[Federal Register: June 22, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 119)]
[Page 34652]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



International Trade Administration


Sorbitol From France; Final Results of Expedited Sunset Review of 
the Antidumping Order

AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of Extension of Time Limit for the Final Results of 
Expedited Sunset Review: Sorbitol from France.


SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (``the Department'') is extending 
the time limit for its final results in the expedited sunset review of 
the antidumping order on sorbitol from France.\1\ The Department 
intends to issue final results of this sunset review on or about June 
30, 2004.

    \1\ The Department normally will issue its final results in an 
expedited sunset review not later than 120 days after the date of 
publication in the Federal Register of the notice of initiation. 
However, if the Secretary determines that a sunset review is 
extraordinarily complicated under section 751(c)(5)(C) of the Act, 
the Secretary may extend the period for issuing final results by not 
more than 90 days. See section 751(c)(5)(B) of the Act.

EFFECTIVE DATE: June 22, 2004.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Hilary E. Sadler, Esq., Office of 
Policy, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
Department of Commerce, 14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW., 
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-4340.

Extension of Final Determination

    On February 2, 2004, the Department initiated a sunset review of 
the antidumping order on Sorbitol from France. See Initiation of Five-
Year (Sunset) Reviews, 69 FR 4921 (February 2, 2004). The Department 
determined that it would conduct an expedited (120 day) sunset review 
of this order based on responses from the domestic and respondent 
interested parties to the notice of initiation. The Department's final 
results of this review were scheduled for June 1, 2004. However, issues 
have arisen over the appropriate magnitude of the dumping margin likely 
to prevail for certain companies subject to the sunset review. Because 
of these complex issues, the Department will extend the deadline. Thus, 
the Department intends to issue the final results not later than June 
30, 2004 in accordance with section 751(c)(5)(B).

    Dated: June 15, 2004.
James J. Jochum,
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. 04-13990 Filed 6-21-04; 8:45 am]