Judge Gregory P. Canova

Mailing Address:
King County Superior Court
516 3rd Ave, Room C-203
Seattle, WA 98104
Mailstop: KCC-SC-0203

Courtroom Number: W-817

Phone: 206-296-9290

Fax: 206-296-9436

Judicial Assignment:

Email: angela.ashley-smith@kingcounty.gov
(Email inquiries usually receive a more prompt response than phone messages)

Department Number:

Working Papers: Use mailing address or deliver to King County Courthouse, Room C-203

Bailiff: Angela Ashley-Smith

Clerk: Dawn Tubbs


Rules to Review before Calling:

  • Motions Without Argument: Local Rule 7(b); Trial Continuances: Local Rule 40; Summary Judgment: Local Rule 56 & Civil Rule 56;
  • Change of case assignment, consolidation of cases, or reactivation of cases with new judge and case schedule: direct to the Chief Civil Judge, per Local Rule 40

Additional Rules of This Court:

  • Please email the bailiff to schedule motions requiring oral argument.
  • DO NOT confirm motions without oral argument; these motions may be set for any day which meets service requirements of the rule.
  • Please notify the bailiff by email to strike a motion; always provide case name and cause no. and the date for which the motion is noted.
  • Copies of orders will not be mailed if pre-addressed stamped envelopes are not provided pursuant to KCLR 7; copies of orders may be obtained through the clerk's office approximately 5 days after a ruling has been issued if no envelopes provided.
  • DO NOT call the bailiff regarding the status of a ruling within 48 hours of the day the motion is noted to allow receipt of a conformed copy of the order in envelopes that were provided.
  • Motions not in compliance with local rules will be stricken without prejudice.
  • Always provide case name, cause no., your name and phone number, and the nature of your inquiry when calling/emailing the bailiff; otherwise, you may not receive a response.
  • Requests for oral argument on motions that are heard without oral argument: please note your motion without oral argument and indicate next to the date of the motion "ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED." Judge Canova will review the motion on the date it is noted without oral argument and decide whether it is necessary for oral argument. If he finds it is necessary, his bailiff will contact all parties to schedule a new date and time for oral argument on the motion. If he finds it is not necessary for oral argument, you will not be contacted by the court and you will receive a copy of the order if preaddressed, stamped envelopes were provided pursuant to KCLR 7.
  • Email inquiries usually receive a more prompt response than phone messages.

Digital recorded courtroom:

Judge Canova operates in an FTR Gold courtroom, which digitally records proceedings. There is no court reporter. The following web link from the Clerk's Office provides the information you will need to obtain a copy of the CD for your hearing and transcriber information:


Please contact the Clerk's Office at 296-7848 for additional information.