Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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32 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  More American Jewelry Stores Banning Burmese ''Blood Rubies'' *
2.  UN Rights Expert Urges Continued International Pressure on Burma *
3.  Role of New ASEAN Rights Body Questioned *
4.  Southeast Asians and Europeans Agree Burma Issue Should Not Hold up Trade Negotiations *
5.  British PM Stops Deportation of Burmese Asylum Seeker *


1.  European Lawmakers Vow to Oppose Trade Deals Over Burma *


1.  UN Chief Says Children's Rights Violated in Burma *
2.  Burma Detects New Outbreak of Bird Flu *
3.  Howard's Conservative Government Defeated in Australian Election


1.  Labor Party Cruises To Victory In Australian Election *
2.  Former Pakistani PM Receives Boisterous Homecoming Celebration *


1.  Indian Buddhist Monks Protest Against Burma's Military Rule *
2.  Asia's Poorest Nations May Face Worst of Climate Change *


1.  ျမန္မာ့ႏိုင္ငံေရးအက်ပ္အတည္းေျဖရွင္းေရး ကူညီရန္ ကုလသမဂၢ အထူးသံတမန္က ဗီယက္နမ္ကို တိုက္တြန္း *
2.  Thousands of Foreigners Attend Burma's Gem Auction Despite Call for Boycott *
3.  ၂၀၀၈ သမၼတေရြးေကာက္ပြဲႏွင့္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲအႀကိဳ လူထု စစ္တမ္းမ်ား


1.  Rights Group Says Arrests in Burma Continue *
2.  Award for Lifetime Achievement in Politics *
3.  Israel, Palestinians Commit to Seek Peace Accord by End of 2008 *
4.  arts_audio *
5.  Pakistan's Musharraf Steps Down As Army Chief *


1.  Scientists Reprogram Skin Cells to Act Like Stem Cells *
2.  U.N. Human Rights Investigator Doubts Burmese Government Figures on Detainees *
3.  Bush Meets with Abbas, Olmert, Says Tough Talks Lie Ahead *
4.  China and EU Meet for Annual Summit to Talk Trade
5.  Ludu Daw Ahmar, Burma's most renowned literary figure will celebrate her 92nd. birthday on November 29th *
6.  Musharraf is Sworn in as Civilian President *
7.  Internet censorship and Burmese Users *


1.  Burma Shuts Down Monastery Allegedly Linked to Protests *
2.  Rebel Philippine Soldiers Peacefully End Manila Hotel Takeover *
3.  Polio Eradication: Twenty-year Battle Nears End *
4.  UN Envoy Demands Release of Burmese Democracy Leader *
5.  စစ္အစုိးရ ဘုန္းႀကီးေက်ာင္းမ်ားအား ပိတ္ပင္
6.  စစ္အစုိးရ ဘုန္းႀကီးေက်ာင္းမ်ားအား ပိတ္ပင္


1.  UN Envoy Denounces Burma's Closure of Monastery *
2.  Leaders Claim Success on World AIDS Day *
3.  Mandela Says Ending HIV/AIDS Affliction Is *