Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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41 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Bush Signs Burma Sanctions Renewal - 2004-07-08 *
2.  EU: Concern Over Ballots in Indonesian Presidential Election - 2004-07-08 *
3.  US National Security Advisor Discusses North Korea, Taiwan With Chinese Leaders - 2004-07-08 *
4.  President Bush Uses Visit to Turkey to Urge Greater Democracy in the Middle East - 2004-07-08 *
5.  US Marine Missing in Iraq Safe in Lebanon - 2004-07-08 *
6.  Philippine National Confirmed Kidnapped in Iraq - 2004-07-08 *
7.  Condoleeza Rice Talks with Senior Chinese Leaders - 2004-07-08 *
8.  US Official: America Still Has Credibility on Human Rights - 2004-07-08 *


1.  Iraqi Militants Threaten to Kill Bulgarian Hostages - 2004-07-09 *
2.  Condoleezza Rice in Seoul - 2004-07-09 *
3.  Burma's Constitutional Convention Adjourns - 2004-07-09 *
4.  Burma Condemns US Sanctions - 2004-07-09 *
5.  US to Keep Up Pressure on Burma - 2004-07-09 *
6.  US Marine Leaves Lebanon for Germany - 2004-07-09 *


1.  US Senator Calls for Expulsion of Burma's Ambassador - 2004-07-10 *
2.  Israel Says it Will Ignore World Court Barrier Decision - 2004-07-10 *
3.  New Bird Flu Outbreaks in Thailand - 2004-07-10 *
4.  International AIDS Conference Set To Open In Bangkok - 2004-07-10 *
5.  Iraqi Militants Say They Still Have Philippine National - 2004-07-10 *
6.  Bush Defends Iraq War, Promises Reforms After Critical Report - 2004-07-10 *
7.  World Leaders Attend Austrian President's Funeral - 2004-07-10 *
8.  Hostage in Iraq Pleads for His Life - 2004-07-10 *
9.  US Senate Report Criticizes Pre-War Iraq Intel - 2004-07-10 *


1.  Sharon Relates Tel Aviv Bombing to World Court Ruling - 2004-07-11 *
2.  Philippines Rejects Militant Demands in Iraq - 2004-07-11 *
3.  Burma's Military and Students Relations - 2004-07-11 *
4.  Annan Calls for Urgent Action on AIDS - 2004-07-11 *


1.  Israeli PM Ignores Court Ruling, Orders More Barrier Construction - 2004-07-12 *
2.  Fate of Philippine Hostage In Iraq Still Unknown - 2004-07-12 *
3.  Indonesia Probes Allegations of Burmese Bug - 2004-07-12 *
4.  Sharon, Peres Discuss Forming Israeli Coalition Government - 2004-07-12 *
5.  UN Chief Annan Calls For Leadership in Global AIDS Fight - 2004-07-12 *


1.  Indonesian Diplomat Dismisses Allegations of Burmese Bug - 2004-07-13 *
2.  Philippine Peacekeepers To Withdraw From Iraq ASAP - 2004-07-13 *
3.  EU Appoints Envoy To End Dispute Over Burma Presence At Summit - 2004-07-13 *
4.  Indonesian, Burmese Diplomats to Discuss Embassy Bugging Claim - 2004-07-13 *
5.  Burmese PM Begins Weeklong China Visit - 2004-07-13 *
6.  Kofi Anan Asks Thailand to Do More to Free Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-07-13 *


1.  China, Burma Sign Economic and Technological Agreements - 2004-07-14 *


1.  Indonesia Calls for Burma to Act Following Allegations of Phone Tampering - 2004-07-15 *
2.  UN Warns of AIDS Crisis in Burma - 2004-07-15 *