[NIFL-4EFF:2236] Help needed to identify EFF implementing programs

From: Melanie Daniels (melanie.daniels@sri.com)
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 19:17:31 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-4EFF:2236] Help needed to identify EFF implementing programs
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If  your program is implementing EFF, stand up and be counted!  At the
request of NIFL, we are compiling a list of EFF-implementing programs in
the US, and need your help to be sure it is as accurate as possible.  The
list will let key stakeholders know how widely EFF is being used in adult
education.  It will also enable us to send a survey to these programs later
this fall, to learn more about programs' experiences with EFF.

We are interested in programs regardless of their level of EFF
implementation - if you use EFF only for initial goal setting with
learners, if you use it for some or all of your instructional activities,
if you use it for staff development, if you use EFF in
another way - we want to include you.

While many programs are being identified through our network of EFF
contacts, there are still programs that we may not be able to identify
without your help.  Please send your contact information (contact
name/position, program name, address, phone/fax/email) to me at
melanie.daniels@sri.com or fax it to 650-859-3375.

Please DO NOT respond to the list, but directly to me.

We need to hear from you this week if at all possible.

Thank you,
Melanie Daniels
SRI International - Center for Education Policy

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