[NIFL-4EFF:1979] Re: EFF and GED classrooms

From: MWPotts2001@aol.com
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 11:52:32 EST

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Re:  How do you get GED students to buy into EFF?

Trick the learners? You're kidding, right?  

In the past several weeks, I have been interviewing adult learners, and most 
of the time they say, off hand, --I'm here to get my GED--.

Here is a text from a discussion:

Man, I just wanna get my GED.


Cuz I need it, that's why.  (This answer accompanied by a look of disgust at 
my stupidity)


Cuz I can’t get a good job.  (This answer accompanied by a sneer at my 
blatant ignorance)

What kind of job are you looking for?

Somethin’ that pays lots of money and is fun.

What do you like to do?

Mostly hang out, listen to music, drive my truck.

I saw an ad on Dominos’ window that says they are hiring delivery people.

Man, I ain’t gonna work at Dominos.

Why not?  They get to drive around, probably can listen to music, too.

It’s dangerous man.  Don’t you know about the guy who got shot deliverin’ 
pizza?  Besides, it’s boring.

So, you think you might be interested in looking at job possibilities in whic
h you could use your talents and skills?

Sure, man.

End of text.  

OK, now I can approach this student with the EFF Worker Role Map, especially 
the Broad Area of Responsibility—Plan and Direct Personal and Professional 
Growth, more specifically, the Key Activity-Pursue work activities that 
provide personal satisfaction and meaning.  I can lead into a look at the 
Skills Wheel where we can look at the Decision-making Skill—Plan. We can look 
at the Standard to see what one has to do to accomplish the Components of 
Performance.  We are after, all, on a mission.

I am going to go with him to the computer, and show him how to locate survey 
documents and job descriptions.  He will be using the Common Activity—Gather, 
Analyze and Use Information, and he will be preparing for the GED skills of 
reading and comprehending written materials. He will be analyzing and 
evaluating what he finds, also GED skills.

It is not my job to fool him into acceptance of EFF. It is, however,  my 
responsibility to point out to him that while he is studying for his GED, he 
is also acquiring skills that will last a lifetime—Equipping him for the 
Future, so to speak.

Meta Potts
Glendale, Arizona

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