Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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32 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  US Scientists Make Important Discovery in Battle Against Malaria *
2.  Aung San Suu Kyi Greets Protesting Monks in Burma *
3.  Protesting Burmese Monks march to Aung San Suu Kyi's Compound *


1.  Burmese Police Stop Monks from Reaching Home of Democracy Leader *
2.  Protests by Monks, Nuns and Civilians Escalate in Rangoon *
3.  Newly Rich Chinese Tourists Flock To Australia *


1.  Anti-Government Protests by Buddhist Monks, Nuns, Civilians Escalate in Burma *
2.  Burma Threatens Action Against Protesting Monks *
3.  ASEAN Chief Calls for Burma Protests to Remain Peaceful *


1.  US Calls For Restraint Against Protesting Burmese Monks *
2.  Bush Says US Will Expand Sanctions on Burma *
3.  Burmese Troops Deploy Hundreds of Troops in Rangoon *
4.  Gonzales Resignation Ends Standoff Between President, Congress *
5.  Researchers Discover A Gene That Makes People Thin *


1.  US First Lady Laura Bush in an Exclusive Interview with VOA
2.  Burma's Military Government Imposes Curfew *
3.  Burmese Troops Open Fire on Pro-Democracy Protesters *
4.  Laura Bush Speaks Out On Burma in VOA Interview *
5.  US, EU Ask UN to Consider New Burma Sanctions *


1.  Burmese Troops Raid Monasteries, Arrest At Least 100 Monks
2.  UN Security Council Holds Emergency Meeting on Burma
3.  Bono Praises Peaceful Protesters in Burma
4.  Burmese Government: 9 Protesters Dead in Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Demonstrations
5.  Burmese Security Forces Fire Shots to Disperse Demonstrators
6.  US Demands Burma's Military Government Immediately Halt Violent Crackdown
7.  Troops fire shots on the protesters in Rangoon (Watch Video) *


1.  ASEAN Is 'Revolted' by Burma's Crackdown, Demands End to Violence
2.  Burmese TV Blames Protests on Western Broadcasters
3.  Burma Agrees to Accept UN Envoy Amid Condemnation for Violent Crackdown
4.  US Condemns Burmese Military, Imposes Sanctions *
5.  Media Groups Accuse Burmese Authorities of Pressuring Journalists
6.  ရင္ခုန္သံေသြးလွဳဳရွင္အသင္းမွ ဦးစီးက်င္းပေသာ တတိယအႀကိမ္ေျမာက္


1.  Congressional Leaders Voice Support for Burmese *
2.  UN Rights Council Calls Emergency Session On Burma *
3.  Burma Military Shoots At Protesters, Cuts Off Internet
4.  US Scientists: Satellites Show Evidence of Atrocities in Burma
5.  French Oil Company Defends Burma Energy Projects
6.  Video Allegedly Shows Japanese Journalist Shot at Close Range in Burma *
7.  India Reluctant to Pressure Burma
8.  UN Envoy in Burma to Try to Mediate Protests *
9.  Japan Protests Death of Journalist in Burma *
10.  UN Human Rights Council Calls Emergency Session on Burma *
11.  UN: Burma Unrest Could Affect Food Delivery Efforts *


1.  UN Envoy in Burma for Talks With Military Leaders *
2.  Chinese Media: Beijing 'Concerned' With Situation in Burma *
3.  UN Envoy Meets Members of Burma's Military Govt., Pro-Democracy Leader *
4.  Exclusive Interview with Congressman Tom Lantos *


1.  UN Envoy Remains in Burma, Pledges to Meet With Top Junta Leader *