[NIFL-4EFF:2157] EFF Reading Project Update

From: Amy Trawick (artrawick@triad.rr.com)
Date: Mon May 27 2002 - 09:35:07 EDT

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From: "Amy Trawick" <artrawick@triad.rr.com>
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Subject: [NIFL-4EFF:2157] EFF Reading Project Update
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(somewhat lengthy-may want to print)

I very much appreciate the interest that so many of you have expressed =
in the Equipped for the Future Reading Project. I have received numerous =
requests for more information about the  project and would like to give =
everyone an update on what the project is and where we stand.=20

The EFF Reading Project is a partnership of The National Institute for =
Literacy (NIFL), through its EFF initiative, and the National Center for =
Family Literacy (NCFL). The purpose of the project is to develop a =
train-the-trainer model that will support family literacy programs in =
integrating scientifically-based reading instruction and EFF's approach =
to teaching and learning.  The project addresses four key players in the =
literacy field--trainers, practitioners, parents, and children--and =
endeavors, ultimately, to enhance the literacy skills of parents and to =
support them in developing the knowledge and skills they need to assist =
their children's reading development and to advocate for their children =
in the schools.=20


Since November, a committee comprised of NCFL and EFF representatives =
(Jane Meyer, Nancy Sledd, Mary Siedow, Peggy McGuire, and myself) have =
been using the reports of the National Reading Panel (K-12) and the =
Reading Research Work Group (adult) headed by John Kruidenier to define =
"scientifically-based reading research." While we acknowledge that there =
is much about reading not captured in these reports (acknowledged by the =
authors themselves), we feel that they do capture important elements to =
be considered in reading instruction for both adults and children.=20

As part of our work, we have studied how these elements (alphabetics, =
fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension) fit with the components of =
performance for the EFF Standard: Read With Understanding--and how the =
standard works with the rest of the EFF Framework to support adults in =
pursuing their personal and parental goals. With the assistance of a =
Practitioner Advisory Group and a Reading Expert Advisory Group, we are =
in the process of developing the pilot for the program training, to =
begin in July.=20


Participants in the pilot will spend 9 months in a professional =
development spiral of training-doing-reflecting. Sponsoring =
organization/states will send teams from family literacy programs to an =
initial training in late summer.  There, participants will explore =
programmatic and classroom issues related to providing =
scientifically-based reading instruction as part of an overall approach =
to teaching and learning that uses life-based tasks related to parents' =
experiences and goals.  The family literacy teams, comprised of the =
Adult Educator, Parent Educator, Child Educator, PACT leader, and the =
Program Administrator (one person may have several of these roles) will =
work together to create action plans to guide program and classroom =
application of the major concepts addressed in the training. Technical =
assistance will be provided to support the practitioners in achieving =
the goals described in the action plans, and two other contact sessions =
will occur in the fall and early spring to deepen and extend concepts =
and approaches experienced during the first session and the interim =

>From the pilot, we plan to collect teacher-created materials and =
approaches that will enhance the final training. Our intent in the =
training itself is not to be prescriptive but to guide programs in =
considering and addressing the issues involved in teaching reading in a =
way that is meaningful to and (related to that) effective for adults. =
There will also be an external evaluation of the extended training, =
which we hope can contribute to the research-base on adult reading =
instruction and professional development in adult education as well as =
giving us specific feedback regarding the training.


One of the things I find most intriguing about this project is the =
teaching about EFF itself in a contextualized way, e.g., by focus on a =
particular standard and the research-base related to that standard. As =
the committee has worked with pulling all these different pieces =
together, I have become more and more convinced about the potential =
power of contextualized learning, especially if opportunity for transfer =
is built into the learning experience. Individuals have shared on the =
discussion list how difficult it can be just to apply everything covered =
in an EFF training--apart even from the knowledge/practice related to a =
specific standard. It seems to me that narrowing the content a bit and =
concretizing what is an amazing framework into a focus around one =
standard will help practitioners realize the potential of EFF more =
immediately. Hopefully, this project will really offer insight into how =
we (meaning everybody!) might approach standards-based education in a =
manageable and meaningful way.

Eventually, materials developed as part of the project will become part =
of the EFF Special Collections website, and I will also provide updates =
over the next year. Please feel free to contact me with further =
questions or comments.=20

Thank you,

Amy Trawick
Coordinator, Equipped for the Future Reading Project

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<P><FONT size=3D2>(somewhat lengthy=97may want to print)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>I very much appreciate the interest that so many of =
you have=20
expressed in the Equipped for the Future Reading =
size=3D2> </FONT><FONT face=3DArial><FONT size=3D2>I have received =
numerous requests=20
for more information about the&nbsp; project and would like to give =
everyone an=20
update on what the project is and where we stand. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>The EFF Reading Project is a partnership of The =
Institute for Literacy (NIFL), through its EFF initiative, and the =
Center for Family Literacy (NCFL). The purpose of the project is to =
develop a=20
train-the-trainer model that will support family literacy programs in=20
integrating scientifically-based reading instruction and EFF=92s =
approach to=20
teaching and learning.&nbsp; The project addresses four key players in =
literacy field--trainers, practitioners, parents, and children--and =
ultimately, to enhance the literacy skills of parents&nbsp;and to =
support them=20
in developing the knowledge and skills they need to&nbsp;assist their=20
children=92s&nbsp;reading development and to advocate for their children =
in the=20
schools. </FONT></P><B></B>
<P><FONT size=3D2>Since November, a committee comprised of NCFL and EFF=20
representatives (Jane Meyer, Nancy Sledd, Mary Siedow, Peggy McGuire, =
myself) have been using the reports of the National Reading Panel (K-12) =
and the=20
Reading Research Work Group (adult) headed by John Kruidenier to define=20
"scientifically-based reading research." While we acknowledge that there =
is much=20
about reading not captured in these reports (acknowledged by the authors =

themselves), we feel that they do capture important elements to be =
considered in=20
reading instruction for both adults and children. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>As part of our work, we have studied how these =
(alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension) fit with the=20
components of performance for the EFF Standard: Read With=20
Understanding--and&nbsp;how the standard works with the rest of the EFF=20
Framework to support adults in pursuing their personal and parental =
goals. With=20
the assistance of a Practitioner Advisory Group and a Reading Expert =
Group, we are in the process of developing the pilot for the program =
to begin in July. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>PILOTS</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>Participants in the pilot will spend 9 months in a =
development spiral of training-doing-reflecting. Sponsoring =
will&nbsp;send teams from family literacy programs to an initial =
training in=20
late summer.&nbsp;&nbsp;There, participants will explore programmatic =
classroom issues related to providing scientifically-based reading =
as part of an overall approach to teaching and learning&nbsp;that uses=20
life-based tasks related to parents=92 experiences and goals.&nbsp; The =
literacy teams, comprised of the Adult Educator, Parent Educator, Child=20
Educator,&nbsp;PACT leader, and the Program Administrator (one person =
may have=20
several of these roles) will work together to create action plans to =
program and classroom application of the major concepts addressed in the =

training. Technical assistance will be provided to support the =
practitioners in=20
achieving the goals described in the action plans, and two other contact =

sessions will occur in the fall and early spring to deepen and extend =
and approaches experienced during the first session and the interim=20
<P><FONT size=3D2>From the pilot, we plan to collect teacher-created =
materials and=20
approaches that will enhance the final training. Our intent in the =
itself is not to be prescriptive but to guide programs in considering =
addressing the issues involved in teaching reading in a way that is =
to and (related to that) effective for adults. There will also be an =
evaluation of the extended training, which we hope can contribute to the =

research-base on adult reading instruction and professional development =
in adult=20
education as well as giving us specific feedback regarding the=20
<P><FONT size=3D2>One of the things I find most intriguing about this =
project is=20
the teaching about EFF <I>itself</I> in a contextualized way, e.g., by =
focus on=20
a particular standard and the research-base related to that standard. As =
committee has worked with pulling all these different pieces together, I =
become more and more convinced about the potential power of =
learning, especially if opportunity for transfer is built into the =
experience. Individuals have shared on the discussion list how difficult =
it can=20
be just to apply everything covered in an EFF training--apart even from =
knowledge/practice related to a specific standard. It seems to me that =
the content a bit and concretizing what is an amazing framework into a =
around one standard will help practitioners realize the potential of EFF =
immediately. Hopefully, this project will really offer insight into how =
(meaning everybody!) might approach standards-based education in a =
and meaningful way.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>Eventually, materials developed as part of the project =
become part of the EFF Special Collections website, and I will also =
updates over the next year. Please feel free to contact me with further=20
questions or comments. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D2>Thank you,</FONT></P>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Amy Trawick</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Coordinator, Equipped for the Future Reading=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>


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