[NIFL-4EFF:2207] EFF Field Dev Update (longish) from Peggy McGuire

From: Spacone, Ronna (Contractor) (Ronna.Spacone@ed.gov)
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 12:41:00 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-4EFF:2207] EFF Field Dev Update (longish) from Peggy McGuire
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Hi everyone.

Peggy McGuire here, checking in from the EFF Assessment Consortium. I'd like
to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the extraordinary
commitment and hard work of the EFF teacher/researchers and administrators,
from 18 programs in five states (Maine, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee and
Washington), who have been involved in EFF Field Development over the past

While the Consortium staff folk were busy processing the task and
performance data that field practitioners had provided during 2000-2001 in
order to build draft Performance Continua for five of the Standards (Read
with Understanding, Convey Ideas in Writing, Speak so Others can Understand,
Listen Actively, Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate), our amazing
researchers in 2001-2002 were continuing to develop well-constructed EFF
performance tasks that were focused on their learners' needs and goals and
embedded in quality, standards-based instruction. They implemented these
tasks with learners and collected performance data around six EFF Standards
(Use Math as well as 5 "new" Standards: Solve Problems and Make Decisions,
Plan, Cooperate with Others, Resolve Conflict and Negotiate, and Take
Responsibility for Learning). In addition, a small group of practitioners
formed a study circle to consider possible revisions to the Use Technology
standard by looking at the history of that standard's development,
discussing recent research, proposing changes, and gathering performance
data on tasks developed to address a revised Standard. Busy folks, I'd say!
Thanks to their efforts the Consortium staff can continue development of
draft Performance Continua for additional standards. To all of you, well

I also want to send out a special note of recognition and thanks to some
folks who have taken significant leadership in our field development efforts
- the Field Assistants in each state. They are Janet Smith in Maine; Kathy
Petrek and Sharon Katterheinrich in Ohio; Mary Foust in Oregon; Aaron
Kohring in Tennessee; and Joani Allen in Washington. What a fine crew - and
how honored I am to work with them! They are practitioners - teachers and
administrators - who have learned and grown in this process and have in turn
offered technical assistance, encouragement and support to other teachers
and administrators participating in the field development. They did this
through regular communication via phone and email, through site visits, and
even through development of useful tools (this year they collaboratively
wrote a step-by-step guide to developing well-constructed EFF Performance
Tasks in response to teacher/researchers' requests for additional
information). They attended to their own professional development, and
shared concerns, questions and insights, by participating in biweekly
conference calls and informational meetings. I think they characterize
"capacity-building" at its best, and I thank them for the privilege of our
shared work! 

Finally, I want to thank our State partners for your ongoing commitment to
this work and support of these practitioners. We can't do it without you,
and we trust that you are pleased with the fruits of your investment. And as
for the future...EFF field development goes on! We'll be keeping you
informed. For now, all the best!

Peggy McGuire
EFF Assessment Coordinator

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