[Federal Register: January 30, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 20)]
[Page 4529-4531]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Bureau of Land Management

[OR-115-5900-JE-MQ99; HAG 04-0043]

Notice of Availability of the Timbered Rock Fire Salvage and Elk 
Creek Watershed Restoration Final Environmental Impact Statement; 
Medford District, Oregon

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management.

ACTION: Notice of availability.


SUMMARY: In accordance with Section 202 of the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1970 (NEPA), a FEIS has been prepared by the Bureau of 
Land Management (BLM), Medford District, to analyze possible salvage 
opportunities resulting from the Timbered Rock Fire and proposed 
restoration projects designed to move resource conditions closer to the 
desired future conditions identified in the Medford District Resource 
Management Plan, Northwest Forest Plan, Elk Creek Watershed Analysis, 
and the South Cascades Late-Successional Reserve Assessment. The 
subject lands were designated Late-Successional Reserve in the 
Northwest Forest Plan. Restoration projects are designed to accelerate 
establishment or protection of late-successional forest conditions. 
Scientific debate surrounds the fire salvage issue and related NEPA 
documentation is continually challenged. In response to these disputes, 
an alternative was developed including scientific investigations that 
could be implemented within the Late-Successional Reserve to respond to 
these controversial issues related to salvage of fire-killed trees or 
fire effects on critical resources. The FEIS addresses whether to 
pursue salvage, levels of snags and coarse wood debris to be retained, 
and restoration projects on BLM-administered lands within and adjacent 
to the Late-Successional Reserve and Elk Creek Watershed.

DATES: The period of availability for public review of the FEIS ends 30 
days after publication of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. At that time 
public comments will be reviewed and considered in the decision making 

ADDRESSES: Written comments on the document should be addressed to 
Timbered Rock EIS, 3040 Biddle Road, Medford, Oregon, 97504; or e-mail 
or110treis@or.blm.gov. Copies will be available at the Jackson and 
Josephine County libraries, and on the Timbered Rock Fire Salvage and 
Elk Creek Watershed Restoration Web site at http://www.or.blm.gov/Medford/TimbrockEIS/index.htm.
 Copies of the FEIS will be mailed to 

individuals, agencies, or companies who previously requested copies. A 
limited number of copies of the document will be available at the 
Medford District Office, 3040 Biddle Road, Medford, Oregon, 97504. 
Pursuant to 7 CFR Part 1, Subpart B, Section 1.27, all written and 
electronic submissions in response to this notice, public scoping 
letters, and draft and final Environmental Impact Statements will be 
made available for public review at the Medford District Office during 
regular hours (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
holidays) including the submitter's name and address.
    Individuals may request confidentiality with respect to their name, 
address, and phone number. If you wish to have your name or street 
address withheld form public review, or from disclosure under the 
Freedom of Information Act, the first line of the comment should start 
with the words ``CONFIDENTIALITY REQUESTED'' in uppercase letters in 
order for the BLM to comply with your request. Such request will be 
honored to the extent allowed by law. Comments content will not be kept 
confidential. All submissions from organizations or businesses, and 
from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials 
of organizations or businesses will be available for public inspection 
in their entirety.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jean Williams at (541) 944-6620 or 
John Bergin at (541) 840-9989.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FEIS addresses seven alternatives for 
possible salvage opportunities and proposed restoration projects 
designed to move resource conditions closer to the desired future 
conditions identified in the Northwest Forest Plan, Elk Creek Watershed 
Analysis, and the South Cascades Late-Successional Reserve Assessment. 
Two types of salvage, area and roadside are discussed in Alternatives C 
through G. Alternatives A and B proposes no salvage. Alternatives C, D 
and G were designed using specific guidance relating to post-fire 
salvage and/or Late-Successional Reserve guidelines. Roadside salvage 
is designed to reduce existing or potential public safety concerns 
while recovering economic value. Included in the design of Alternative 
G, the Preferred Alternative, is research to evaluate mixed-species 
reforestation plantings to identify and characterize temporal patterns 
of vegetation structural development and species diversity; to assess 
temporal dynamics of fuels loading and fire risk; and to determine 
impacts of snag retention on survival and growth of planted and 
naturally regenerated trees. Also included in Alternative G is research 
designed to evaluate various snag retention levels on wildlife species 
(birds and small mammals).
    Four levels of restoration projects are proposed in the six action 
alternatives: focused, moderate, extensive and focused within the fire 
perimeter only. The restoration varies by the scope of the projects 
(acres, miles of roads, etc.), intensity of the treatments, and 
location of the treatments. Restoration projects are located both 
within the Timbered Rock Fire perimeter and outside the fire area. Most 
projects are located within the Elk Creek Watershed; however, a 
proposed eagle nest project and some fuel management zone projects are 
located on ridge tops within adjacent watersheds. Projects are based on 
recommendations presented in the Late-Successional Reserve Assessment 
and/or Elk Creek Watershed Analysis, or were developed to address 
specific issues.
    Projects proposed within the fire area focus on road projects to 
reduce existing and potential sedimentation from the road network, fish 
improvement projects, development of Fuel Management Zones, and 
reducing future hazardous fuel conditions within existing Northern 
Spotted Owl activity centers. Reforestation of the burned area was 
assessed in the Emergency Stabilization/Rehabilitation Plan 
Environmental Assessment. Alternatives A and E follow these 

[[Page 4530]]

Other approaches to reforestation are presented in Alternatives B, C, 
D, F, and G. A reforestation study is included which would evaluate a 
variety of planting densities, species, and follow-up treatments in 
both salvage and unsalvaged areas in alternative G. This reforestation 
research could be incorporated into any alternative. The FEIS analyzes 
in detail the following seven alternatives:

Alternative A--No Action--Continuation of current management, follow 
the Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation Plan as planned for the 
Timbered Rock Fire

    No restoration projects are proposed, but rehabilitation and 
stabilization projects proposed in the Timbered Rock Fire Emergency 
Stabilization and Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment would 
be implemented.

Alternative B--No Salvage and Focused Restoration Emphasis

    Emphasis is placed on reducing vegetative competition in over-
stocked stands with density management treatments, fuels reduction 
treatments, and pine habitat restoration. Areas proposed for treatment 
are generally those in most need of reducing competing vegetation. 
Within the fire perimeter, restoration would focus on high priority 
road work. Restoration actions would focus on non-commercial projects, 
designed to accelerate the growth of trees in stands to promote late-
successional conditions with a variety of size classes. Species 
diversity would be maintained to promote connectivity between owl 
activity sites and develop late-successional forest characteristics.
Alternative C--Salvage Following South Cascade Late-Successional 
Reserve Assessment Guidelines and Moderate Restoration Emphasis Area 
salvage emphasis is proposed in high and moderate burn severity areas 
greater than 10 acres where the fire resulted in a stand-replacement 
event. Alternative C salvage is based on guidelines from the Late-
Successional Reserve Assessment for snag and coarse woody debris 
retention. Area salvage on 247 acres and roadside hazard tree removal 
on 1,078 acres would harvest an estimated 8.6 million board feet 
(MMBF). Restoration projects include fish habitat improvement, Late-
Successional Reserve thinning, pine and oak woodlands restoration, 
reforestation of stand-replacement areas greater than 5 acres, fuels 
reduction along ridgelines, wildlife habitat enhancement projects, and 
road improvement projects.

Alternative D--Late-Successional Reserve Guidelines for Salvage Using 
DecAID Wood Advisor Tool for Snags and Course Woody Debris (CWD) and 
Moderate Restoration Emphasis

    Area salvage emphasis is proposed in high and moderate burn 
severity areas greater than 10 acres where the fire resulted in a 
stand-replacement event. Instead of following LSRA salvage guidelines, 
snag and coarse woody debris retention levels in this alternative are 
based on the DecAID Wood Advisor tool. Area salvage on 820 acres and 
roadside hazard tree removal on 1,064 acres would harvest an estimated 
21.0 MMBF. Restoration projects would be the same as Alternative C.

Alternative E--High Level of Salvage and Extensive Restoration Emphasis

    Area salvage emphasis is proposed in high, moderate, low and very 
low burned severity areas. Area salvage on 3,269 acres and roadside 
hazard tree removal on 536 acres would harvest an estimated 29.4 MMBF. 
Snag retention levels within the high and moderate burn severity areas 
would be 6-14 snags/acre. This is based on study by Haggard and Gaines 
(2001) which found the highest diversity in cavity nesting species and 
the highest number of nests where snag densities ranged from 6-14 
snags/acre. Snag retention within the low and very low burn severity 
areas with canopy cover greater than 40 percent would be 4 snags/acre. 
The course woody debris level in this alternative would be a minimum of 
120 linear feet/acre. Extensive restoration would increase the scope of 
the projects (acres, miles of roads, etc.), intensity of the 
treatments, and location of the treatments identified in Alternative C 
and D. Alternative E also proposes seasonal closure of some roads.

Alternative F--Salvage Logging and Post-fire rehabilitation actions 
consistent with report on Recommendations for Ecologically Sound Post-
Fire Salvage Management and Other Post-Fire Treatments on Federal Lands 
in the West (Beschta, et al. 1995)

    Area salvage emphasis is based on recommendations to avoid severely 
burned areas, erosive sites, fragile soils, riparian areas, steep 
slopes, or sites where accelerated erosion is possible. Existing snags 
and course woody debris levels would be retained on all these areas. 
Salvage would occur in 3-10 acre patches of fire-killed trees. Within 
each of these patches, a minimum of 2 acres would be reserved from 
salvage, retaining all snags and course woody debris. Area salvage on 
213 acres and roadside hazard tree removal on 1,182 acres would harvest 
an estimated 8.0 MMBF. The Beschta, et al. report does not address 
actions outside of a burned area. As a result, no Late-Successional 
Reserve restoration actions are proposed. However, restoration projects 
within the fire perimeter, consistent with Beschta, et al. report are 

Alternative G--Preferred Alternative--Salvage Including Research and 
Moderate Restoration Emphasis

    Alternative G includes two approaches to area salvage; research 
based and salvage of those areas remaining. Research area salvage 
emphasis is designed to study the effects of various snag levels on 
selected wildlife species (birds and small mammals). Twelve units were 
selected to be included in this study. These units are generally 30 
acres or greater. Four units would be salvaged leaving six snags per 
acre greater than 20[sec] diameter at breast height (DBH). Another four 
units would salvage 70 percent of the unit leaving six snags per acre 
greater than 20 DBH, with the remaining 30 percent being unsalvaged. In 
addition, four control units would not be salvaged. Salvage would be on 
282 acres for an estimated 7.4 MMBF. A reforestation study is also 
included, which would evaluate a variety of planting densities, 
species, and follow-up treatments in both salvaged and unsalvaged 
areas. The remaining area salvage would focus on stand replacement 
areas (high and moderate burn severity) greater than 10 acres. Salvage 
would be on 679 acres and roadside hazard tree removal on 1,188 acres 
would harvest an estimated 16.0 MMBF.
    Snag and course woody debris levels would meet DecAid Wood Advisor 
recommendations. Retained snags would be clumped together, instead of 
scattered throughout the unit. Restoration projects would be the same 
as Alternatives C and D. Alternative G also proposes seasonal closure 
of some roads.
    The information contained in the Final EIS has been updated based 
upon new information collected since publication of the DEIS and to add 
clarity based upon public comments or internal review. In addition, 
letters received during the public comment period and our responses to 
substantive comments have been incorporated into the Final EIS as 
Chapter 5.
    It is not the intent of this project to change land use 
allocations, nor

[[Page 4531]]

Standard and Guidelines made through the Northwest Forest Plan and 
later adopted through the Medford District Resource Management Plan. 
Alternative G, the Preferred Alternative, has been determined to be 
consistent with the Northwest Forest Plan and Medford District Resource 
Management Plan.

Timothy B. Reuwsaat,
Medford District Manager.
[FR Doc. 04-2049 Filed 1-29-04; 8:45 am]