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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > What the Secretary Has Been Saying > 2008 Secretary Rice's Remarks > July 2008: Secretary Rice's Remarks 

Interview With Michael Collins of XM Radio

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Congressional Country Club
Bethesda, MD
July 5, 2008

QUESTION: They just played back your golf (inaudible).

SECRETARY RICE: Oh, did they really?

QUESTION: -- they tried to call you.

SECRETARY RICE: I didn’t know? 

QUESTION: Yeah, the (inaudible) putt.

SECRETARY RICE: Oh, the putt?

QUESTION: Yeah, Billy Andre.

SECRETARY RICE: Right, yeah.

QUESTION: Yes, standing here – I was just telling her we were playing back the putt that she called for Billy Andre last year for birdie at 18. That was fantastic. Now August is your three-year anniversary for playing golf.

SECRETARY RICE: That’s right.

QUESTION: You got a handicap now. Tell me about that.

SECRETARY RICE: I got a handicap. I finally put together enough rounds – isn’t that sad – to play – get a handicap. But 21.4?

QUESTION: Not bad for only being in the game a little less than three years. And the last time I talked to you, when we were on the par 3 thirteenth, you said you would hit 3-wood 176 and you were hoping by this year, you’d be able to hit 5-wood 176. Has that held true?

SECRETARY RICE: I’m still hitting 3-wood. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: But you said driving and putting were the best part of your game. Same thing?

SECRETARY RICE: The driver is still the best part of my game, though a lot – like a lot of people, suddenly my driver, has gone off on the last couple of weeks the last – the last two times that I’ve played. And it’s really frustrating, you know? Then everything else starts to go too. But I’m putting great. I’m really putting well.

QUESTION: So you were watching Tiger at the U.S. Open and your driver went crooked a little bit too, but you still make up for it on the greens?

SECRETARY RICE: I can seem to make up on the greens, but my driver and Tiger’s driver going off are not the same concept. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Not even a little bit. But now that Tiger’s hurt, you maybe can call him up and give a couple tips and go see him or something.

SECRETARY RICE: Well, I hope he’s doing okay because it’s amazing, what he did at the U.S. Open. It’s just amazing. I mean, what a mental challenge to know that you’re hurt and still do it that way. But we all wish him the best and hope he’s back in the game real soon.

QUESTION: We all do. Tell me how much you’re loving this event, second year here.

SECRETARY RICE: I’m having a wonderful time. I really am. This is a great event and it’s great that they do what they can to support our troops. The America Supports You movement that has been run out of Pentagon is really doing a great job of giving Americans a way to show how much we value and how much we appreciate what these men and women in uniform do. Because we have to remember, these are volunteers. They volunteer to defend us. They volunteer to defend freedom. And so they should hear our thanks and this gives us a chance to do it.

QUESTION: That’s a great thing to do. Now you’re not going to be Secretary of State too much longer.


QUESTION: But that means now next year, you might be able to make a couple phone calls and go, hey, I’m a former Secretary of State, I’d like to play this golf course. What’s the one golf course that you want to play that you haven’t got to?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, since I had never played golf when I lived in California, I’m looking forward to all the great California golf courses. Pebble Beach isn’t that far from me, Cypress Point isn’t that far from where I live. So I’m looking forward to playing some of the great California courses.

QUESTION: I know a couple members out there at Pebble Beach that might be able to get you on out there (inaudible).

SECRETARY RICE: (Inaudible.)

QUESTION: I sure do. I’ll tell you what. I’ll do that. Can you tell me – is it declassified, that new stealthy golf cart?

SECRETARY RICE: The stealthy golf cart? I walk.


SECRETARY RICE: If you’re going to be out in these beautiful surroundings, you want to walk.

QUESTION: All right. Well, I’ll drive the car, then you can walk.

SECRETARY RICE: All right, it’s a deal.

QUESTION: Thank you for your time. Great talking to you again.

SECRETARY RICE: Great to see you.

QUESTION: Thank you very much.


Released on July 6, 2008

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