[Federal Register: March 2, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 41)]
[Page 9820-9821]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Energy Technology Laboratory; Notice of Availability of 
a Funding Opportunity Announcement

AGENCY: National Energy Technology Laboratory, Department of Energy 

ACTION: Notice of availability of a funding opportunity announcement.


SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the intent to issue Funding 
Opportunity Announcement No. DE-PS26-04NT42067 entitled ``Pilot Scale 
Demonstrations of Cost Effective NOX Control for Coal-Fired 
Electric Utility Boilers in Response to Multi-Pollutant Legislation''. 
The Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory 
(NETL), through its Innovations for Existing Plants (IEP) Program is 
seeking applications for cost-shared research and development of 
advanced pulverized coal NOX control technologies at the 
pilot-scale and field testing-scale. The focus of these technologies is 
to reduce energy consumption and balance of plant issues and improve 
the associated capital and operating costs while burning a high 
volatile bituminous coal when compared to current state-of-the-art 
NOX control technologies. This

[[Page 9821]]

research is to be innovative when compared to technologies that are 
currently being implemented and demonstrated at the commercial-scale. 
Additionally, the offered projects need to have successfully completed 
laboratory/bench-scale or prior pilot-scale testing and these results 
are required to clearly demonstrate the technology's capabilities and 
cost benefits. The applications should address the NOX 
research priorities identified by the joint Department of Energy, the 
Electric Power Research Institute, and the Coal Utilization Research 
Council Clean Coal Technology Roadmap: http://www.netl.doe.gov/coalpower/ccpi/pubs/CCT-Roadmap.pdf

DATES: The funding opportunity announcement will be available on the 
``Industry Interactive Procurement System'' (IIPS) Web page located at 
http://e-center.doe.gov on or about February 13, 2004. Applicants can 

obtain access to the funding opportunity announcement from the address 
above or through DOE/NETL's Web site at http://www.netl.doe.gov/business

ADDRESSES: Questions and comments regarding the content of the 
announcement should be submitted through the ``Submit Question'' 
feature of IIPS at http://e-center.doe.gov. Locate the announcement on 

IIPS and then click on the ``Submit Question'' button. You will receive 
an electronic notification that your question has been answered. 
Responses to questions may be viewed through the ``View Questions'' 
feature. If no questions have been answered, a statement to that effect 
will appear. You should periodically check ``View Questions'' for new 
questions and answers.

Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, P.O. Box 
10940, 626 Cochrans Mill Road, E-mail Address: Mary.Price@netl.doe.gov, 
Telephone Number: 412-386-6179.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The funding opportunity announcement 
addresses the need for strategic research, development, and testing of 
efficient, cost-effective NOX control technologies, 
processes and concepts that are to be retrofitted to existing 
pulverized coal-fired electric utility boilers. This effort is to focus 
primarily on combustion systems capable of controlling NOX 
emissions to a level below 0.15 lbs/million Btu and advanced SCR 
concepts that achieve 90% NOX reductions based on inlet 
NOX levels of 0.10 to 0.40 lbs/million Btu. A levelized cost 
savings on a dollar-per-ton of NOX removed of at least 25% 
over the current state-of-the-art SCR should be demonstrated by these 
technologies. The applications should also address the impact of these 
advanced technologies on related issues such as unburned carbon, 
waterwall wastage, heat transfer surface fouling, sulfur trioxide 
generation, and mercury speciation and capture where appropriate.
    In conducting this development effort, data is sought to: (1) 
Verify technology performance in terms of NOX reduction, (2) 
determine preliminary process/equipment and operating costs, (3) 
quantify potential balance-of-plant (BOP) impacts, (4) develop process 
monitoring/control tools to assist in management of NOX 
control equipment, and (5) measure and assess potential mercury control 
associated with multiple pollutant or co-control technology.
    This announcement focuses on the following program areas of 
interest: (1) Advanced Combustion Concepts; (2) SCR Catalyst 
Developments; and (3) Enhanced Mercury Oxidation in the Combustor. 
Applications can only be submitted to one of these three areas of 
interest. Approximately $3,500,000 in total funding is expected to be 
available under this announcement and the DOE anticipates awarding 
between three and six cooperative agreements. A cost share commitment 
of at least 25 percent from non-federal sources is required for 
research and development projects.
    Once released, the funding opportunity announcement will be 
available for downloading from the IIPS Internet page. At this Internet 
site you will also be able to register with IIPS, enabling you to 
submit an application. If you need technical assistance in registering 
or for any other IIPS function, call the IIPS Help Desk at (800) 683-
0751 or E-mail the Help Desk personnel at IIPS_HelpDesk@e-
center.doe.gov. The funding opportunity announcement will only be made 
available in IIPS, no hard (paper) copies of the funding opportunity 
announcement and related documents will be made available. Telephone 
requests, written requests, E-mail requests, or facsimile requests for 
a copy of the funding opportunity announcement will not be accepted 
and/or honored. Applications must be prepared and submitted in 
accordance with the instructions and forms contained in the 
announcement. The actual funding opportunity announcement document will 
allow for requests for explanation and/or interpretation.

    Issued in Pittsburgh, PA on February 18, 2004.
Dale A. Siciliano,
Director, Acquisition and Assistance Division.
[FR Doc. 04-4582 Filed 3-1-04; 8:45 am]