[Federal Register: June 10, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 111)]
[Page 34609-34614]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Administration for Children and Families

[Program Announcement No. ACYF/CB-2003-01]

Announcement of the Availability of Financial Assistance and 
Request for Applications to Support Adoption Opportunities 
Demonstration Activities, Child Abuse and Neglect Discretionary 
Activities, Child Welfare Training Project Activities, Promoting Safe 
and Stable Families Activities

AGENCY: Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), ACF, 

ACTION: Notice.


Statutory Authority and Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 

    Adoption Opportunities: Title II of the Child Abuse Prevention and 
Treatment and Adoption Reform Act of 1978, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 5111) 
CFDA: 93.652.
    Child Abuse and Neglect: Section 104 of the Child Abuse Prevention 
and Treatment Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.) CFDA: 93.670.
    Child Welfare Training: Section 426 in title IV-B, subpart 1, of 
the Social Security Act, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 626) CFDA: 93.648.
    Promoting Safe and Stable Families: Section 430 in title IV-B, 
subpart 2, of the Social Security Act, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 629) 
CFDA: 93.556.
SUMMARY: The Children's Bureau (CB) within the Administration on 
Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Administration for Children and 
Families (ACF) announces the availability of fiscal year (FY) 2003 
funds for competing new activities under the Adoption Opportunities 
Program, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), the 
Child Welfare Training Program, and the Promoting Safe and Stable 
Families Program. Funds from the Adoption Opportunities Program are 
designed to provide, among other things, support for demonstration 
projects that facilitate the elimination of barriers to adoption and 
provide permanent loving homes for children who would benefit from 
adoption, particularly children with special needs. Funds from CAPTA 
support research and demonstration projects on the causes, prevention, 
and treatment of child abuse and neglect. Funds from the Child Welfare 
Training Program support grants to public or other non-profit 
institutions of higher learning for special projects for training 
personnel for work in the field of child welfare. The Promoting Safe 
and Stable Families program is intended to prevent the unnecessary 
separation of children from their families by funding family support, 
family preservation, time-limited family reunification and adoption 
promotion and support services as well as research, evaluation and 
technical assistance relating to such services.

DATES: The closing date for submission of applications is July 25, 
2003. Items postmarked after the stated due date will be classified as 
late. Private, non-profit organizations that apply for funds available 
through this announcement are encouraged to submit with their 
applications the optional survey located under ``Grant Manuals and 
Forms'' at http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ofs/forms.htm.

    Note: The complete program announcement, including all necessary 
forms, can be downloaded and printed from the Children's Bureau Web 
site at http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cb. Hard copies of the 
complete program announcement may be requested by calling the 
National Adoption Information Clearinghouse at 1-888-251-0075. The 
complete program announcement is necessary for any potential 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia Campiglia, Children's Bureau, 


Priority Areas

2003A. Adoption Opportunities Activities

2003A.1 Adoptive Placements for Children in Foster Care
    Eligible Applicants: Eligibility is limited to State social service 
agencies. In order to support the broadest range of issues and 
approaches, priority will be given to applicants who have not been 
funded under this priority in previous years. However, applicants 
previously funded under this priority area will not be precluded from 
receiving grants.
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a project period 
of 60

[[Page 34610]]

months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. 
The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget period 
will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on 
the part of each grantee, and a determination that continued funding 
would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $350,000 per budget period.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least ten percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $350,000 per budget period must 
include a match of at least $38,889 per budget period. The non-Federal 
share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are 
encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash contributions. 
If approved for funding, grantees will be held accountable for the 
commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to provide the required 
amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to eight projects will be funded.
2003A.2: Projects To Improve Recruitment of Adoptive Parents in Rural 
    Eligible Applicants: States, local government entities, public or 
private non-profit licensed child welfare or adoption agencies, 
adoptive family groups and nonprofit organizations, including community 
and faith-based organizations, with experience working with rural 
populations and with access to children in foster care. Collaborative 
efforts and interdisciplinary applications are acceptable; however, 
applications from collaborations must identify a primary applicant 
responsible for administering the grant.
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a project period 
of 60 months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget 
period. The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget 
period will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory 
progress on the part of each grantee, and a determination that 
continued funding would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $400,000 per budget period.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least 10 percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $400,000 per budget period must 
include a match of at least $44,444 per budget period. The non-Federal 
share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are 
encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash contributions. 
If approved for funding, grantees will be held accountable for the 
commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to provide the required 
amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to eight projects will be funded.
2003A.3: Developing a National Network of Adoption Advocacy Programs
    Eligible Applicants: States, local government entities, public or 
private nonprofit licensed child welfare or adoption agencies, 
university (including university-affiliated programs) or adoptive 
family groups and community-based organizations and nonprofit 
organizations including community and faith-based organizations with 
adoption expertise. Eligible applicants must have the capacity to 
operate and support a national network as well as assist in the 
development and support of local adoption advocacy programs that are 
modeled on the One Church, One Child program. Collaborative efforts and 
interdisciplinary applications are acceptable; however, applications 
from collaborations must identify a primary applicant responsible for 
administering the grant.
    Project Duration: The project will be awarded for a project period 
of 60 months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget 
period. The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget 
period will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory 
progress on the part of the grantee, and a determination that continued 
funding would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $250,000 for the first budget period and $500,000 for each 
of the subsequent budget periods.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least 10 percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $250,000 for year one and 
$500,000 per budget period for years two through five must include a 
match of at least $27,778 in year one and $55,556 per budget period for 
years two through five. The non-Federal share may be cash or in-kind 
contributions, although applicants are encouraged to meet their match 
requirements through cash contributions. If approved for funding, 
grantees will be held accountable for the commitment of non-Federal 
resources and failure to provide the required amount will result in a 
disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
one project will be funded.
2003A.4: Administration of the Interstate Compact on Adoption and 
Medical Assistance (ICAMA)
    Eligible Applicants: Any State, local, public and private nonprofit 
agency or organization, including community and faith-based 
organizations, or institutions of higher learning with demonstrated 
expertise in the field of child welfare.
    Project Duration: The length of the project period for the grant 
may not exceed 60 months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-
month budget period. The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-
month budget period will be subject to the availability of funds, 
satisfactory progress on the part of each grantee, and a determination 
that continued funding would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The grant amount will not exceed 
$200,000 per budget period.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least ten percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $200,000 per budget period must 
include a match of at least $22,222 per budget period. The non-Federal 
share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are 
encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash contributions. 
If approved for funding, grantees will be held accountable for the 
commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to provide the required 
amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
one project will be funded.

[[Page 34611]]

2003B: Child Abuse and Neglect Discretionary Activities

2003B.1: Fellowships for University-Based Doctoral Candidates and 
Faculty for Investigator-Initiated Research in Child Abuse and Neglect
    Eligible Applicants: Public or private non-profit institutions of 
higher learning on behalf of qualified doctoral candidates in human 
service disciplines enrolled in the institution and faculty employed by 
the institution. To be eligible to administer such a grant, the 
institution must be fully accredited by one of the regional 
institutional accrediting commissions recognized by the U.S. Secretary 
of Education and/or the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation. While 
an individual is considered to be the beneficiary of the grant support, 
awards will be made only to eligible institutions on behalf of their 
qualified candidates.
    Project Duration: The length of the projects may not exceed 24 
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is not to exceed $130,000 per academic institution, with a 
maximum of $25,000 per student and $30,000 for the faculty member. Each 
application must involve two to four student-candidates and a single 
faculty member.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: There is no matching 
requirement. The academic institution, in accepting the award, agrees 
to waive overhead charges (indirect costs) and pass the entirety of the 
funds on to students and faculty as fellowships or stipends.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to seven institutional awards will be funded.
2003B.2: Improving Child Welfare Outcomes Through Systems of Care
    Eligible Applicants: State, territory, county or city child welfare 
agencies and federally recognized Native American Tribes are eligible 
applicants. No more than one application will be funded from any one 
State in order to insure geographic distribution of the awards. 
Collaborative applications are acceptable; however, applications from 
collaborations must identify a primary applicant responsible for 
administering the grant.
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a period of 60 
months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. 
The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget period 
will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on 
the part of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding 
would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is up to $500,000.
    Matching Requirement: There is no matching requirement.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to 10 awards will be made.

2003C: Child Welfare Training Project Activities

2003C.1: Professional Education for Public Child Welfare Practitioners:
2003C.1A: Professional Education for Prospective MSW Level Public Child 
Welfare Staff (Awarding MSW Degree)
2003C.1B: Professional Education for Current Public Child Welfare 
Agency Staff (Awarding BSW and/or MSW Degree)
2003C.1C: Professional Education for Prospective and Current American 
Indian and/or Alaskan Native Public Child Welfare Staff who are 
currently enrolled or plan to enroll in BSW or MSW Social Work Programs 
(Awarding BSW and/or MSW Degree)

    Note: In order to be responsive to a number of unique, 
professional education needs related to public child welfare 
practice, this priority area is being subdivided into three 
subcategories as outlined above. An institution may submit only one 
application under this priority area and must identify the sub-
priority area to which it is responding in the abstract and 
narrative sections of the application.

    Eligible Applicants: Public or non-profit institutions of higher 
education with accredited social work education programs. Priority will 
be given to applicants with a strong public child welfare agency/
university partnership and/or applicants prepared to re-design their 
curriculum to maximize student learning opportunities for work in 
public child welfare agencies. Previously funded applicants under this 
priority area will not be precluded from receiving a grant.
    Project Duration: Sub-priority area 2003C.1A will be awarded for a 
project period not to exceed 48 months. Sub-priorities 2003C.1B and 
2003C.1C will be awarded for a project period not to exceed 60 months. 
The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. The award 
of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget period will be 
subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on the part 
of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding would be in 
the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share is not to 
exceed $75,000 for the 12-month budget period. A traineeship must not 
exceed $7,500 per student per budget year. A minimum of 75 per cent of 
the total project funds must be used for traineeships.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: No matching funds are 
required for the portion of the budget that pays for traineeships. 
However, grantees must provide a match to equal at least 25 percent of 
the total cost of grant activities other than traineeships. The total 
approved cost of these non-traineeship activities is the sum of the 
ACYF share and the non-Federal share. The non-Federal share may be met 
by cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are encouraged to 
meet their match requirements through a cash contribution. Therefore, a 
project requesting $75,000 in Federal funds (with $56,250 for 
traineeships and $18,750 for non-traineeship activities per budget 
period) must include a match of at least $6,250 (25 percent of the 
total cost for the non-traineeship activities). Because this is a 
training grant, indirect costs for these projects shall not exceed 8 
percent. Funds from this grant cannot be used to match title IV-E 
training funds. If approved for funding, grantees will be held 
accountable for the commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to 
provide the required amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched 
Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to 27 projects will be funded: eleven in sub-priority area 2003C.1A, 
twelve in sub-priority area 2003C.1B and four in sub-priority area 
2003C.2: Training for Effective Child Welfare Practice in Rural 
    Eligible Applicants: Public or non-profit institutions of higher 
education with accredited social work programs or other accredited 
bachelor- or graduate-level programs leading to a degree relevant to 
work in child welfare. Under this priority area, only those 
institutions that have knowledge and experience in training 
professionals for work in rural communities and have child welfare-
related experience in serving rural America would be eligible to apply.
    Project Duration: Awards will be made for a project period of 60 
months. The initial grant will be for a 12-month budget period. The 
award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month period will be 
subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on the part 
of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding

[[Page 34612]]

would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is up to $200,000 per budget year.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least 25 percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $200,000 per budget period must 
include a match of at least $66,667 per budget period. The non-Federal 
share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are 
encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash contributions. 
If approved for funding, grantees will be held accountable for the 
commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to provide the required 
amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is estimated that 
up to seven projects will be funded.
2003C.3: Developing Models of Effective Child Welfare Staff Recruitment 
and Retention Training
    Eligible Applicants: Public or non-profit institutions of higher 
education with accredited social work education programs or other 
accredited bachelor or graduate level programs leading to a degree 
relevant to work in child welfare.
    Project Duration: Awards will be made for a project period of 60 
months. The initial grant will be for a 12-month budget period. The 
award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month period will be 
subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on the part 
of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding would be in 
the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is up to $200,000 per budget year.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least 25 percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $200,000 per budget period must 
include a match of at least $66,667 per budget period. The non-Federal 
share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are 
encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash contributions. 
If approved for funding, grantees will be held accountable for the 
commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to provide the required 
amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is estimated that 
up to 13 projects will be funded.
2003C.4: Training for Healthy Marriage and Family Formation
    Eligible Applicants: Public or non-profit institutions of higher 
education with accredited social work programs or other accredited 
bachelor or graduate level programs leading to a degree relevant to 
work in child welfare.
    Project Duration: Awards will be made for a project period of 60 
months. The initial grant will be for a 12-month budget period. The 
award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month period will be 
subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on the part 
of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding would be in 
the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is up to $200,000 per budget year.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: The grantee must provide at 
least 25 percent of the total approved cost of the project. The total 
approved cost is the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal 
share. Therefore, a project requesting $200,000 per budget period must 
include a match of at least $66,667 per budget period. The non-Federal 
share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although applicants are 
encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash contributions. 
If approved for funding, grantees will be held accountable for the 
commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to provide the required 
amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is estimated that 
up to eight projects will be funded.
2003C.5: National Evaluation of Child Welfare Training Grants
    Eligible Applicants: Public or non-profit institutions of higher 
education with accredited social work education programs or other 
accredited bachelor or graduate level programs leading to a degree 
relevant to work in child welfare. To be eligible, the institution must 
demonstrate knowledge and skills in the areas of child welfare 
administration, research, evaluation and curriculum development and 
    Project Duration: Awards will be made for a project period of 36 
months. The initial grant will be for a 12-month budget period. The 
award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month period will be 
subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on the part 
of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding would be in 
the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $350,000 per budget year.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: No match required.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
one project will be funded.

2003D: Promoting Safe and Stable Families Activities

2003D.1: Replication of Demonstrated Effective Programs in the 
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
    Eligible Applicants: Public or private non-profit organizations, 
including community and faith-based organizations, and institutions of 
higher education. Collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary 
applications are acceptable; however, applications from collaborations 
must identify a primary applicant responsible for administering the 
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a period of 60 
months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. 
The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget period 
will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on 
the part of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding 
would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is up to $175,000 for the first year and up to $350,000 for 
each subsequent year.
    Matching Requirements: The grantee must provide at least 10 percent 
of the total approved cost of the project. The total approved cost is 
the sum of the Federal share and the non-Federal share. Therefore, a 
project requesting $175,000 for year one and $350,000 per budget period 
for years two through five must include a match of at least $19,444 in 
year one and $38,889 per budget period for years two through five. The 
non-Federal share may be cash or in-kind contributions, although 
applicants are encouraged to meet their match requirements through cash 
contributions. If approved for funding, grantees will be held 
accountable for the commitment of non-Federal resources and failure to 
provide the required amount will result in a disallowance of unmatched 
Federal funds.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to eight projects will be funded.

[[Page 34613]]

2003D.2: Evaluations of Existing Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention 
    Eligible Applicants: Public (State, tribal, or local) or private 
nonprofit organizations, including community and faith-based 
organizations, or institutions of higher learning are eligible to 
apply. Collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary applications are 
encouraged; however, a primary applicant must be identified.
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a period of 36 
months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. 
The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget period 
will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on 
the part of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding 
would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $200,000 per budget period.
    Matching Requirements: There is no matching requirement.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to four projects will be funded.
2003D.3: Evaluations of Existing Family Support, Family Preservation, 
Reunification, or Adoption Promotion and Support Programs
    Eligible Applicants: Public (State, tribal, or local) or private 
nonprofit organizations, including community and faith-based 
organizations, or institutions of higher learning are eligible to 
apply. Collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary applications are 
encouraged; however, a primary applicant must be identified.
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a period of 36 
months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. 
The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget period 
will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on 
the part of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding 
would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Cost: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $200,000 per budget period.
    Matching Requirements: There is no matching requirement.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to three projects will be funded.
2003D.4: Projects to Develop Programs to Strengthen Marriages
    Eligible Applicants: State child welfare agencies, local (county or 
community) child welfare or child protective service agencies in 
partnership with experienced marriage services providers which may be 
public or nonprofit organizations including community and faith-based 
organizations. The child welfare agency must be the primary applicant 
responsible for administering the grant.
    Project Duration: The projects will be awarded for a project period 
of 36 months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget 
period. The award of continuation funding beyond each 12-month budget 
period will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory 
progress on the part of each grantee, and a determination that 
continued funding would be in the best interest of the government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share of the 
project is $200,000 per budget period.
    Matching or Cost Sharing Requirement: No match is required.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to 10 projects will be funded.

Evaluation Criteria

    Reviewers will consider the following factors when scoring 
applications. Applicants, in order to adequately prepare their 
applications, must refer to the full program announcement for the 
specific evaluation criteria for each priority area.
    Criterion 1: Objectives and Need for Assistance. Applications will 
be judged on the extent to which they clearly specify the purposes and/
or strategies of the proposed project and their relationship to 
legislative authority and child welfare outcomes, as appropriate; the 
quality of their statement regarding the need for the project; and 
evidence that the applicant understands current issues and recent 
developments in the field that may have relevance to the implementation 
of the project. Applicants must refer to the specific evaluation 
criteria for each priority area contained in the full Program 
Announcement in order to adequately prepare their applications.
    Criterion 2: Approach. Applicants will be judged on the clarity, 
feasibility, and thoroughness of their description of the approach that 
they intend to use in implementing proposed projects. The approach 
sections will be expected to include, as appropriate, information on 
barriers to implementation and proposed solutions to those barriers; 
necessary collaborations with other organizations and agencies and 
their respective roles; evaluation plans; reporting requirements; and 
staffing plans. Applicants must refer to the specific evaluation 
criteria for each priority area contained in the full Program 
Announcement in order to adequately prepare their applications.
    Criterion 3: Organizational Profiles. Applicants will be judged on 
the experience and demonstrated competence of staff who are proposed to 
implement the project and, as appropriate, the experience of the 
organization in implementing related projects. Applicants must refer to 
the specific evaluation criteria for each priority area contained in 
the full Program Announcement in order to adequately prepare their 
    Criterion 4: Budget and Budget Justification. Applicants will be 
judged on the adequacy, reasonableness, and completeness of their 
budget requests to support their proposed projects, including their 
management plans to control and account for expenditure of project 
funds. Applicants must refer to the specific evaluation criteria for 
each priority area contained in the full Program Announcement in order 
to adequately prepare their applications.

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Public Law)

    Public reporting burden for this collection of information is 
estimated to average 40 hours per response, including the time for 
reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed and 
reviewing the collection information. The project description is 
approved under OMB control number 0970-0139 which expires 12/31/2003.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required 
to respond to, collections of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.

Required Notification of the Single Point of Contact

    Most portions of this program are covered under Executive Order 
12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, and 45 CFR part 
100, Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and Human 
Services Program and Activities. Under the Order, States may design 
their own processes for reviewing and commenting on proposed Federal 
assistance under covered programs.
    All States and Territories except Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, 
Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, 
Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, 
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Palau, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, 
Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming have elected

[[Page 34614]]

to participate in the Executive Order process and have established 
Single Points of Contact (SPOCs). Applicants from these jurisdictions 
need take no action regarding E.O. 12372. Applicants for projects to be 
administered by Federally-recognized Indian Tribes are also exempt from 
the requirements of E.O. 12372. Applicants to the Adoption 
Opportunities program are also exempt from the requirements of E.O. 
12372. Otherwise, applicants should contact their SPOCs as soon as 
possible to alert them of the prospective applications and receive any 
necessary instructions. Applicants must submit any required material to 
the SPOCs as soon as possible so that the program office can obtain and 
review SPOC comments as part of the award process. It is imperative 
that the applicant submit all required materials, if any, to the SPOC 
and indicate the date of this submittal (or the date of contact if no 
submittal is required) on the Standard Form 424, item 16a.
    Under 45 CFR 100.8(a)(2), a SPOC has 60 days from the application 
deadline to comment on proposed new or competing continuation awards. 
SPOCs are encouraged to eliminate the submission of routine 
endorsements as official recommendations. Additionally, SPOCs are 
requested to clearly differentiate between mere advisory comments and 
those official State process recommendations which may trigger the 
accommodate or explain rule. A list of the Single Points of Contact for 
each State and Territory can be found online at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html

    Dated: May 27, 2003.
Frank Fuentes,
Deputy Commissioner, Administration on Children, Youth and Families.
[FR Doc. 03-14486 Filed 6-9-03; 8:45 am]