Northeast Region, Boston

New England Customs Records

Arrival in Copenhagen

Consignee certificate - reverse
See Transcription

Consignee certificate -front, for the Ship Mount Vernon, July 20, 1803
See Transcription

The Consignee's Certificate

The consignee's certificate was a vitally important document that was returned to the Collectors of Customs as proof that goods had actually been unloaded in a foreign country and not sold illegally in the United States. Without this document, the merchants Peabody and Tucker would not have been able to get the refund of duties known as a drawback, and would also have been liable for amounts specified in bonds that required these goods to be delivered in a foreign country.

This document indicates that around July 11 or 12 the Mount Vernon arrived at its destination. From July 13 to July 19 the cargo was unloaded and consigned (sold) to local merchants in Copenhagen.

Table of Contents

One side of the Consignee Certificate lists the cargo with a statement and signatures of the consignees, Ryberg and Company, while the other side shows a certification by the ship's master, Samuel Endicott, and the mate, Richard Searl, and a certification by the American consul, Hans Rudolph Saabye.

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