Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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50 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Bush: US Africa Aid Will Double Over 5 Years *
2.  ASEAN Secretary-General Wants Burma to Assume Chairmanship *
3.  China, Burma Shut Down Drug Ring *
4.  Burmese War Veterans Call for UN Labor Organization Pullout *
5.  Burmese Exiles Are Among Nobel Peace Nominees *
6.  US Supreme Court Justice O'Connor Retiring *
7.  Burmese Women: 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005 *


1.  UN Lists 14 Asian Nations in Need of Aid *
2.  UNICEF Trains Burmese Journalists On Child Rights, Reporting *
3.  Up to 20 People Die in Baghdad Suicide Bombing *
4.  The Biggest Names In Music Perform to Eliminate Poverty In Africa *
5.  Tens of Thousands Seek African Poverty Relief *


1.  Burma PM Travels to China *
2.  Gunmen in Baghdad Kidnap Top Egyptian Diplomat
3.  US Space Probe to Reveal Comet's Secrets *
4.  Reports: US Soldier Rescued in Afghanistan *
5.  Singapore and India Sign Landmark Economic Pact *


1.  US Military Regrets Civilian Deaths in Afghan Bombing *
2.  04 July 05: Asian Markets Close Mostly
3.  President Bush Challenges EU on Farm Subsidies *
4.  Scuffles and Arrests in Edinburgh G-8 Protests
5.  Deep Impact Comet Collision a 'Smashing Success' *
6.  Rights Groups Demand Release of Burmese Journalist on 16th Jailing Anniversary *
7.  Burmese Construction Rumors Spur Talk of Government Relocation *
8.  Mekong Nations Agree to Open Borders for Trade *
9.  Americans Celebrate Independence Day *


1.  Bush: Quest for Liberty Remains America's Calling *
2.  Karzai: 'saddened and disturbed' by Afghan Civilian Deaths in US Airstrike *
3.  African Union Heads of State Meet To Plan G-8 Strategy *
4.  International Olympic Committee Opens Meeting To Choose 2012 Host City *
5.  Six Mekong River Countries Pledge Cooperation To Safeguard The River *
6.  President Bush Heads to G-8 Summit *
7.  Pakistani, Bahraini Diplomats Attacked in Baghdad *
8.  Political Battle Likely Over Bush Nominee For Court *
9.  Bush: US Helping Combat AIDS in Africa *
10.  Burma, India to Discuss Proposed Gas Pipeline *
11.  France Rejects Allegations Of Lax Burma Sanctions Enforcement
12.  President Bush Arrives in Denmark Ahead of G-8 Summit *


1.  Nearly 250 Burmese Political Prisoners Released *
2.  London Wins Right to Host 2012 Olympics *
3.  Rice Goes to Asia to Discuss North Korea Nuclear Issue *
4.  UN Secretary General Welcomes Release of Burmese Political Prisoners *


1.  Blair Vows Terrorism Will Be Defeated *
2.  G-8 Summit opens in Scotland *
3.  Authorities in London Say 37 Killed, 700 Injured in London Attacks
4.  Former Burmese Prime Minister Nyunt Reportedly Imprisoned *
5.  International Rights Groups Urge Burma To Release All Political Prisoners *
6.  British Foreign Secretary: Bombings Have Hallmarks of Al-Qaida Related Attack *
7.  US Calls for Release of all Burmese Political Prisoners *
8.  Security Boosted in US After British Explosions *


1.  G-8 Condemns London Explosions, Continues Summit *
2.  UN Urges Burma to Release All Political Prisoners *
3.  London Police Sift Bomb Scenes for Clues *
4.  Asia Strongly Condemns London Bombings *
5.  G-8 Leaders Winding Up Summit *