Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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37 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Bill Richardson Joins Growing Pool of Presidential Candidates *
2.  India Urges Burma to Evict anti-Indian Rebels *
3.  Tutu Disappointed by South Africa Vote On Burma *


1.  Terror Bombs Kill Dozens of Muslims in Baghdad *
2.  Hezbollah and Its Allies Block Roads across Lebanon *


1.  EU Says Burma Slowing Down Work of ASEAN *
2.  Burmese Legendary Poet Tin Moe Dies *
3.  US-China Discuss Stronger North Korean and Iran Sanctions *
4.  Bush Delivering State of the Union Address
5.  Bush Asks Congress to Give New Iraq Plan 'Chance to Work' *
6.  Malaysian FM Says Burma Likely to Harden Stance in Wake of UN Vote *
7.  A Tribute to the Late Burmese Legendary Poet Tin Moe *
8.  Bush Urges Democratic Progress in Burma, Cuba, Belarus *


1.  British MPs Discuss Resolution on Religious Freedom in Burma *
2.  ILO Says Unemployment, Slower Growth Undermine Southeast Asia's Economies *


1.  Burma Accuses US of Trying to Replace Government *
2.  Former Vietnamese Soccer Players Convicted of Match-Fixing *
3.  Diseases From Burma Spread Across its Borders *


1.  Burma Frees Hundreds of Customs Officials Held for Corruption *
2.  World Economic Forum Focuses on Africa *


1.  Tens of Thousands March in Washington to Protest War in Iraq *


1.  Burmese Pro-Democracy Activist Files Defamation Suit Against Media *
2.  US Senate Iraq Resolution Under Debate *
3.  Rebel says Burma Staged Attack on India's Naga Separatists *
4.  Malaysian Authorities Detain 176 Illegal Burmese Immigrants *
5.  Bush Tries To Build Support for Iraq Strategy *


1.  Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Reported in Good Health *
2.  Activist Group Leads Burma in Letter writing Campaign *
3.  Burma Govt Supporters Protest at US Embassy in Rangoon *
4.  New Ceasefire Broken, Hamas Militant Killed in Gaza *
5.  Mystery of Time *
6.  Japan to Aid Former Poppy Farmers in Burma *


1.  Purified Water In Maedaw Clinic *
2.  Circumvent Internet Censorship *
3.  Antidepressants and Heart Disease Treatment *
4.  Study Claims Tobacco Industry Manipulated Nicotine Levels *


1.  Bush Says Adding More American Troops is the Best Option for Iraq *
2.  Thailand Increases Quota for Migrant Burmese Workers *