Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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27 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  China Supports Postponement of Hong Kong Anti-Subversion Bill Vote - 2003-07-08 *
2.  Burma's Military Broadens Criticism of Detained Opposition Leader - 2003-07-08 *
3.  Bush Begins Five-Nation African Tour - 2003-07-08 *
4.  EU Imposes Broader Arms Embargo Against Burma - 2003-07-08 *


1.  UN Says Poverty Worsening in 54 Countries - 2003-07-09 *
2.  Bush Concerns on Senior Citizens and Cuban-Americans in Florida - 2003-07-09 *
3.  US President Pledges $15 Billion to Fight AIDS in Africa - 2003-07-09 *
4.  Bush Defends Justification for Iraq War - 2003-07-09 *
5.  USDA: The Hard Core of Burma's Military Regime - 2003-07-09 *
6.  Interview With a Former Political Prisoner - 2003-07-09 *


1.  Canadian Foreign Minister Announces Further Actions Against Burma - 2003-07-10 *
2.  Senator Mitch McConnell Meets With UN Special Envoy Razali On Burma - 2003-07-10 *
3.  Japan, Malaysia To Pressure Burma On Aung San Suu Kyi - 2003-07-10 *


1.  Burma: Reconciliation With Opposition Is 'Out of Reach' - 2003-07-11 *


1.  Armitage Confirms Sanctions Planned for Burma - 2003-07-12 *


1.  Burmese FM Arrives In India For Strengthening Relations - 2003-07-13 *
2.  South Korean Report Says North May Have Reprocessed Nuclear Rods - 2003-07-13 *
3.  Iraqi Governing Council Convenes in Baghdad - 2003-07-13 *


1.  White House Calls Iraq-Africa Uranium Controversy Overblown - 2003-07-14 *
2.  Burmese Junta Sends Petition To US Over Threatened Economic Sanctions - 2003-07-14 *
3.  Burmese Junta Accuses Western Nations Of Meddling In Internal Affairs - 2003-07-14 *
4.  South Korea: No Evidence North Korea Has Reprocessed Nuclear Rods - 2003-07-14 *


1.  US House Approves Burma Sanctions Bill - 2003-07-15 *
2.  Britain Warns Travel Agents On Burma - 2003-07-15 *
3.  Burmese Media Perspectives On Suu Kyi's Current Situation - 2003-07-15 *
4.  US Suspends Military Aid: International Criminal Court - 2003-07-15 *
5.  North Korean Leader Meets with Chinese Envoy - 2003-07-15 *