[NIFL-4EFF:2140] LINCS Hot Sites--New

From: Behroozi, Jaleh (Jaleh.Behroozi@nifl.gov)
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 15:56:21 EDT

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LINCS Hot Sites


Check out the newest LINCS Hot Sites. Twice a year, LINCS staff designate a
select number of Web-based resources as Hot Sites, based on their  merit as
content-rich resources that are presented in a clear, effective manner and
that take advantage of the best Web technologies.
NIFL's National LINCS team and our Regional LINCS partners use the HOT Sites
award program to highlight the "best" Web-based resources in and for the
adult basic education and literacy community. 
Nominate your favorite online literacy resource. Help us promote your
favorite site by sending us the URL and a short statement of why you think
your selection should be  chosen as a LINCS HOT Site. Please use the
Recommend a Site form at:

Jaleh Behroozi Soroui
National LINCS Director
National Institute for Literacy
1775 I street, Suite 730
Washington DC, 20006
Phone: 202/233-2039
FAX:   202/233-2050


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