The Right Choice, Say no to gangs and drugs in Arizona Indian Country banner with United States Attorney's Office District of Arizona and Arizona Indian Country gang task force logos
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WARNING: This website contains some graphic content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Criminal Street Gangs are a modern-day epidemic in Indian Country.  They bring dangerous drugs, violence, and pain to communities all over Arizona.  They undermine proud and ancient cultures with a violent imported culture that assaults families and spreads negative and illegal activity wherever they go.  It’s time to fight this negative influence and recapture our communities.

Click map to enlarge. 

Arizona Indian Country mapNative communities throughout Arizona are doing something about it, and you can too!  Whether you are a young person, a parent or grandparent, a teacher or a police officer, or a tribal leader, you can get involved and make a difference. 


This 22-minute educational video was developed through a partnership between the United States Attorney’s Office in Arizona and the Arizona Indian Country Gang Task Force.  It was paid for from assets seized from criminals and distributed through the U.S. Department of Justice.


Watch this video.  Share it with friends and colleagues.  Contact the U.S. Attorney’s Office to obtain a DVD copy for your use in schools, community centers, or anywhere where you can reach people with this real life look at the negative influence of gangs and the triumph of native spirit. 

THE RIGHT CHOICE and get involved!


View the video here.

Video Clip

Right Choice logo with Arizona landscape

To obtain a copy of the video on DVD, contact the
U.S. Attorney's Office-District of Arizona, Law Enforcement Coordinator
Wyn Hornbuckle 602-514-7573


                   ©2008  U.S. Attorney's Office - District of Arizona