[NIFL-4EFF:2202] Help for AOL List Subscribers

From: Spacone, Ronna (Contractor) (Ronna.Spacone@ed.gov)
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 15:32:25 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-4EFF:2202] Help for AOL List Subscribers
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Hi everyone, 

I am forwarding this message from Lee Mann, Technical Guru of the NIFL
Discussion Lists. If you have any questions please email me

Thanks, Ronna 

Ronna Spacone
EFF Special Collection Coordinator

List subscribers that use the embedded email client in AOL's application for
email service have experienced problems sending email to NIFL's lists since
the implementation of the attachment filter.  Basically the problem is that
the embedded email client that AOL provides does not provide the capability
to send "plain text" messages.  All email is sent as HTML formatted messages
which include the message body as an attachment.  Hence, the rejection of
their messages by the attachment filter.  (AOL users should complain loudly
about the lack of plain text capability to AOL.)

Do not despair though as I've found a solution/workaround...

AOL provides a web based interface to AOL mail.  The default format for
email sent from AOL's web based interface is, as luck would have it, "plain

To use AOL's web based interface to AOL mail start a browser (Netscape,
Internet Explorer, AOL's embedded browser, etc.).  Go to www.aol.com.  Near
the top of the resulting page there will be a section titled "AOL Members
Sign On".  Enter your screen name and password (as you would if you were
logging into AOL's application) and click Sign On.  Once logged on the user
will be taken to a page that says Welcome <screenname>.  Below the Welcome
<screenname> is a mailbox icon.  Click on the mailbox icon.  The user will
be taken to AOL's web based email interface (it looks remarkably like the
email client embedded in AOL's application).  Users will be able to read and
send email just as they would if they were using the embedded email client
in the AOL application with the exception that they can, by default, send
plain text messages.

Hope this helps.


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