Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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33 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Burmese Prime Minister Meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao *


1.  Indonesian President to Visit Burma, North Korea *
2.  India's President To Visit Burma *
3.  Malaysian Foreign Minister Urges Burma to Allow Visit *
4.  US Blasts UN Report Calling for Guantanamo Prison's Closure *
5.  Rumsfeld: Perpetrators of Abu Ghraib Abuse Already Punished *
6.  Pakistanis Protest Prophet Muhammad Cartoons for 4th Day *


1.  Bush defends Dick Cheney on Shooting Incident *
2.  Philippine Government Says Coup Plot Under Control *


1.  French President Chirac Calls for Burma To Release Political Prisoners *
2.  French President Chirac Calls for Burma To Release Political Prisoners *
3.  French President Chirac Calls for Burma To Release Political Prisoners *


1.  Israeli Cabinet Approves Sanctions On Palestinians
2.  Pakistani Police Use Tear Gas Against Cartoons Protesters *
3.  Israel Suspends Money Transfers to the Palestinian Authority *
4.  International Aid Reaches Philippine Village Buried by Mudslide, May Be Too Late *


1.  UN Report Slams Burma's Human Rights Situation *
2.  Reports of Anti-Muslim Riots in Burma *
3.  Burma Reports Big Increase in Amphetamine Seizures *
4.  Philippines Red Cross Head Fears Mass Grave At Landslide Site *
5.  Bombings in Iraq Kill at Least 17 *
6.  Iran, Russia Agree to Further Nuclear Talks *
7.  Noises Detected at School Buried in Massive Philippine Landslide *
8.  China Defends Trade Record *


1.  Controversy Deepens Over Iraq Prewar Intelligence
2.  Rice Begins Mideast Mission, Seeking Unity Against Hamas *
3.  Annan to Address Muhammad Cartoon Crisis *
4.  Burmese Drug Ring Leader Arrested in China *


1.  Burma Bomb Suspect Arrested *
2.  Burmese Government Calls Members of Opposition Terrorists *
3.  Bush, Congress in Conflict Over US Ports Management Deal *
4.  New study indicates calcium supplements may not prevent broken bones as believed. *
5.  Study Shows Greenland Glacier Retreat Contributing to Sea Level Rise *
6.  Bombing of Shi'ite Shrine in Iraq Sparks Mass Protests *
7.  White House Defends Controversial Port Deal *