[Federal Register: December 28, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 248)]
[Page 77716-77718]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Economic Development Administration


Solicitation of Proposals for National Technical Assistance

AGENCY: Economic Development Administration (EDA), Department of 
Commerce (DOC).

ACTION: Notice and request for proposals.


SUMMARY: The Economic Development Administration (EDA) is soliciting 
proposals for the National Technical Assistance Program for Fiscal Year 
(FY) 2006. This notice also announces general policies and application 
procedures for grant-based technical assistance investments that aim to 
increase prosperity by advancing comprehensive, entrepreneurial, and 
innovation-based economic development efforts. The mission of EDA is to 
lead the Federal economic development agenda by promoting

[[Page 77717]]

innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth 
and success in the worldwide economy. Through the National Technical 
Assistance (NTA) program, EDA will work towards fulfilling its mission 
by funding technical assistance projects to promote competitiveness and 
innovation in urban and rural regions throughout the United States and 
its territories. By working in conjunction with its research partners, 
EDA will help states, local governments, and community based 
organizations to achieve their highest economic potential.

DATES: Proposals for funding under this program must be received by the 
EDA representative listed in Section VII.B. of this competitive 
solicitation no later than May 31, 2005 at 4 p.m. (EDT). Proposals 
received after 4 p.m. (EDT) on May 31, 2005, will not be considered for 
funding. By June 15, 2005, EDA will notify proponents whether they will 
be given further funding consideration and will invite successful 
proponents to submit a formal application.

ADDRESSES: National Technical Assistance proposals may be e-mailed to 

    National Technical Assistance proposals may be hand-delivered to: 
Dr. John J. McNamee, U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development 
Administration, Room 1874, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, 
DC 20230; or
    National Technical Assistance proposals may be mailed to: Dr. John 
J. McNamee, U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development 
Administration, Room 7816, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, 
DC 20230, Phone: 202-482-3566; Fax 202-501-4828.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information or for a 
paper copy of the full Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) announcement 
for this request for proposals, contact the appropriate EDA officer 
listed above. The text of the full FFO announcement is available 
through Grants.gov at http://www.grants.gov. EDA's Web site contains 

additional information on its program at

    Electronic Access: The full FFO announcement for the FY 2005 
Economic Development Assistance Programs competition is available 
through Grants.gov at http://www.grants.gov.

    Funding Availability: EDA may use funds appropriated under H.R. 
4814 for the NTA Program. Funds in the amount of $1,122,000 are 
available for the NTA Program for FY 2005. These funds are available 
until expended.
    Statutory Authority: The authority for programs listed below is the 
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 (PWEDA), as amended 
(Pub. L. 89-136, 42 U.S.C. 3121, et seq.), and as most recently amended 
by the Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2004 
(Public Law 108-373).
    CFDA: 11.303 Economic Development--Technical Assistance.
    Eligibility: Eligible applicants for and eligible recipients of EDA 
financial assistance include Economic Development Districts; Indian 
tribes or consortia of Indian tribes; states; cities or other political 
subdivisions; institutions of higher education or consortia of 
institutions of higher education; public or private nonprofit 
organizations or associations acting in cooperation with officials of a 
political subdivision of a state.
    Cost Sharing Requirements: Generally, the amount of the EDA grant 
may not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the project, unless the 
project meets the requirements in 41 U.S.C. 3144. Projects meeting the 
criteria may receive an additional amount that shall not exceed 30 
percent, based on the relative needs of the area in which the project 
will be located. See 42 U.S.C. 3144. While cash contributions are 
encouraged, in-kind contributions, fairly evaluated by EDA, may include 
assumptions of debt and contributions of space, equipment, and services 
and may provide the non-Federal share of the project cost. 42 U.S.C. 
3144. In-kind contributions must be eligible project costs and meet 
applicable Federal cost principles and uniform administrative 
requirements. Id. EDA may supplement the costs of a project up to and 
including 100 percent of such project costs where the applicant is able 
to demonstrate that the project meets the requirements of 42 U.S.C. 
3144(c). Potential applicants should contact the appropriate EDA office 
to make this determination.
    Intergovernmental Review: Applications under this program are not 
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal 

Evaluation and Selection Procedures and Criteria

A. Evaluation and Selection Criteria/Procedures

    To apply for an award under this request, an eligible applicant 
must submit a proposal to EDA during the specified timeframe and in the 
manner provided in Section VII of the FFO. Proposals that do not meet 
all items required as set forth in the FFO will be considered non-
responsive. Non-responsive proposals will not be considered by the 
review panel. Proposals that meet all the requirements will be 
evaluated by a review panel comprised of at least three members, all of 
whom will be full-time Federal employees. The panel evaluates the 
proposals and rates and ranks them using the following criteria of 
approximate equal weight:
    1. Relative severity of the economic problem of the area; 13 CFR 
    2. Quality and Degree of conformance of the scope of work; 13 CFR 
    3. Merits of the activities--13 CFR 304.2(a)(3) As further defined 
by the Investment Policy Guidelines provided below;
    4. Ability to carry out the proposed activities successfully--13 
CFR 304.2(a)(4).
    5. Cost to the Federal Government.

B. Supplemental Evaluation Criteria: Investment Policy Guidelines

    The mission of EDA is to lead the Federal economic development 
agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American 
regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy.
    All potential EDA investments will be analyzed using the following 
five Investment Policy Guidelines, which constitute supplemental 
evaluation criteria of approximate equal weight and which further 
define the criteria provided at 13 CFR 304.2(a)(3).
    1. Be market-based and results driven. An investment will 
capitalize on a region's competitive strengths and will positively move 
a regional economic indicator measured on EDA's Balanced Scorecard, 
such as: an increased number of higher-skill, higher-wage jobs; 
increased tax revenue; or increased private sector investment.
    2. Have strong organizational leadership. An investment will have 
strong leadership, relevant project management experience, and a 
significant commitment of human resources talent to ensure a project's 
successful execution.
    3. Advance productivity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. An 
investment will embrace the principles of entrepreneurship, enhance 
regional clusters, and leverage and link technology innovators and 
local universities to the private sector to create the conditions for 
greater productivity, innovation, and job creation.

[[Page 77718]]

    4. Look beyond the immediate economic horizon, anticipate economic 
changes, and diversify the local and regional economy. An investment 
will be part of an overarching, long term comprehensive economic 
development strategy that enhances a region's success in achieving a 
rising standard of living by supporting existing industry clusters, 
developing emerging new clusters, or attracting new regional economic 
    5. Demonstrate a high degree of commitment by exhibiting:
     High levels of local government or non-profit matching 
funds and private sector leverage.
     Clear and unified leadership and support by local elected 
     Strong cooperation between the business sector, relevant 
regional partners and local, State and Federal governments.
    Selection Factors: The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic 
Development is the Selecting Official, and will in the normal course 
accept the ranking of the proposals recommended by the review panel. 
However, the Assistant Secretary may not make any selection, or he may 
substitute one of the lower rated proposals, if he determines that it 
better meets the overall objectives of PWEDA, as amended.

The Department of Commerce Pre-Award Notification Requirements for 
Grants and Cooperative Agreements

    The Department of Commerce Pre-Award Notification Requirements for 
Grants and Cooperative Agreements contained in the Federal Register 
notice of October 1, 2001 (66 FR 49917), as amended by the Federal 
Register notice published on October 30, 2002 (67 FR 66109), are 
applicable to this solicitation.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    This document contains collection-of-information requirements 
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The use of Form ED-900A 
has been approved by OMB under the control number 0610-0094. 
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to 
respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to 
comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of 
the PRA unless that collection of information displays a currently 
valid OMB control number.

Executive Order 12866

    This notice has been determined to be not significant for purposes 
of Executive Order 12866.

Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)

    It has been determined that this notice does not contain policies 
with federalism implications as that term is defined in Executive Order 

Administrative Procedure Act/Regulatory Flexibility Act

    Prior notice and an opportunity for public comments are not 
required by the Administrative Procedure Act or any other law for rules 
concerning grants, benefits and contracts (5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2)). Because 
notice and opportunity for comment are not required pursuant to 5 
U.S.C. 553 or any other law, the analytical requirements of the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 u.S.C. 601 et seq.) are inapplicable. 
Therefore, a regulatory flexibility analysis has not been prepared.

    Dated: December 21, 2004.
David A. Sampson,
Assistant Secretary for Economic Development.
[FR Doc. 04-28376 Filed 12-27-04; 8:45 am]