[Federal Register: August 31, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 168)]
[Page 53033-53038]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules 
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings 
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, 
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency 
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents 
appearing in this section.


[[Page 53033]]


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

[Docket No. 04-080-1]

Fiscal Year 2005 Reimbursable Overtime Rates and Veterinary 
Diagnostic Service User Fees

AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice pertains to reimbursable overtime charged for 
Sunday, holiday, or other overtime work performed in connection with 
the inspection, laboratory testing, certification, or quarantine of 
certain articles and to user fees for certain veterinary diagnostic 
services. The purpose of this notice is to remind the public of the 
reimbursable overtime charges and user fees for fiscal year 2005 
(October 1, 2004, through September 30, 2005).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning 
reimbursable overtime charges related to Plant Protection and 
Quarantine program operations, contact Mr. Michael Caporaletti, Senior 
Program Analyst, Quarantine Policy Analysis and Support, PPQ, APHIS, 
4700 River Road Unit 60, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; (301) 734-5781.
    For information concerning reimbursable overtime charges related to 
animal programs and Veterinary Services import and export program 
operations, contact Dr. Lee Ann Thomas, Director, National Center for 
Import and Export, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 
20737-1231; (301) 734-3277.
    For information concerning veterinary diagnostic program 
operations, contact Dr. Randall Levings, Director, National Veterinary 
Services Laboratories, 1800 Daton Road, P.O. Box 844, Ames, IA 50010; 
(515) 663-7357.
    For information concerning user fee rate development, contact Mrs. 
Kris Caraher, User Fees Section Head, Financial Systems and Services 
Branch, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 54, Riverdale, MD 20737-1232; (301) 


    Note: In March 2003, the agricultural import and entry 
inspection activities that had been performed by employees of the 
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) were transferred 
to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The regulations cited 
in this notice have not yet been updated to reflect this change, so 
in the interests of consistency with those regulations this notice 
continues to refer to ``APHIS employees'' and services provided or 
work performed by APHIS employees. Readers should be aware, however, 
that DHS personnel are currently performing certain of the 
agricultural import and entry inspection activities discussed in 
this notice for which overtime charges or user fees are applicable.

Reimbursable Overtime Charges

    The regulations in 7 CFR chapter III and 9 CFR chapter I, 
subchapters D and G, require inspection, laboratory testing, 
certification, or quarantine of certain animals, poultry, animal 
byproducts, germ plasm, organisms, vectors, plants, plant products, or 
other regulated commodities or articles intended for importation into, 
or exportation from, the United States. With some exceptions, when 
these services must be provided by an APHIS employee on a Sunday or on 
a holiday, or at any other time outside the APHIS employee's regular 
duty hours, the Government charges an hourly overtime fee for the 
services in accordance with 7 CFR part 354 and 9 CFR part 97.
    In a final rule published in the Federal Register on July 25, 2002 
(67 FR 48519-48525, Docket No. 00-087-2), and effective August 11, 
2002, we established, for the fiscal years 2002 through 2006 and 
beyond, reimbursable overtime rates for Sunday, holiday, or other 
overtime work performed by APHIS employees for any person, firm, or 
corporation having ownership, custody, or control of animals, poultry, 
animal byproducts, germ plasm, organisms, vectors, plants, plant 
products, or other regulated commodities or articles subject to 
inspection, laboratory testing, certification, or quarantine. In this 
document we are providing notice to the public of the reimbursable 
overtime fees for fiscal year 2005 (October 1, 2004, through September 
30, 2005).
    Under the regulations in 7 CFR 354.1(a) and 9 CFR 97.1(a), any 
person, firm, or corporation having ownership, custody or control of 
plants, plant products, animals, animal byproducts, or other 
commodities or articles subject to inspection, laboratory testing, 
certification, or quarantine who requires the services of an APHIS 
employee on a Sunday or holiday, or at any other time outside the 
regular tour of duty of that employee, shall sufficiently in advance of 
the period of Sunday, holiday, or overtime service request the APHIS 
inspector in charge to furnish the service during the overtime or 
Sunday or holiday period, and shall, for fiscal year 2005, pay the 
Government at the rate listed in the following table:

     Overtime for Inspection, Laboratory Testing, Certification, or
Quarantine of Plants, Plant Products, Animals, Animal Products, or Other
                          Regulated Commodities
                                              Overtime rates (per hour)
Outside the employee's normal tour of duty   Oct. 1, 2004-Sept. 30, 2005
Monday through Saturday and holidays......  $49.00
Sundays...................................  65.00

    As specified in 7 CFR 354.1(a)(1)(iii) and 9 CFR 97.1(a)(3), the 
overtime rates to be charged in fiscal year 2005 to owners and 
operators of aircraft at airports of entry or other places of 
inspection as a consequence of the operation of the aircraft, for work 
performed outside of the regularly established hours of service will be 
as follows:

         Overtime for Commercial Airline Inspection Services\1\
                                              Overtime rates (per hour)
Outside the employee's normal tour of duty   Oct. 1, 2004-Sept. 30, 2005
Monday through Saturday and holidays......  $40.00

[[Page 53034]]

Sundays...................................  53.00
\1\ These charges exclude administrative overhead costs.

    A minimum charge of 2 hours shall be made for any Sunday or holiday 
or unscheduled overtime duty performed by an employee on a day when no 
work was scheduled for him or her, or which is performed by an employee 
on his or her regular workday beginning either at least 1 hour before 
his or her scheduled tour of duty or which is not in direct 
continuation of the employee's regular tour of duty. In addition, each 
such period of Sunday or holiday or unscheduled overtime work to which 
the 2-hour minimum charge provision applies may include a commuted 
traveltime period (see 7 CFR 354.1(a)(2) and 9 CFR 97.1(b)).

Veterinary Diagnostic Services User Fees

    User fees to reimburse APHIS for the costs of providing veterinary 
diagnostic services are contained in 9 CFR part 130 (referred to below 
as the regulations). These user fees are authorized by section 2509(c) 
of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990, as 
amended (21 U.S.C. 136a), which provides that the Secretary of 
Agriculture may, among other things, prescribe regulations and collect 
fees to recover the costs of veterinary diagnostics relating to the 
control and eradication of communicable disease of livestock or poultry 
within the United States.
    In a final rule published in the Federal Register on May 6, 2004 
(68 FR 25305-25312, Docket No. 00-024-2), and effective June 7, 2004, 
we established, for the fiscal years 2004 through 2007 and beyond, user 
fees for certain veterinary diagnostic services, including certain 
diagnostic tests, reagents, and other veterinary diagnostic materials 
and services. Veterinary diagnostics is the work performed in a 
laboratory to determine if a disease-causing organism or chemical agent 
is present in body tissues or cells and, if so, to identify those 
organisms or agents. Services in this category include: (1) Performing 
identification, serology, and pathobiology tests and providing 
diagnostic reagents and other veterinary diagnostic materials and 
services at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in 
Ames, IA; and (2) performing laboratory tests and providing diagnostic 
reagents and other veterinary diagnostic materials and services at the 
NVSL Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (NVSL FADDL) in 
Greenport, NY.
    APHIS veterinary diagnostic user fees fall into six categories:
    (1) Laboratory tests, reagents, and other veterinary diagnostic 
services performed at NVSL FADDL;
    (2) Laboratory tests performed as part of isolation and 
identification testing at NVSL in Ames;
    (3) Laboratory tests performed as part of serology testing at NVSL 
in Ames;
    (4) Laboratory tests performed at the pathobiology laboratory at 
NVSL in Ames;
    (5) Diagnostic reagents produced at NVSL in Ames or other 
authorized sites; and
    (6) Other veterinary diagnostic services or materials provided at 
NVSL in Ames.
    As specified in Sec.  130.14(a), the user fees for diagnostic 
reagents provided by NVSL FADDL for fiscal year 2005 are as follows:

                 Reagent                          Unit          User fee
Bovine antiserum, any agent.............  1 mL...............    $155.00
Caprine antiserum, any agent............  1 mL...............     189.00
Cell culture antigen/microorganism......  1 mL...............     106.00
Equine antiserum, any agent.............  1 mL...............     192.00
Fluorescent antibody conjugate..........  1 mL...............     172.00
Guinea pig antiserum, any agent.........  1 mL...............     189.00
Monoclonal antibody.....................  1 mL...............     229.00
Ovine antiserum, any agent..............  1 mL...............     181.00
Porcine antiserum, any agent............  1 mL...............     157.00
Rabbit antiserum, any agent.............  1 mL...............     185.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.14(b), the user fees for veterinary 
diagnostic tests performed at NVSL FADDL for fiscal year 2005 are as 

                  Test                          Unit           User fee
Agar gel immunodiffusion...............  Test..............       $31.00
Card...................................  Test..............        17.00
Complement fixation....................  Test..............        37.00
Direct immunofluorescent antibody......  Test..............        23.00
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay......  Test..............        27.00
Fluorescent antibody neutralization      Test..............       201.00
 (classical swine fever).
Hemagglutination inhibition............  Test..............        59.00
Immunoperoxidase.......................  Test..............        30.00
Indirect fluorescent antibody..........  Test..............        36.00
In-vitro safety........................  Test..............       589.00
In-vivo safety.........................  Test..............     5,387.00
Latex agglutination....................  Test..............        24.00
Tube agglutination.....................  Test..............        28.00
Virus isolation (oesophageal/            Test..............       186.00
Virus isolation in embryonated eggs....  Test..............       358.00
Virus isolation, other.................  Test..............       160.00
Virus neutralization...................  Test..............        54.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.14(c), the user fees for other veterinary 
diagnostic services performed at NVSL FADDL for fiscal year 2005 are as 

   Veterinary diagnostic service              Unit             User fee
Bacterial isolation................  Test..................      $115.00
Hourly user fee services \1\.......  Hour..................       460.00
Hourly user fee services--Quarter    Quarter hour..........       115.00
Infected cells on chamber slides or  Slide.................        50.00
Reference animal tissues for         Set...................       177.00
Sterilization by gamma radiation...  Can...................     1,799.00
Training (school or technical        Per person per day....       941.00
Virus titration....................  Test..................      115.00
\1\ For all veterinary diagnostic services for which there is no flat
  rate user fee, the hourly rate user fee will be calculated for the
  actual time required to provide the service.

[[Page 53035]]

    As specified in Sec.  130.15(a), the user fees for bacteriology 
isolation and identification tests performed at NVSL (excluding FADDL) 
or other authorized sites for fiscal year 2005 are as follows:

                Test                            Unit            User fee
Bacterial identification, automated.  Isolate................     $50.00
Bacterial identification, non-        Isolate................      84.00
Bacterial isolation.................  Sample.................      34.00
Bacterial serotyping, all other.....  Isolate................      52.00
Bacterial serotyping, Pasteurella     Isolate................      17.00
Bacterial serotyping, Salmonella....  Isolate................      34.00
Bacterial toxin typing..............  Isolate................     112.00
Bacteriology requiring special        Test...................      86.00
DNA fingerprinting..................  Test...................      56.00
DNA/RNA probe.......................  Test...................      79.00
Fluorescent antibody................  Test...................      17.00
Mycobacterium identification          Isolate................     107.00
Mycobacterium identification (gas     Procedure..............      90.00
Mycobacterium isolation, animal       Submission.............     791.00
Mycobacterium isolation, all other..  Submission.............     141.00
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis        Submission.............      67.00
Phage typing, all other.............  Isolate................      39.00
Phage typing, Salmonella enteritidis  Isolate................      22.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.15(b), the user fees for virology 
identification tests performed at NVSL (excluding FADDL) or other 
authorized sites for fiscal year 2005 are as follows:

                 Test                            Unit           User fee
Fluorescent antibody tissue section..  Test...................    $27.00
Virus isolation......................  Test...................     45.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.16(a), the user fees for bacteriology 
serology tests performed at NVSL (excluding FADDL) or other authorized 
sites for fiscal year 2005 are as follows:

                 Test                            Unit           User fee
Brucella ring (BRT)..................  Test...................    $34.00
Brucella ring, heat inactivated        Test...................     34.00
Brucella ring, serial (Serial BRT)...  Test...................     51.00
Buffered acidified plate antigen       Test...................      7.00
Card.................................  Test...................      4.00
Complement fixation..................  Test...................     15.00
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay....  Test...................     15.00
Indirect fluorescent antibody........  Test...................     13.00
Microscopic agglutination--includes    Sample.................     22.00
 up to 5 serovars.
Microscopic agglutination--each        Sample.................      4.00
 serovar in excess of 5 serovars.
Particle concentration fluorescent     Test...................     34.00
 immunoassay (PCFIA).
Plate................................  Test...................      7.00
Rapid automated presumptive..........  Test...................      6.00
Rivanol..............................  Test...................      7.00
Tube agglutination...................  Test...................      7.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.16(b), the user fees for virology 
serology tests performed at NVSL (excluding FADDL) or at authorized 
sites for fiscal year 2005 are as follows:

                Test                            Unit            User fee
Agar gel immunodiffusion............  Test...................     $15.00
Complement fixation.................  Test...................      15.00
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay...  Test...................      15.00
Hemagglutination inhibition.........  Test...................      13.00
Indirect fluorescent antibody.......  Test...................      13.00
Latex agglutination.................  Test...................      15.00
Peroxidase linked antibody..........  Test...................      14.00

[[Page 53036]]

Plaque reduction neutralization.....  Test...................      17.00
Rabies fluorescent antibody           Test...................      42.00
Virus neutralization................  Test...................      12.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.17(a), the user fees for veterinary 
diagnostic tests performed at the Pathobiology Laboratory at NVSL 
(excluding FADDL) or at authorized sites for fiscal year 2005 are as 

                Test                            Unit            User fee
Aflatoxin quantitation..............  Test...................     $28.00
Aflatoxin screen....................  Test...................      27.00
Agar gel immunodiffusion spp.         Test...................      12.00
Antibiotic (bioautography)            Test...................      61.00
Antibiotic (bioautography) screen...  Test...................     112.00
Antibiotic inhibition...............  Test...................      61.00
Arsenic.............................  Test...................      16.00
Ergot alkaloid screen...............  Test...................      61.00
Ergot alkaloid confirmation.........  Test...................      80.00
Feed microscopy.....................  Test...................      61.00
Fumonisin only......................  Test...................      35.00
Gossypol............................  Test...................      92.00
Mercury.............................  Test...................     135.00
Metals screen.......................  Test...................      41.00
Metals single element confirmation..  Test...................      12.00
Mycotoxin: aflatoxin--liver.........  Test...................     112.00
Mycotoxin screen....................  Test...................      44.00
Nitrate/nitrite.....................  Test...................      61.00
Organic compound confirmation.......  Test...................      82.00
Organic compound screen.............  Test...................     141.00
Parasitology........................  Test...................      27.00
Pesticide quantitation..............  Test...................     123.00
Pesticide screen....................  Test...................      56.00
pH..................................  Test...................      25.00
Plate cylinder......................  Test...................      92.00
Selenium............................  Test...................      41.00
Silicate/carbonate disinfectant.....  Test...................      61.00
Temperature disks...................  Test...................     122.00
Toxicant quantitation, other........  Test...................     103.00
Toxicant screen, other..............  Test...................      31.00
Vomitoxin only......................  Test...................      49.00
Water activity......................  Test...................      31.00
Zearaleone quantitation.............  Test...................      49.00
Zearaleone screen...................  Test...................      27.00

    As specified in Sec.  130.18(a), the user fees for bacteriology 
reagents produced by the Diagnostic Bacteriology Laboratory at NVSL 
(excluding FADDL) or other authorized sites for fiscal year 2005 are as 

               Reagent                          Unit            User fee
Anaplasma card test antigen.........  2 mL...................     $89.00
Anaplasma card test kit without       Kit....................     119.00
Anaplasma CF antigen................  2 mL...................      46.00
Anaplasma stabilate.................  4.5 mL.................     165.00
Avian origin bacterial antiserums...  1 mL...................      44.00
Bacterial agglutinating antigens      5 mL...................      51.00
 other than brucella and salmonella
Bacterial conjugates................  1 mL...................      90.00
Bacterial disease CF antigens, all    1 mL...................      27.00
Bacterial ELISA antigens............  1 mL...................      27.00
Bacterial or protozoal, antiserums,   1 mL...................      56.00
 all other.
Bacterial reagent culture \1\.......  Culture................      68.00
Bacterial reference culture \2\.....  Culture................     213.00
Bacteriophage reference culture.....  Culture................     161.00
Bovine serum factor.................  1 mL...................      17.00
Brucella abortus CF antigen.........  60 mL..................     141.00
Brucella agglutination antigens, all  60 mL..................     141.00
Brucella buffered plate antigen.....  60 mL..................     161.00
Brucella canis tube antigen.........  25 mL..................     105.00
Brucella card test antigen            Package................      84.00
Brucella card test kit without        Kit....................     109.00
Brucella cells......................  Gram...................      17.00

[[Page 53037]]

Brucella cells, dried...............  Pellet.................       5.00
Brucella ring test antigen..........  60 mL..................     225.00
Brucella rivanol solution...........  60 mL..................      27.00
Dourine CF antigen..................  1 mL...................      84.00
Dourine stabilate...................  4.5 mL.................     105.00
Equine and bovine origin babesia      1 mL...................     119.00
 species antiserums.
Equine negative control CF antigen..  1 mL...................     272.00
Flazo-orange........................  3 mL...................      12.00
Glanders CF antigen.................  1 mL...................      73.00
Hemoparasitic disease CF antigens,    1 mL...................     505.00
 all other.
Leptospira transport medium.........  10 mL..................       4.00
Monoclonal antibody.................  1 mL...................      90.00
Mycobacterium spp. old tuberculin...  1 mL...................      22.00
Mycobacterium spp. PPD..............  1 mL...................      17.00
Mycoplasma hemagglutination antigens  5 mL...................     168.00
Negative control serums.............  1 mL...................      17.00
Rabbit origin bacterial antiserum...  1 mL...................      48.00
Salmonella pullorum                   5 mL...................      14.00
 microagglutination antigen.
Stabilates, all other...............  4.5 mL.................    640.00
\1\ A reagent culture is a bacterial culture that has been subcultured
  one or more times after being tested for purity and identity. It is
  intended for use as a reagent with a diagnostic test such as the
  leptospiral microagglutination test.
\2\ A reference culture is a bacterial culture that has been thoroughly
  tested for purity and identity. It should be suitable as a master seed
  for future cultures.

    As specified in Sec.  130.18(b), the user fees for virology 
reagents produced by the Diagnostic Virology Laboratory at NVSL 
(excluding FADDL) or at authorized sites for fiscal year 2005 are as 

               Reagent                          Unit            User fee
Antigen, except avian influenza and   2 mL...................     $57.00
 chlamydia psittaci antigens, any.
Avian antiserum except avian          2 mL...................      45.00
 influenza antiserum, any.
Avian influenza antigen, any........  2 mL...................      31.00
Avian influenza antiserum, any......  6 mL...................      96.00
Bovine or ovine serum, any..........  2 mL...................     119.00
Cell culture........................  Flask..................     141.00
Chlamydia psittaci spp. of origin     Panel..................      90.00
 monoclonal antibody panel.
Conjugate, any......................  1 mL...................      68.00
Diluted positive control serum, any.  2 mL...................      23.00
Equine antiserum, any...............  2 mL...................      42.00
Monoclonal antibody.................  1 mL...................      96.00
Other spp. antiserum, any...........  1 mL...................      51.00
Porcine antiserum, any..............  2 mL...................      99.00
Porcine tissue sets.................  Tissue set.............     153.00
Positive control tissues, all.......  2 cm2 section..........      57.00
Rabbit origin antiserum.............  1 mL...................      48.00
Reference virus, any................  0.6 mL.................     169.00
Viruses (except reference viruses),   0.6 mL.................      28.00
 chlamydia psittaci agent or
 chlamydia psittaci antigen, any.

    As specified in Sec.  130.19(a), the user fees for other veterinary 
diagnostic services or materials available from NVSL (excluding FADDL) 
for fiscal year 2005 are as follows:

              Service                         Unit             User fee
Antimicrobial susceptibility test..  Isolate...............       $98.00
Avian safety test..................  Test..................     3,871.00
Check tests, culture...............  Kit1..................       167.00
Check tests, serology, all other...  Kit1..................       337.00
Fetal bovine serum safety test.....  Verification..........     1,078.00
Hourly user fee services: 2
    Hour...........................  Hour..................        84.00
    Quarter hour...................  Quarter hour..........        21.00
    Minimum........................  ......................        25.00
Manual, brucellosis culture........  1 copy................       107.00
Manual, tuberculosis culture         1 copy................       161.00
 (English or Spanish).
Manual, Veterinary mycology........  1 copy................       161.00
Manuals or standard operating        1 copy................        32.00
 procedure (SOP), all other.
Manuals or SOP, per page...........  1 page................         2.00

[[Page 53038]]

Training (school or technical        Per person per day....      310.00
\1\ Any reagents required for the check test will be charged separately.

\2\ For veterinary diagnostic services for which there is no flat rate
  user fee the hourly rate user fee will be calculated for the actual
  time required to provide the service.

    Done in Washington, DC, this 25th day of August 2004.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 04-19809 Filed 8-30-04; 8:45 am]