Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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54 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Eleven Charged In British Terror Plot *
2.  Russian Airliner with 170 on Board Crashes in Ukraine *
3.  Iran Submits Formal Response to Nuclear Proposal *
4.  US State Dept. Official Checks on Burmese Refugees in Bangladesh
5.  Iran Says It's Ready for Serious Talks on Nuclear Issue
6.  Russian Airliner Crash in Ukraine Kills 170


1.  US Urges Bangladesh To Solve Burmese Refugee Problem *
2.  Indonesian FM: Burma Must Detail Democratic Reforms *
3.  Syria Threatens to Close Border with Lebanon *


1.  US Says Trade Agreement with ASEAN Will Not Affect Sanctions on Burma *
2.  Bush Urges Eventual Sanctions Over Iran Nukes *


1.  US Warns of "Expedited" Effort to Sanction Iran *
2.  Pluto Demoted from Rank of Planet *
3.  More African Footballers In Europe *
4.  United States, ASEAN Sign Trade and Investment Pact *
5.  Burma Accuses British Ambassador of Secret Meetings *
6.  Cambodian Lawmakers Call for Reform in Burma *
7.  Burma Refuses Resumption of Red Cross Visits to Prisons *
8.  Women's Equality Day Marks Continuing Struggle *
9.  US Investigates Israeli Use of Cluster Bombs in Lebanon *


1.  Burmese Government Declares Shan Rebels Terrorist Group *


1.  Bush Marks Katrina Anniversary *
2.  Afghan President Orders Inquiry Into U.S.-Led Attack *
3.  Journalists Injured in Israeli Airstrike in Gaza *
4.  Fox Journalists Released by Captors in Gaza *
5.  'Significant Fatalities' in US Plane Crash *
6.  US Journalist Charged in Sudan With Spying *
7.  One Survivor in US Plane Crash-49 Killed *


1.  Iraqi Troops Battle Shi'ite Militiamen in Southern Iraq, 34 Dead *
2.  Annan Meets with Lebanon's PM, Hezbollah Cabinet Minister *
3.  Turkish TV: Two Killed in Explosion in Resort City *
4.  Thai Police Detain Hundreds of Ethnic Karen Workers *
5.  Bush Promises Continued Government Help for Victims of Katrina *
6.  Bush to Gulf Coast for Hurricane Anniversary *
7.  Hezbollah Leader Regrets Kidnapping that Led to War with Israel *


1.  Annan Calls for End of Lebanon Blockade, Soldiers' Release *
2.  60 Reported Killed in Fighting in Southern Iraq *
3.  Three Killed in Explosion in Turkish Resort City *
4.  Iran's President Defiant Ahead of Nuclear Deadline *
5.  Annan Arrives in Israel for Talks *
6.  Bush Marks Anniversary of Deadly Hurricane *
7.  Burmese Refugees Depart for US *
8.  Burma Sells Jade, Gems to Raise Revenue *
9.  US Congressional Report Highlights Intelligence Gaps on Iran Nukes *
10.  UN Chief Urges Israel to Lift Blockade of Lebanon *


1.  Iran's President Defiant Ahead of Nuclear Deadline *
2.  Rap-adaptation of Burmese Legendary Vocalist Mar Mar Aye's Popular Radio Hit       *


1.  State Department Waives Restrictions on Burmese Refugees *
2.  Burma Says US, Britain Interfering in Internal Affairs *
3.  Lebanon PM Appeals for Urgent International Aid to Rebuild Country *
4.  Iran Defiant Despite UN Nuclear Deadline *
5.  Burma Wins Merdeka Cup *


1.  Burmese Democracy Leader World's Powerful Women *
2.  Rights Group Awards Prize To Burmese Political Activist *
3.  US Pushes to Bring Burma Before UN Security Council *
4.  Burmese Magic and Circus *
5.  Burmese Contemporary Essays *