[Federal Register: February 26, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 38)]
[Page 8959]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 8959]]



Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Agency Information Collection; Activity Under OMB Review; Report 
of Extension of Credit to Political Candidates--Form 183

AGENCY: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), DOT.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public 
Law 104-13, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics invites the general 
public, industry and other governmental parties to comment on the 
continuing need for and usefulness of BTS collecting reports from air 
carriers on the aggregated indebtedness balance of a political 
candidate or party for Federal office. The reports are required when 
the aggregated indebtedness is over $5,000 on the last day of a month.

DATES: Written comments should be submitted by April 28, 2003.

ADDRESSES: Comments should be directed to: Office of Airline 
Information, K-14, Room 4125, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001, FAX NO. 366-3383 or e-
mail bernard.stankus@bts.gov.
    Comments: Comments should identify the associated OMB approval 
 2138-0016. Persons wishing the Department to acknowledge 
receipt of their comments must submit with those comments a self-
addressed stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: 
Comments on OMB  2138-0016. The postcard will be date/time 
stamped and returned.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bernie Stankus, Office of Airline 
Information, K-14, Room 4125, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001, (202) 366-4387.

    OMB Approval No.: 2138-0016.
    Title: Report of Extension of Credit to Political Candidates--Form 
183 14 CFR part 374a.
    Form No.: 183.
    Type Of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Respondents: Certificated air carriers.
    Number of Respondents: 2 (Monthly Average).
    Number of Responses: 24.
    Estimated Time per Response: 1 hour.
    Total Annual Burden: 24 hours.
    Needs and Uses: The Department uses this form as the means to 
fulfill its obligation under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 
(the Act). The Act's legislative history indicates that one of its 
statutory goals is to prevent candidates for Federal political office 
from incurring large amounts of unsecured debt with regulated 
transportation companies (e.g. airlines). This information collection 
allows the Department to monitor and disclose the amount of unsecured 
credit extended by airlines to candidates for Federal office. All 
certificated air carriers are required to submit this information.
    The Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency 
Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. 3501 note), requires a statistical agency to 
clearly identify information it collects for non-statistical purposes. 
BTS hereby notifies the respondents and the public that BTS uses the 
information it collects under this OMB approval for non-statistical 
purposes including, but not limited to, publication of both 
Respondent's identity and its data, submission of the information to 
agencies outside BTS for review, analysis and possible use in 
regulatory and other administrative matters.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on February 14, 2003.
Donald W. Bright,
Assistant Director, Airline Information, Bureau of Transportation 
[FR Doc. 03-4555 Filed 2-25-03; 8:45 am]