Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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31 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  UN Envoy to Burma Not Confident of Democracy Progress *
2.  Thailand Expresses Concern Over Burma's Silence About Political Developments *


1.  Iraqis Cite Wide Variety of Issues in Vote *
2.  Malaysian Foreign Minister Plans Low-Key Visit to Burma *
3.  Rights Group Urges Security Council to Take Action on Burma *
4.  Former President Bush Appointed UN Earthquake Envoy *


1.  Reaction Positive on Security Council Burma Briefing *
2.  UN Security Council Focuses Spotlight on Deteriorating Conditions in Burma *


1.  WTO Negotiators Reach Tentative Agreement *
2.  Thaksin Offers to Host Meeting on Burma Reconciliation *
3.  Officials of South, Southeast Asian Nations Meet for Trade Talks *


1.  Israel's Sharon Hospitalized after Mild Stroke *
2.  WTO Reaches Agreement on Trade, Subsidies & Tariffs *
3.  Time Magazine Names Billionaire Gates Couple, Rock Musician Bono, 'Persons of the Year' *
4.  VP Cheney Makes Surprise Visit to Baghdad *


1.  Bush Questioned About Secret Surveillance Program
2.  Bush Warns against Early Pullout from Iraq; Appeals for Patience *
3.  Landmark Afghan Parliament Opens *
4.  India Forms Parliamentarian Forum for Democracy in Burma *
5.  Burma's Military Rulers to Explain Democracy Plan to ASEAN Envoy *
6.  Burma Bars Visit by Former Thai Prime Ministe *
7.  Preliminary Results Show Iraqis Voted along Ethnic Lines *
8.  Bush Defends Anti-Terror Eavesdropping Effort *
9.  Preliminary Results Released in Iraqi Election *


1.  US "Disappointed" in German Decision to Free Hijacker *
2.  NY Court Fines Striking Transit Union $1 Million Per Day *
3.  More Testimony Against Saddam in Baghdad Trial *
4.  UNHCR Welcomes Thai Decision on Education for Burma Refugees *
5.  Secretary Rumsfeld Says Troop Reduction in Afghanistan Will Not Affect Hunt For Bin Laden *


1.  Saddam Challenges Witness Testimony in Baghdad Trial *
2.  European Commission Approves Humanitarian Aid for Burmese *
3.  Burma's Opposition Party Challenges Suu Kyi Detention *