Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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31 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  US Withdraws Some Weapons Experts From Iraq - 2004-01-08 *
2.  Thailand Offers Reward For Information On Attackers In Southern Provinces - 2004-01-08 *
3.  Bush's Proposed Immigration Reform Marks Biggest Overhaul Of Immigration Law - 2004-01-08 *
4.  US -Led Coalition in Iraq to Free 100 Prisoners Today - 2004-01-08 *


1.  Powell Defends US Policy on Iraq Weapons - 2004-01-09 *
2.  Blast at Iraqi Mosque Kills 5 - 2004-01-09 *
3.  US Says Afghan Elections Can Take Place on Schedule - 2004-01-09 *
4.  US Helicopter Down In Iraq, Nine Dead - 2004-01-09 *


1.  Some Iraqis Disappointed Saddam is POW - 2004-01-10 *
2.  US Terror Alert Level Lowered One Step from 'High' to 'Elevated' - 2004-01-10 *
3.  ASEAN Nations Pledge To Combat Terrorism And Crime - 2004-01-10 *
4.  Five Killed in Iraq Protest - 2004-01-10 *
5.  Saddam Declared POW - 2004-01-10 *
6.  Bush To Attend Speical Summit Of Americas - 2004-01-10 *
7.  US Delegation Visits North Korea Nuclear Facility - 2004-01-10 *


1.  Burmese Oppositions Call For National Reconciliation - 2004-01-11 *
2.  US Rover Ready to Explore Mars - 2004-01-11 *
3.  1993-96 National Convention's Controversial 104 Principles - 2004-01-11 *
4.  US Campaign For Burma - 2004-01-11 *


1.  Summit of the Americas Opens Today - 2004-01-12 *
2.  Malaysia Arrests Thai Attack Suspects - 2004-01-12 *


1.  ICFTU Adds Fifty Companies Into Burma's Hit List - 2004-01-13 *
2.  Bush Plays Down Iraq Policy Criticism From O'Neill - 2004-01-13 *
3.  Six Burmese Found Slain In A Rubber Plantation In Sounthern Thailand - 2004-01-13 *
4.  Americas Summit Focuses On Trade, Poverty, Immigration - 2004-01-13 *


1.  Former Senator Bill Bradley Endorses Howard Dean For President - 2004-01-14 *
2.  US Campaign For Burma - 2004-01-14
3.  Burma Imposes A Six-month Ban On Rice Export - 2004-01-14 *
4.  Americas' Summit in Mexico Ends - 2004-01-14 *
5.  Karen National Union Delegation to Visit Rangoon - 2004-01-14 *


1.  Bush Announces Plan to Send Americans to the Moon and Mars - 2004-01-15 *
2.  KNU Delegation Arrives In Rangoon For More Peace Talks - 2004-01-15 *