Victims *
2.  Iraqis Mourn Shi'ite Pilgrims Killed in Baghdad *
3.  Thailand Foreign Minister, Burma Junta Leader Meet *
4.  US - China Textile Talks End Without Agreement *
5.  Impact of Katrina Strikes Energy Market *
6.  Bush Promises Hurricane Aid, Says Recovery Could Take Years *