[NIFL-4EFF:2193] New Issue of FOB

From: Spacone, Ronna (Contractor) (Ronna.Spacone@ed.gov)
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 13:20:51 EDT

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The newest issue of Focus on Basics , on Staff Development, is now available
on the Web. Go to <http://ncsall.gse.harvard.edu>, scroll down and click on
New Issue of Focus on Basics.

Featured in the issue:

*NCSALL's staff development research, 

*Articles on video and study circles as staff development tools, 

* Using a learning organization approach to enhance professional

* One teacher's experience with NCAL's Professional Development Kit,

* The story of the redefinition of Kentucky's ABE professional
development system,

* Web resources for states interested in improving and expanding their
professional development systems,

* and advice from three "elder states people" on the role of the state
in staff development.

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