[Federal Register: December 14, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 239)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 74412-74413]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2004-18579; Directorate Identifier 2004-CE-19-AD; 
Amendment 39-13892; AD 2004-23-01]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC-7 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule; correction.


SUMMARY: This document makes a correction to Airworthiness Directive 
(AD) 2004-23-01, which was published in the Federal Register on 
November 9, 2004 (69 FR 64832), and applies to certain Pilatus Aircraft 
Ltd. (Pilatus) Model PC-7 airplanes with any Lear Romec RR53710B type 
or Lear Romec RR53710K fuel booster pump (Pilatus part number 
968.84.11.401; 968.84.11.403; or 968.84.11.404) installed. We 
incorrectly referenced the amendment number as Amendment 39-13856. The 
correct amendment number is Amendment 39-13892. This action corrects 
the regulatory text.

DATES: The effective date of this AD remains December 27, 2004.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Doug Rudolph, Aerospace Engineer, FAA, 
Small Airplane Directorate, 901 Locust, Room 301, Kansas City, Missouri 
64106; telephone: (816) 329-4059; facsimile: (816) 329-4090.



    On September 8, 2004, FAA issued AD 2004-23-01, Amendment 39-13856

[[Page 74413]]

(69 FR 64832, November 9, 2004), which applies to certain Pilatus 
Aircraft Ltd. (Pilatus) Model PC-7 airplanes with any Lear Romec 
RR53710B type or Lear Romec RR53710K fuel booster pump (Pilatus part 
number 968.84.11.401; 968.84.11.403; or 968.84.11.404) installed.
    This AD requires you to check the airplane logbook to determine 
whether any installed fuel booster pump has been modified with spiral 
wrap to protect the wire leads and has the suffix letter ``B'' added to 
the serial number of the fuel booster pump identification plate.
    If any installed fuel booster pump has not been modified, you are 
required to inspect any installed fuel booster pump wire lead for 
defects; if defects are found, replace the fuel booster pump with a 
modified fuel booster pump with spiral wrap that protects the wire 
leads; or if no defects are found, install spiral wrap to protect any 
wire leads and add the suffix letter ``B'' to the serial number of the 
fuel booster pump identification plate.
    The pilot is allowed to do the logbook check. If the pilot can 
positively determine that the fuel booster pump wire leads with spiral 
wrap are installed following the service information and that the 
suffix letter ``B'' is included in the serial number of the fuel 
booster pump identification plate, no further action is required.

Need for the Correction

    The FAA incorrectly referenced the amendment number as Amendment 
39-13856. The correct amendment number is Amendment 39-13892. This 
correction is needed to ensure that the amendment number is correct and 
to eliminate misunderstanding in the field.

Correction of Publication

    Accordingly, the publication of November 9, 2004 (69 FR 64832), of 
Amendment 39-13856; AD 2004-23-01, which was the subject of FR Doc. 04-
24717, is corrected as follows:
    On page 64832, column 1, lines 18 and 19, replace Amendment 39-
13856 with Amendment 39-13892.

Sec.  39.13  [Corrected]

On page 64833, in Sec.  39.13 [Amended], revise the phrase ``Amendment 
39-13856'' to read, ``Amendment 39-13892''.

Action is taken herein to correct this reference in AD 2004-23-01 and 
to add this AD correction to Sec.  39.13 of the Federal Aviation 
Regulations (14 CFR 39.13).
    The effective date remains December 27, 2004.

    Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on December 8, 2004.
Sandra J. Campbell,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 04-27320 Filed 12-13-04; 8:45 am]