[NIFL-4EFF:2030] Research and Practice in Adult Literacy UK Conference 2002

From: Jay Derrick (Jay.Derrick@westking.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 06:46:01 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-4EFF:2030] Research and Practice in Adult Literacy UK Conference 2002
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Research and Practice in Adult Literacy Conference:
Inclusion and exclusion=20
June 28th - 29th 2002, at Queen Mary's College,
Mile End Road, London E1

The government has explicitly linked its prioritisation of literacy with
other economic and social policy objectives, including economic growth,
social justice and quality in education.  It has produced a basic skills
strategy which purports to be inclusive, coherent and efficient, with a
centralised curriculum and a standardised teacher training programme.
But adult literacy work in the UK has included some strands which do not
lend themselves to centralisation, including a liberal tradition,
linking education to participatory, democratic social change and to
individual development and expression.
Can the two fit together? Have we won the argument for putting literacy
at the centre of the government's agenda, or are we being made to work
for an agenda that excludes our own purposes? Or are the borders between
the two more blurred than that? We hope the conference will give us
space to explore these questions in different contexts.
The conference will have three strands:
*	developing research methodologies that are inclusive of students
and tutors. The government now supports practitioner research: how can
we develop and share our skills to work on the kinds of research we
*	participants' reflections on the changes over the last year,
including the curriculum, assessment, tutor training and subject
specifications and the new funding mechanism.=20
*	inclusion and exclusion in new contexts ...   We have new
students, curricula, tutors, tutor training, learning materials and ICT,
management structures, sites and purposes for literacy work and forms of
assessment, and also the involvement of 'other' workers in literacy work
(for example, benefits workers).  All these changes have the potential
to include or exclude people and ideas.=20
Call for contributions from individuals or groups.=20
This is an opportunity to ...
*	lead a workshop or discussion=20
*	present a report of research, or discuss research in progress=20
*	discuss tentative ideas for a new project within any of the

Please send an outline proposal for a workshop (up to 300 words),
indicating how it fits into the strands, by Friday 22 March 2002.
to Wendy Moss c/o Professional Training and Development, The City Lit,
Stukeley Street, London WC2B 5LJ. Fax: +44 (0)207 405 4737, email:

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<TITLE>Research and Practice in Adult Literacy UK Conference =
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<P ALIGN=3DCENTER><FONT SIZE=3D5 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Research and =
Practice in Adult Literacy Conference:</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN=3DCENTER><FONT SIZE=3D5 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Inclusion and =
exclusion</FONT><FONT SIZE=3D5 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS"> </FONT></P>

28<SUP>th</SUP> - 29<SUP>th</SUP> 2002, at Queen Mary&#8217;s =

<P ALIGN=3DCENTER><FONT SIZE=3D5 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Mile End Road, =
London E1</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">The government has explicitly linked its =
prioritisation of literacy with other economic and social policy =
objectives, including economic growth, social justice and quality in =
education.&nbsp; It has produced a basic skills strategy which purports =
to be inclusive, coherent and efficient, with a centralised curriculum =
and a standardised teacher training programme. But adult literacy work =
in the UK has included some strands which do not lend themselves to =
centralisation, including a liberal tradition,&nbsp; linking education =
to participatory, democratic social change and to individual development =
and expression.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Can the two fit together? Have we won =
the argument for putting literacy at the centre of the =
government&#8217;s agenda, or are we being made to work for an agenda =
that excludes our own purposes? Or are the borders between the two more =
blurred than that? We hope the conference will give us space to explore =
these questions in different contexts.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">The conference will have three =

<LI><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">developing research methodologies that =
are inclusive of students and tutors. The government now supports =
practitioner research: how can we develop and share our skills to work =
on the kinds of research we need?</FONT></LI>

<LI><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">participants&#8217; reflections on the =
changes over the last year, including the curriculum, assessment, tutor =
training and subject specifications and the new funding =
mechanism.</FONT> </LI>

<LI><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">inclusion and exclusion in new contexts =
&#8230;&nbsp;&nbsp; We have new students, curricula, tutors, tutor =
training, learning materials and ICT, management structures, sites and =
purposes for literacy work and forms of assessment, and also the =
involvement of &#8216;other&#8217; workers in literacy work (for =
example, benefits workers).&nbsp; All these changes have the potential =
to include or exclude people and ideas.</FONT> </LI>
<P><FONT SIZE=3D4 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Call for contributions from =
individuals or groups</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">. </FONT>

<BR><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">This is an opportunity to =

<LI><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">lead a workshop or discussion =

<LI><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">present a report of research, or =
discuss research in progress </FONT></LI>

<LI><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">discuss tentative ideas for a new =
project within any of the themes. </FONT></LI>
<P><B><I><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Please send an outline proposal =
for a workshop (up to 300 words), indicating how it fits into the =
strands,<U> by Friday 22 March 2002.</U></FONT></I></B></P>

<P><B><I><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">to Wendy Moss c/o Professional =
Training and Development, The City Lit, Stukeley Street, London WC2B =
5LJ. Fax: +44 (0)207 405 4737, email: W.Moss@citylit.ac.uk =


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