[Federal Register: October 7, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 194)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 57856-57861]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 67

[Docket No. FEMA-B-7439]

Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Preparedness and 
Response Directorate, Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the 
proposed Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed 
BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs and 
modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that 
the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being 
already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for 
participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second 
publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation 
in each community.

ADDRESSES: The proposed BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the following table.

Identification Section, Emergency Preparedness and Response 
Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2903.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
proposes to make determinations of BFEs and modified BFEs for each 
community listed below, in accordance with Section 110 of the Flood 
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).
    These proposed BFEs and modified BFEs, together with the floodplain 
management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are 
required. They should not be construed to mean that the community must 
change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their 
floodplain management requirements. The community may at any time enact 
stricter requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established 
by other Federal, State, or regional entities. These proposed 
elevations are used to meet the floodplain management requirements of 
the NFIP and are also used to calculate the appropriate flood insurance 
premium rates for new buildings built after these elevations are made 
final, and for the contents in these buildings.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This proposed rule is 
categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR Part 10, 
Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact assessment has 
been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Mitigation Division Director of the 
Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate certifies that this 
proposed rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act because proposed or modified BFEs are required by the 
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and are required 
to establish and maintain community eligibility in the NFIP. No 
regulatory flexibility analysis has been prepared.
    Regulatory Classification. This proposed rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under the criteria of Section 3(f) of Executive Order 
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism. This proposed rule involves no 
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 12612, 
Federalism, dated October 26, 1987.
    Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform. This proposed rule 
meets the applicable standards of Section 2(b)(2) of Executive Order 

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

    Accordingly, 44 CFR Part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for Part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376, Sec.  67.4

    2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  67.4 are 
proposed to be amended as follows:

[[Page 57857]]

                                                                                                                                                                         Depth in feet
                                                                                                                                                                         above ground. Elevation
                State                      City/town/county                  Source of flooding                                      Location                                in feet (NGVD)
                                                                                                                                                                          Existing     Modified
California...........................  Goleta (City), Santa      Maria Ygnacia Creek......................  Approximately 900 feet downstream of Hollister Avenue.....         None          *36
                                        Barbara County.
                                                                                                            Approximately 80 feet downstream of confluence of San              None          *64
                                                                                                             Antonio Creek.
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at City Hall, 6500 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, California 93117.
  Send comments to The Honorable Jack Hawxhurst, Mayor, City of Goleta, 6500 Hollister Avenue, Suite 120, Goleta, California 93117.

Colorado.............................  City and County,          Rock Creek...............................  At Brainard Drive (Country Road 19).......................       *5,307       *5,309
                                                                                                            Approximately 200 feet upstream of West Flatiron Bridge...         None       +5,373
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at City Hall One Descombes Drive, Broomfield, Colorado 80020.
  Send comments to The Honorable Karen Stuart, Mayor, City and County of Broomfield, One Descombes Drive, Broomfield, Colorado 80020.

Colorado.............................  Pitkin County...........  Southside Split..........................  Approximately 1,200 feet Flow downstream of State Highway          None       *6,558
                                                                                                             82 Bypass.
                                                                                                            Approximately 6,000 feet upstream of State Highway[bsol]           None       *6,637
                                                                                                             82 Bypass.
                                                                 Roaring Fork River.......................  Approximately 5,500 feet downstream of Hooks Spur Road....       *6,524       *6,526
                                                                                                            Approximately 50 feet downstream of confluence of Snowmass       *6,844       *6,844
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the GIS Department, 130 South Galena Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611.
  Send comments to The Honorable Jack Hatfield, Chairperson, Pitkin County Board of Commissioners, 530 East Main Street, Third Floor, Aspen, Colorado 81611.

Idaho................................  Kootenai County           Coeur d'Alene River......................  Approximately 1.5 miles downstream of Interstate Highway         *2,145       *2,145
                                                                                                            Approximately 100 feet upstream of the Abandoned Union           *2,148       *2,151
                                                                                                             Pacific Railroad.
                                                                 Coeur d'Alene............................  At Tamarack Ridge Road....................................       *2,146       *2,145
                                                                 River Overflow...........................  Mission Flats area north of Interstate 90.................       *2,146       *2,145
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the Kootenai County Planning Department, 451 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816.

  Send comments to The Honorable Richard Panabaker, Chairperson, Kootenai County Board of Commissioners, 451 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816.
North Dakota.........................  Bismarck (City),          Missouri River...........................  Approximately 3.8 miles upstream of confluence of Little         *1,631       *1,632
                                        Burleigh County.                                                     Heart River.
                                                                                                            Approximately 1.7 miles upstream of Old Brunt Creek.......       *1,638       *1,639
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the Building Inspection Office, 1020 East Central Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501.

  Send comments to The Honorable John Warford, Mayor, City of Bismarck, P.O. Box 5503, Bismarck, North Dakota 58506-5503.
North Dakota.........................  Burleigh County.........  Missouri River...........................  Approximately 500 feet downstream of confluence of Apple         *1,627       *1,628
                                                                                                            Approximately 5.7 miles upstream of confluence Square            *1,643       *1,644
                                                                                                             Butte Creek.
                                                                 Burnt Creek..............................  At confluence with Missouri River.........................       *1,639       *1,640
                                                                                                            Just upstream of North Dakota Highway 1804................       *1,646       *1,650
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the County Building Inspections Office, 1020 East Central Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501.

  Send comments to The Honorable Claus Lembke, Chairman, Burleigh County Board of Commissioners, 221 North Fifth Street, Bismarck, North Dakota 58506.
North Dakota.........................  Mandan (City), Morton     Missouri River...........................  Approximately 1.1 miles downstream of Bismarck Expressway        *1,634       *1,635
                                        County.                                                              bridge.
                                                                                                            Approximately 2.8 miles upstream of Interstate Highway 94.       *1,638       *1,639

[[Page 57858]]

  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at City Hall, 205 Second Avenue, Northwest, Mandan, North Dakota 58554.
  Send comments to The Honorable Ken LaMont, Mayor, City of Mandan, 205 Second Avenue, Northwest, Mandan, North Dakota 58554.
North Dakota.........................  Morton County...........  Missouri River...........................  At confluence of Apple Creek..............................       *1,627       *1,628
                                                                                                            Approximately 5.7 miles upstream of confluence of Square         *1,643       *1,644
                                                                                                             Butte Creek.
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the County Courthouse, 210 Second Avenue, Northwest, Mandan, North Dakota 58554.

  Send comments to The Honorable Dick Tokach, Chairman, Morton County Board of Commissioners, 210 Second Avenue, Northwest, Mandan, North Dakota 58554.
South Dakota.........................  Standing Rock Sioux       Grand River (at Bullhead)................  Approximately 4,000 feet downstream of confluence of Rock          None       +1,759
                                        Tribe.                                                               Creek.
                                                                                                            Approximately 4,600 feet upstream of confluence of Stink           None       +1,774
                                                                 Grand River (at Little Eagle)............  Approximately 3.4 miles downstream of State Route.........         None       +1,638
                                                                                                            Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of State Route 63.......         None       +1,651
                                                                 Oak Creek................................  Approximately 7,500 feet downstream of Sewage Lagoons.....         None       +1,622
                                                                                                            Approximately 2,900 feet upstream of Old Irrigation Dam...         None       +1,646
                                                                 Rock Creek...............................  At confluence with Grand River (at Bullhead)..............         None       +1,761
                                                                                                            Approximately 7,500 feet upstream of Bullhead Road........         None       +1,793
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the Tribal Land Management, South River Road, Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538.

  Send comments to The Honorable Charles Murphy, Chairman, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, P.O. Box D, Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538.
South Dakota.........................  Cheyenne River Sioux      Bear Creek...............................  Approximately 5,800 feet upstream of State Route 65.......         None       +2,345
                                        Tribe, Dewey and
                                        Ziebach County.
                                                                                                            Just upstream of Cherry Road..............................         None       +2,357
                                                                                                            Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of U.S. Route 212.......         None       +2,365
                                                                 Cherry Creek.............................  At confluence with Cheyenne River.........................         None       +1,723
                                                                                                            Just upstream of Main Street..............................         None       +1,729
                                                                                                            Approximately 7,000 feet upstream of Main Street..........         None       +1,735
                                                                 Cheyenne River...........................  Approximately 6,200 feet upstream of Plum Creek...........         None       +1,714
                                                                                                            Just upstream confluence of Cherry Creek..................         None       +1,723
                                                                                                            Approximately 1,730 feet upstream confluence of Cherry             None       +1,728
                                                                 Virgin Creek.............................  Approximately 5,800 feet downstream of U.S. Route 212.....         None       +1,896
                                                                                                            Just upstream of U.S. Route 212...........................         None       +1,914
                                                                                                            Approximately 3 miles upstream of U.S. Route 212..........         None       +1,950
  Depth in feet above ground.

  Maps are available for inspection at the Economic Development Center, P.O. Box 590, Eagle Butte, South Dakota 57625.

  Send comments to The Honorable Harold Frazier, Tribal Chairman, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, P.O. Box 590, Eagle Butte, South Dakota 57625.

[[Page 57859]]

                                      Eagle County, and Incorporated Areas
                                                                          Elevation in feet
                                                                        *(NGVD)  Elevation in
         Flooding source(s)               Location of referenced           feet  + (NAVD)          Communities
                                                 elevation           --------------------------     affected
                                                                        Effective    Modified
Buffehr Creek.......................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *7,951......      +7,956  Eagle County.
                                      Approximately 1,700 feet        None........      +8,180  (Uninc. Area)
                                       upstream of Circle Drive.                                 and Town of
Black Gore Creek....................  At confluence with Lower Gore   *8,574......      +8,575  Town of Vail.
                                      Approximately 1,280 feet        *8,632......      +8,628  ................
                                       upstream of confluence with
                                       Lower Gore Creek.
Bighorn Creek.......................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,422......      +8,431  Town of Vail.
                                      Approximately 350 feet          None........      +8,639  ................
                                       upstream of Columbine Drive.
Middle Creek........................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,112......      +8,118  Town of Vail.
                                      Approximately 850 feet          *8,330......      +8,335
                                       upstream of Interstate
                                       Highway 70.
Pitkin Creek........................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,358......      +8,366  Town of Vail.
                                      Approximately 200 feet          None........      +8,454  Town of Vail.
                                       upstream of Fall Line Drive.
Red Sandstone Creek.................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,071......      +8,078  ................
                                      Just upstream of Potato Patch   None........      +8,254  ................
Roaring Fork River..................  At Eagle County/Garfield        None........      +6,380  Eagle County.
                                       County boundary.
                                      Just downstream of Emma Road..  None........      +6,600  (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and Town of
South Side Split Flow...............  At confluence with Roaring      None........      +6,553  Eagle County.
                                       Fork River.
                                      Approximately 1,200 feet        None........      +6,563  (Uninc. Areas)
                                       downstream of State Highway                               and Town of
                                       82 Bypass.                                                Basalt.
Eagle River.........................  Approximately 500 feet          *6,273......      +6,277  (Uninc. Areas).
                                       downstream of U.S. Highway 6.
                                      Just downstream of confluence   None........      +6,502  ................
                                       with Brush Creek.
East Mill Creek.....................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,168......      +8,175  Eagle County.
                                      Just upstream of Vail Road....  None........      +8,292  (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and Town of
Gore Creek..........................  Just upstream of confluence     ............  ..........  Eagle County.
                                       with Eagle River.
                                      At confluence with Upper and    None........      +8,561  (Uninc. Areas)
                                       Lower Gore Creek.                                         and Town of
Lower Gore Creek....................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,555......      +8,561  Eagle County.
                                      At Divergence from Upper Gore   None........      +8,610  (Uninc. Areas)
                                       Creek.                                                    and Town of
Spraddle Creek......................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,132......      +8,138  Town of Vail.
                                      Approximately 1,150 feet        None........      +8,274  ................
                                       upstream of Interestate
                                       Highway 70.
Upper Gore Creek....................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,556......      +8,562  Eagle County.
                                      Approximately 1,000 feet        None........      +8,682  (Uninc. Areas)
                                       upstream of Interstate                                    and Town of
                                       Highway 70 westbound.                                     Vail.
West Mill Creek.....................  Just downstream of Gore Drive.  *8,176......      +8,165  Eagle County.
                                      Just upstream of Vail Road....  None........      +8,292  (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and Town of
Booth Creek.........................  At confluence with Gore Creek.  *8,290......      +8,296  Town of Vail.
                                      Approximately 1,300 feet        *8,384......      +8,392  ................
                                       upstream of interstate
                                       Highway 70.
   Depth in feet above ground.
  * National Geodetic Datum.
  + National American Vertical Datum.

  Addresses: Unincorporated Areas Eagle County:
  Maps are available for inspection at 500 Broadway Street, Eagle, Colorado 81631.
  Send comments to the Honorable Michael Gallagher, Chairman Eagle County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 850,
   Eagle, Colorado 81631.

  Town of Gypsum:
  Maps are available for inspection at 50 Lundgren Boulevard, Gypsum, Colorado 81637.
  Send comments to the Honorable Stephen M. Carver, Mayor, Town of Gypsum, P.O. Box 28, Gypsum, Colorado 81637.

  Town of Basalt:
  Maps are available for inspection at the Town Hall, 101 Midland Avenue, Basalt, Colorado 81621.
  Send comments to the Honorable Richard P. Stevens, Mayor, Town of Basalt, Town Hall, 101 Midland Avenue,
   Basalt, Colorado 81621.

  Town of Vail:
  Maps are available for inspection at the Community Development Office, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado
  Send comments to the Honorable Ludwig Kurz, Mayor, Town of Vail, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657.

[[Page 57860]]

                                   Charles Mix County, and Incorporated Areas
                                                                          Elevation in feet
                                                                        *(NGVD)  Elevation in
         Flooding source(s)               Location of referenced           feet  + (NAVD)          Communities
                                                 elevation           --------------------------     affected
                                                                        Effective    Modified
Unnamed Creek (near Wagner).........  Approximately 400 feet          None........      *1,413  Yankton Sioux
                                       upstream of 396th Avenue.                                 Tribe and City
                                                                                                 of Wagner.
                                      Approximately 600 feet          None........      *1,458
                                       downstream of 394th Avenue.
Left Bank Tributary of Mosquito       Approximately 1,400 feet        None........      *1,434  Yankton Sioux
 Creek (near Marty).                   downstream of 303rd Street.                               Tribe.
                                      Approximately 1,950 feet        None........      *1,458
                                       upstream of 303rd Street.
   Depth in feet above ground.

  * National Geodetic Datum.
  + National American Vertical Datum.

  Addresses: Yankton Sioux Tribe:
  Maps are available for inspection at 100 North Main Street, Marty, South Dakota 57361.
  Send comments to the Honorable Madonna Archambeau, Tribal Chairwoman, Yankton Sioux Tribe, 100 Main Street,
   Marty South Dakota 57361.

  City of Wagner:
  Maps are available for inspection at the City Hall, 106 Sheridan Avenue, Southeast, Wagner, South Dakota
  Send comments to the Honorable Sharon Haar, Mayor, City of Wagner, 106 Sheridan Avenue, Southeast, Wagner,
   South Dakota 57380.

                                       King County, and Incorporated Areas
                                                                          Elevation in feet
                                                                        *(NGVD)  Elevation in
         Flooding source(s)               Location of referenced           feet  + (NAVD)          Communities
                                                 elevation           --------------------------     affected
                                                                        Effective    Modified
Snoqualmie River....................  Approximately 2,000 feet        *425........        *424  King County
                                       downstream of confluence of                               (Uninc. Areas)
                                       Middle Fork and South Fork                                and City of
                                       Snoqualmie River.                                         Snoqualmie.
South Fork Snoqualmie River.........  At confluence with Middle Fork  *427........        *425  King County
                                       Snoqualmie River.                                         (Uninc. Areas),
                                                                                                 City of
                                                                                                 Snoqualmie, and
                                                                                                 City of North
                                      Approximately 700 feet          *475........        *475  ................
                                       upstream of eastbound I-90
Middle Fork Snoqualmie River........  At confluence of North Fork     *426........        *426  King County
                                       Snoqualmie River.                                         (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and City of
                                      Approximately 260 feet          *478........        *478  ................
                                       downstream of Southeast Mount
                                       SI Road.
Lower Overflow......................  At Southeast 100th Street.....  *429........        *428  King County
                                                                                                 (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and City of
                                                                                                 North Bend.
                                      Approximately 1,400 feet        None........        *449  ................
                                       upstream of North Pickett
Middle Overflow.....................  Just upstream of Northeast      *431........        *432  King County
                                       420th Avenue.                                             (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and City of
                                                                                                 North Bend.
                                      At Borst Avenue Northeast.....  2..        *441  ................
Upper South Overflow................  Approximately 400 feet          2..        *437  King County
                                       downstream of Ballarat Avenue                             (Uninc. Areas)
                                       North.                                                    and City of
                                                                                                 North Bend.
                                      At divergence from Middle Fork  *467........        *467  ................
                                       Snoqualmie River.
Upper North Overflow................  Approximately 150 feet          2..        *441  King County
                                       downstream of Ogle Avenue                                 (Uninc. Areas)
                                       Northeast.                                                and City of
                                                                                                 North Bend.
                                      Approximately 400 feet          *460........        *457  ................
                                       downstream of 120th Street.

[[Page 57861]]

Gardiner Creek......................  At Bolch Avenue Northwest.....  None........        *429  King County
                                                                                                 (Uninc. Areas)
                                                                                                 and City of
                                                                                                 North Bend.
                                      Upstream of Northwest Eighth    None........        *435  ................
   Depth in feet above ground.
  * National Geodetic Datum.
  + National American Vertical Datum.

  Addresses: Unincorporated Areas of King County:
  Maps are available for inspection at the King DDES, Blackriver Corp. Park, 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest,
   Suite 100, Renton, Washington 98055.
  Send comments to the Honorable Ron Sims, King County Executive, 516 Third Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle,
   Washington 98104.

  City of North Bend:
  Maps are available for inspection at 1155 East North Bend Way, North Bend, Washington 98045.
  Send comments to the Honorable Joan Simpson, Mayor, City of North Bend, P.O. Box 896, North Bend, Washington

  City of Snoqualmie:
  Maps are available for inspection at the Planning Directors Office, 8020 Railroad Avenue Southeast,
   Snoqualmie, Washington 98065.
  Send comments to the Honorable Randy Fletcher, Mayor, City of Snoqualmie, P.O. Box 987, Snoqualmie, Washington

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 
    Dated: September 30, 2003.
Anthony S. Lowe,
Mitigation Division Director, Emergency Preparedness and Response 
[FR Doc. 03-25346 Filed 10-6-03; 8:45 am]