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Green Landscaping with Native Plants
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Green Landscaping: Greenacres
Native Wildlife Plants

By incorporating native plants into your landscape you will attract a wider variety of birds, insects and maybe even mammals such as those depicted in these photos. Some of the species are rare or endangered. So as you can see, using native plants in your landscaping can enhance biodiversity.

Bee on a Sunflower
Bee on a Sunflower 
(Helianthus grosseserratus)

Wolf Road Prairie, Illinois
Image Courtesy of Save the Prairie Society

Swallowtail Butterfly
Swallowtail Butterfly

Image Courtesy of 
Save the Prairie Society

Bluebird on nesting box - Lyons Woods, Illinois
Bluebird on Nesting Box
Lyons Woods, Illinois

For more information on bluebirds, visit the Chicago Academy of Sciences site

Prairie White-Fringed Orchid
Prairie White-Fringed Orchid 
(Habenaria leucohaea)
Northeast Illinois

The prairie white-fringed orchid is 
a federally endangered species.

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