[Federal Register: January 20, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 12)]
[Page 2709-2711]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. EF04-5182-000, et al.]

United States Department of Energy, et al.; Electric Rate and 
Corporate Filings

January 12, 2004.
    The following filings have been made with the Commission. The 
filings are listed in ascending order within each docket 

1. United States Department of Energy--Western Area Power 

[Docket No. EF04-5182-000]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, as amended on January 8, 2004, 
the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Energy, by Rate Order No. 
WAPA-106, did confirm and approve on an interim basis, to be effective 
on March 1, 2004, ending February 28, 2009, the Western Area Power 
Administration's Rate Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-AS1, L-AS2, 
L-AS3, L-AS4, L-AS5, L-AS6, and L-AS7 for Loveland Area Projects 
Transmission and Ancillary Services.
    The Deputy Secretary of the Department of Energy states that these 
rates will be in effect pending the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission's (Commission) approval of these or of substitute rates on a 
final basis through February 28, 2009.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

2. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.

[Docket No. EL02-111-010]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. 
(PJM), in compliance with the Commission's November 17 Order in Docket 
No. EL01-111-004, et al., 105 FERC 61,212 (2003), on behalf of itself 
and the Transmission Owners Agreement Administrative Committee, filed 
revisions to the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff, to eliminate 
through-and-out rates for transactions sinking within the Combined 
Region, as defined in the November 17 Order, other than transactions 
pursuant to long-term firm transmission reservations effective before 
April 1, 2004. PJM states that the compliance tariff sheets have an 
effective date of April 1, 2004, as established by the November 17 
    PJM states that copies of this filing have been served on all PJM 
members and utility regulatory commissions in the PJM Region and on all 
parties listed on the official service list compiled by the Secretary 
in this proceeding.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

3. Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.

[Docket Nos. EL02-111-011]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, the Midwest Independent 
Transmission System Operator, Inc. (Midwest ISO), pursuant to the 
Commission's November 17, 2003, Order in Docket No. EL02-111-004, et 
al., submitted for filing revisions to its Open Access Transmission 
Tariff (OATT) to eliminate certain Regional Through and Out Rates 
(RTORs) for new transactions sinking in the areas served by the tariffs 
of the

[[Page 2710]]

Midwest ISO, PJM Interconnection L.L.C. (PJM), American Electric Power 
System (AEP) (but only for transactions in the ``AEP East Zone'' as 
that term is defined in AEP's tariff), Commonwealth Edison Company and 
Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana (ComEd), Illinois Power Company 
(Illinois Power), Dayton Power and Light Company (DP&L), and Ameren 
Operating Companies (Ameren) (collectively, as the Combined Region), to 
become effective as of April 1, 2004.
    The Midwest ISO has also requested waiver of the service 
requirements set forth in 18 CFR 385.2010. The Midwest ISO states it 
has electronically served a copy of this filing, with attachments, upon 
all Midwest ISO Members, Member representatives of Transmission Owners 
and Non-Transmission Owners, the Midwest ISO Advisory Committee 
participants, as well as all state commissions within the region and in 
addition, the filing has been electronically posted on the Midwest 
ISO's Web site at http://www.midwestiso.org under the heading ``Filings 

to FERC'' for other interested parties in this matter. The Midwest ISO 
further states it will provide hard copies to any interested parties 
upon request.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

4. American Electric Power Service Corporation, Commonwealth Edison 
Company, Dayton Power and Light Company

[Docket Nos. EL03-212-005]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, American Electric Power 
Service Corporation on behalf of Appalachian Power Service Company, 
Columbus Southern Power Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company, 
Kentucky Power Company, Kingsport Power Company, Ohio Power Company and 
Wheeling Power Company (AEP), Commonwealth Edison Company and 
Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc. (ComEd) and Dayton Power 
and Light Company (DP&L) tendered for filing revisions to their 
respective Open Access Transmission Tariffs in compliance with the 
Commission's Order issued on November 17, 2003, in Docket Nos. EL03-
212-000 and 001, 105 FERC Sec.  61,216 (2003).
    AEP, ComEd and DP&L state that they have served copies of this 
filing on all parties on the service list for this proceeding, as well 
as on state public utility commissions having jurisdiction over the 
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

5. Ameren Services Company

[Docket No. EL03-212-006]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, Ameren Services Company 
(Ameren) filed revisions to its open access transmission tariff (OATT) 
to comply with the Commission's Order, issued November 17, 2003, Docket 
Nos. EL03-212-000 and 001. Ameren proposes, effective April 1, 2004, to 
eliminate through and out rates for transactions exiting the Ameren 
system and sinking in the areas served by the open access transmission 
tariffs of the Midwest Independent System Operator Inc., PJM 
Interconnection, L.L.C.,
    American Electric Power Company (East Zone), Commonwealth Edison 
Company and Commonwealth Edison Company Indiana, Dayton Power and Light 
Company and Illinois Power Company. The exceptions are long term firm 
transactions already in effect on April 1, 2004 which will continue to 
pay the current rates under the Ameren OATT. Ameren states that it has 
served copies of this filing on all of the parties listed in the 
official service list maintained in Docket No. EL03-212-000, the 
Missouri Public Service Commission and the Illinois Commerce 
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

6. InterGen Services, Inc., on Behalf of Cottonwood Energy Company, 
L.P., Complaint v. Entergy Services, Inc. and Entergy Gulf States, 
Inc., Respondent

[Docket No. EL04-51-000]

    Take notice that on January 9, 2004, InterGen Services, Inc., 
(InterGen) filed a Complaint, pursuant to section 206 of the Federal 
Power Act, against Entergy Services, Inc., and Entergy Gulf States, 
Inc. (collectively, Entergy). The Complaint asserts that Entergy is 
violating the Commission's Interconnection Policy by refusing to allow 
InterGen to use its transmission credits in a flexible manner as 
required by Entergy Services, Inc.,
    101 FERC Sec.  61,289 (2002). InterGen states that copies of the 
Complaint were served on Entergy.
    Comment Date: February 2, 2004.

7. PPL Wallingford Energy LLC and Devon Power LLC

[Docket Nos. ER03-421-007 and ER03-563-026]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, PPL Wallingford Energy LLC, in 
compliance with the Commission(s December 22, 2003, Order,105 FERC & 
61,324 a filing providing an explanation of costs allocated to PPL 
Wallingford Energy LLC.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

8. PPL Wallingford Energy LLC and Devon Power LLC, et al.

[Docket Nos. ER03-421-008 and ER03-563-028]

    Take notice that on January 7, 2004, ISO New England Inc. (ISO) 
submitted a Compliance Filing in the above-captioned proceeding as 
directed by the Commission in its December 22, 2003, Order on Rehearing 
and Compliance, 105 FERC 61,324. The ISO states that copies of the 
filing have been served on all parties to the above-captioned 
    Comment Date: January 28, 2004.

9. Devon Power LLC, Middletown Power LLC, Montville Power LLC, Norwalk 
Power LLC and NRG, and Power Marketing Inc.

[Docket No. ER03-563-027]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, Devon Power LLC, Middletown 
Power LLC, Montville Power LLC, Norwalk Power LLC (collectively 
Applicants) and NRG Power Marketing Inc., tendered for filing in 
compliance with the Commission's Order, issued December 22, 2003, 105 
FERC 61,324 Fourth Revised Cost of Service Agreements among each of the 
Applicants, NRG Power Marketing Inc, as agent for each Applicant, and 
ISO New England Inc. (ISO-NE).
    Applicants state that they have served a copy of the filing on ISO-
NE and to each person designated on the official service list compiled 
by the Secretary in the above-captioned proceedings.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

10. Agway Energy Services-PA, Inc.

[Docket No. ER04-284-001]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, Agway Energy Services-PA, Inc. 
(Agway) tendered for filing an Amendment to its Notice of Cancellation 
for its market-based rate authority filed on December 12, 2003. Agway 
is requesting an effective date of December 23, 2003.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

11. Pacific Gas and Electric Company

[Docket Nos. ER04-337-001]

    Take notice that on January 5, 2004, Pacific Gas and Electric 
Company (PG&E) filed an errata to replace an exhibit and correct a 
tariff sheet to its December 24, 2003, filing of Transmission Owner 
Tariff (TO Tariff) rate for the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account 
Adjustment (TRBAA), the Reliability Services (RS) rate, and the 
Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) also 
set forth in its TO Tariff. PG&E states that the errata corrects

[[Page 2711]]

administrative errors in Exhibit 6A and minor typographical errors in 
Appendix II.
    PG&E states that copies of this filing have been served upon the 
California Independent System Operator (ISO), Scheduling Coordinators 
registered with the ISO, Southern California Edison Company, San Diego 
Gas &Electric Company, the California Public Utilities Commission and 
other parties to the official service lists in this docket and recent 
TO Tariff rate cases, FERC Docket Nos. ER01-1639-000, ER03-409-000 and 
    Comment Date: January 26, 2004.

12. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.

[Docket No. ER04-368-000]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. 
(PJM), submitted for filing an executed Construction Service Agreement 
(CSA) among PJM and Borough of Chambersburg, and Monongahela Power 
Company, The Potomac Edison Company, and West Penn Power Company, all 
doing business as Allegheny Power. PJM requests a waiver of the 
Commission's 60-day notice requirement to permit a December 17, 2003, 
effective date for the CSA. PJM states that copies of this filing were 
served upon the parties to the agreements and the state regulatory 
commissions within the PJM region.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

13. Illinois Power Company

[Docket No. ER04-369-000]

    Take notice that on January 2, 2004, Illinois Power Company (IP) 
filed revisions to its open access transmission tariff (OATT) to comply 
with the directives in the Commission's Order issued in Docket Nos. 
EL03-212-000 and 001 on November 17, 2003, 105 FERC 61,216 (2003).
    IP states that it has served copies of this filing on all of the 
parties listed in the official service list maintained in Docket No. 
EL03-212-000, which includes the Illinois Commerce Commission, and all 
of IP's OATT customers.
    Comment Date: January 23, 2004.

14. Western Systems Power Pool, Inc.

[Docket No. ER04-376-000]

    Take notice that on January 6, 2004, the Western Systems Power 
Pool, Inc. (WSPP) submitted a request to amend the WSPP Agreement to 
include Duke Energy Marketing America, LLC (DEMA) as a participant. The 
WSPP seeks an effective date of November 27, 2003.
    WSPP states that copies of this filing will be served upon DEMA. 
WSPP further states that in addition, copies will be emailed to WSPP 
members who have supplied email addresses for the Contract Committee 
and Contacts lists. WSPP states that this filing also has been posted 
on the their home page (http://www.wspp.org) thereby providing notice to all 

WSPP members.
    Comment Date: January 27, 2004.

Standard Paragraph

    Any person desiring to intervene or to protest this filing should 
file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, 
NE., Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with rules 211 and 214 of the 
commission's rules of practice and procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 
385.214). Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining 
the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make 
protestants parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a 
party must file a motion to intervene. All such motions or protests 
should be filed on or before the comment date, and, to the extent 
applicable, must be served on the applicant and on any other person 
designated on the official service list. This filing is available for 
review at the Commission or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site 
at http://www.ferc.gov, using the FERRIS link. 

Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket 
number filed to access the document. For assistance, call (202) 502-
8222 or TTY, (202) 502-8659. Protests and interventions may be filed 
electronically via the Internet in lieu of paper; see 18 CFR 
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions on the Commission's Web site 
under the ``e-Filing'' link. The Commission strongly encourages 
electronic filings.

Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. E4-78 Filed 01-16-04; 8:45 am]