[Federal Register: August 10, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 153)]
[Page 48498]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation; 
Medicare Program; Meeting of the Technical Advisory Panel on Medicare 
Trustee Reports

AGENCY: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS.

ACTION: Notice of meeting.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a public meeting of the Technical 
Advisory Panel on Medicare Trustee Reports (Panel). Notice of this 
meeting is given under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. 
App. 2, section 10(a)(1) and (a)(2)). The Panel will discuss the long-
term rate of change in health spending and may make recommendations to 
the Medicare Trustees on how the Trustees might more accurately 
estimate health spending in the long run. The Panel's discussion is 
expected to be very technical in nature and will focus on the actuarial 
and economic methods by which Trustees might more accurately measure 
health spending. Although panelists are not limited in the topics they 
may discuss, the Panel is not expected to discuss or recommend changes 
in current or future Medicare provider payment rates or coverage 
policy. This notice also announces the appointment of seven individuals 
to serve as members of the Panel.

DATES: August 27, 2004, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. e.d.t.

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at HHS headquarters at 200 
Independence Ave., SW., 20201, Room 425A.
    Comments: The meeting will allocate time on the agenda to hear 
public comments. In lieu of oral comments, formal written comments may 
be submitted for the record to Andrew Cosgrove, OASPE, 200 Independence 
Ave., SW., 20201, Room 443F.8. Those submitting written comments should 
identify themselves and any relevant organizational affiliations.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Andrew Cosgrove (202) 205-8681, 
andrew.cosgrove@hhs.gov. Note: Although the meeting is open to the 
public, procedures governing security procedures and the entrance to 
Federal buildings may change without notice. Those wishing to attend 
the meeting should call or e-mail Mr. Cosgrove by August 20, 2004, so 
that their name may be put on a list of expected attendees and 
forwarded to the security officers at HHS Headquarters.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On April 22, 2004, we published a notice 
announcing the establishment and requesting nominations for individuals 
to serve on the Panel. This notice also announces the appointment of 
seven individuals to serve as members of the Panel. They are: Mark 
Pauly, Edwin Hustead, Alice Rosenblatt, Michael Chernew, David Meltzer, 
John Bertko, and William Scanlon.
    Topics of the Meeting: The Panel is specifically charged with 
discussing and possibly making recommendations to the Medicare Trustees 
on how the Trustees might more accurately estimate the long term rate 
of health spending in the United States. The discussion is expected to 
focus on highly technical aspects of estimation involving economics and 
actuarial science. Panelists are not restricted, however, in the topics 
that they choose to discus.
    Procedure and Agenda: This meeting is open to the public. First, 
the appointees will be sworn in by a Federal official. Each Panel 
member will then be given an opportunity to make a self-introduction. 
The Panel will likely hear presentations from HHS staff introducing 
them to the topic. After any presentations, the Commission will 
deliberate openly on the topic. Interested persons may observe the 
deliberations, but the Panel will not hear public comments during this 
time. The Commission will also allow an open public session for any 
attendee to address issues specific to the topic.

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 217a; Section 222 of the Public Health 
Services Act, as amended. The panel is governed by provisions of 
Public Law 92-463, as amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), which sets 
forth standards for the formation and use of advisory committees.

    Dated: August 4, 2004.
Michael J. O'Grady,
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.
[FR Doc. 04-18213 Filed 8-9-04; 8:45 am]