Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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38 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  EU: Burma at Risk of Becoming 'Failed State' - 2004-07-01 *
2.  Human Rights Group Cites Alleged Abuses by Burma - 2004-07-01 *
3.  test pdf - 2004-07-01 *


1.  Asian Regional Forum Calls for Peaceful Nuclear Settlement - 2004-07-02 *
2.  Powell-NoKor Foreign Minister Discuss Nuke Issue - 2004-07-02 *
3.  Farenheit 9/11: The Most Controversial Film of This Year - 2004-07-02 *
4.  Scientists Awed by Pictures of Saturn's Rings - 2004-07-02 *
5.  Asian and Western Ministers Examine Regional Issues - 2004-07-02 *
6.  Defiant Saddam Appears in Iraqi Court to Hear Charges - 2004-07-02 *


1.  Bush, Kerry Spar Over Economy - 2004-07-03 *
2.  US Congress Considers Measures to Boost Peace Corps Security - 2004-07-03 *
3.  Burma's PM to Visit China - 2004-07-03 *
4.  Sudan Promises to Immediately Disarm Darfur Militias - 2004-07-03 *
5.  Militant Group Says It Has Beheaded US Marine - 2004-07-03 *
6.  US Troops Find Iraq Car Bomb 'Factory' - 2004-07-03 *
7.  Asia Security Meeting Calls for Settlement on North Korea and Burma - 2004-07-03 *
8.  Japan, Vietnam To Prod EU To Resolve Burma Issue - 2004-07-03 *
9.  US Welcomes Possibility of Arab Countries Sending Troops to Iraq - 2004-07-03 *


1.  Iraq's Government Considers Amnesty for Iraqi Insurgents - 2004-07-04 *
2.  Americans Celebrate Independence Day - 2004-07-04 *
3.  Landmark Presidential Election in Indonesia - 2004-07-04 *


1.  President Bush, Nation Mark Independence Day - 2004-07-05 *
2.  Indonesia Directly Elects President - 2004-07-05 *
3.  Paris Watchdog Group Assesses World Money Laundering - 2004-07-05 *
4.  Malaysia: Islamic Nations Should Send Troops to Iraq - 2004-07-05 *
5.  China Trains Police From Neighboring Countries Including Burma - 2004-07-05 *


1.  Suicide Bomber in Colombo Kills 4 - 2004-07-07 *
2.  Cambodia to Refuse to Join ASEM Without Burma - 2004-07-07 *
3.  Iraqi Police: Six Wounded in Mortar Attacks in Central Baghdad - 2004-07-07 *
4.  Cambodia Will Not Join Asia-Europe Summit if Burma Barred - 2004-07-07 *


1.  Bush Signs Burma Sanctions Renewal - 2004-07-08 *
2.  EU: Concern Over Ballots in Indonesian Presidential Election - 2004-07-08 *
3.  US National Security Advisor Discusses North Korea, Taiwan With Chinese Leaders - 2004-07-08 *
4.  US Marine Missing in Iraq Safe in Lebanon - 2004-07-08 *
5.  Philippine National Confirmed Kidnapped in Iraq - 2004-07-08 *
6.  Condoleeza Rice Talks with Senior Chinese Leaders - 2004-07-08 *
7.  President Bush Uses Visit to Turkey to Urge Greater Democracy in the Middle East - 2004-07-08 *
8.  US Official: America Still Has Credibility on Human Rights - 2004-07-08 *